
Major nelson says " We have no plans for Blu-Ray on Xbox 360 "

During an interview yesterday, Steve Ballmer was asked about Blu-Ray and the Xbox 360. I wanted to clear something up. Steve was referring to Blu-Ray accessories for the PC.

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BadboyCivic3605345d ago

ya'll need to make your mind up...

Shadow Flare5345d ago

so 360 is still using dvd's and only dvd's. How old are dvd's now?

HolyOrangeCows5345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

Interviewer: "Are you gonna put Blu-ray in there?"

Ballmer: "Well I don't know if we need to put Blu-ray in there, you'll be able to get blu-ray drives, you'll be able to get Blu-ray drives as accessories"

Elvfam5115345d ago

"I wanted to clear something up. Steve was referring to Blu-Ray accessories for the PC."

There are already blu-ray drives for pc these guys are lost


ThatArtGuy5345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

Introduced in 1996, so 13 years old.

evrfighter5345d ago

ah darn. I would have bought a 360/blu ray bundle.

Oh well I guess. I bet all the people that were lol'ing feel sheepish.

Seferoth755345d ago

"so 360 is still using dvd's and only dvd's. How old are dvd's now?"

How retarded.. That is like me saying.

so Ps3 is still using HD and only HD. How old is HD now? Well about 35 years old now. Time for something better dont you think?

How old something is does not define how long it will last. Sadly I am sure my point was well beyond what you can comprehend

Parapraxis5345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

@ evrfighter, just got hit with a case of mistaken identity. lol.

@ Seferoth75, I'm not sure even you know what the point was that you were trying to make, but anyhow.
Something new huh, other than HD. Well I think the next thing that may catch on is 3D gaming in high def, but I bet it's a long way off...


...oh wait, the PS3 does 3D HD gaming.

evrfighter5345d ago

"you're such a good little MS trooper. "

I know right, considering I own a ps3 and no 360.

Parapraxis5345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

why would you need 2 Blu-ray players? Also, thought you were somebody else
my bad. (bubbles for the blunder)

Alcon5345d ago

If the Xbox gets a Blu-Ray add on it will only be for those that wish to watch BR movies, and not games, otherwise they would have to put BR in the box and not as an add on (would be to weird to have Xboxes with DVD
based games and some other on BR discs). Thats why it would only be an add on. Thats to say only for those that wish to watch some BR movies.
Well at least thats how I understand it.

Gobot5345d ago


Almost as old as 360 users.

djfullshred5345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

yeah, DVD is about 13-14 year old technology. That was about how long VHS lasted until it was phased out by DVD. Just like when I saw a movie on VHS after getting used to DVD, movies on DVD look kinda blurry to me now after being used to blu ray.

rockleex5344d ago (Edited 5344d ago )

So you were going to buy a Bluray add-on for a 360 you don't have? Awesome.

Or were you gonna buy a 360 just so you could buy the Bluray add-on for it? Weird considering you already have a PS3 that could play Bluray movies AND games.

Its also funny how you bash anything PS3 and when people call you out, you claim to be a PC fan.

However, you always praise anything 360. Yet you claim to not even have the system.

Owning a PS3 doesn't make a person any less of a fanboy against that system. But I doubt you even have a PS3 anyways.

Please update your lame fanboy excuses, they never worked and they never will.

ShadowCK5344d ago

Right, So occuring to you fanboys having blu-ray on the Xbox 360 isn't right because it's too late yet when they say blu-ray isn't on the system you decide to bash DVDs?

You guys are full of double standands.

rockleex5344d ago

None of their games will be able to utilize Bluray or HD-DVD.

We criticize the 360 for sticking with last gen storage formats, mainly because it will hold the 360 back from fully exploiting the HD era in terms of videogames.

We also poke fun at Microsoft because they have made it clear that they'll never support Bluray on the 360. Yet here they are confusing themselves over whether they'll have Bluray add-ons or not.

Elaine Benes5344d ago

I bet most of you didnt even read the entire article or the ones that followed.
The 360 isnt getting blu-ray, nor does it need it.

Now the xbox720(or whatever they call it) will probably have bluray, but thats atleast 2-3 years away.

Raz5344d ago

They're caught between licensing a competitor's technology, or losing ground to it. PS3 is gaining a bigger edge, and it's only widening with this 'clarification'.

Keep up, 360... yer laggin' behind...

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 5344d ago
The 15345d ago

No kidding Steve never said they will for sure have Blu-ray add ons he said the solution to Blu-ray could be delivered in more than one way.

Kyur4ThePain5345d ago

Wow. I didn't even know it was a problem.

The 15345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

The lack of full HD content on the 360 can be delivered either way. In Microsoft's opinion DD is the future. Zune video MarketPlace is a solution to a Blu-ray Drive.

Just because you don't care about full HD content doesn't mean others don't. IMO you baited me into some sort of fanboy fight. You wanted me to explain your point, which doesn't make sense with the selective reasoning.

IdleLeeSiuLung5345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

Blu-ray is impressive, but until the prices goes down to less to around $10, I ain't buying. For the price of a blu-ray disc, you can get practically unlimited movies on netflix + streaming to your Xbox 360/PC!

Personally, I only own one Blu-Ray movie, Enter the Dragon!!!

Jeff2575345d ago

Some Blu rays are under 10 dollars now. Also some movies are pretty cheap during their first week. Granted the price does go back up to 30 for newer movies, but as Blu Ray becomes the choice for consumers the price will go down even more. I actually just got Transformers:ROTF from Wal Mart for 19.96 on tues. Also to use netflix on the 360 you still have to pay for Live and even on PC it doesnt do HD. Blu Ray just doesnt have any competition when it comes to the best picture and sound quality right now.

IdleLeeSiuLung5344d ago

You bring up some valid points, but I pay for Live regardless so that is not an issue. However, for the price of one Blu-Ray + change (due to Live subscription) you can rent many movies and get the streaming service.

Unless you have to own the movie on blu-ray, it is a no brainer. Netflix is a better deal!

I find that I own gazillion DVD's now and I never watch them.... Should have saved my money!

Elaine Benes5344d ago (Edited 5344d ago )

and how many times are you going to watch transformers?
i usually wont watch a movie more than 2 times, and even if i do, its not everyday.
Netflix and Zune Marketplace are a much better value than buying discs.

People always say "but how can you build a library?"
um...i have recovered my account at alot of my relatives homes, and when i go to Netflix, I still have access to the same huge library of great movies. With DD's I dont have to worry about scratched discs, lost discs, or people stealing my discs. Plus, I dont have to worry about not having a certain movie, they are all there, and what isnt(rare), can be found on Zune marketplace.

But I still torrent movies on a regular basis(the ones that arent out yet), and stream them via Tversity.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5344d ago
Theoneneo815345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

bu bu but
Upscale DVD is better!

Saaking5345d ago

So do I believe this guy or the CEO of Microsoft? I think the CEO's word holds more power. This is just damage control.

Guitarded5345d ago (Edited 5345d ago )

In the end you will just bash Microsoft either way,so does it really matter. Just as I will bash Sony. The difference between us is, I bash Sony because they cost me money with the 90 day warranty PS2 DRE crap and customer service laughing at me when I asked to have my PS2 repaired after 150 days. Twice! Then used the money from all those resales to put out a $600 Blu-ray player disguised as a game player that is just now getting games worth the now $300 price tag. You on the other hand bash Microsoft because they stole market share from your beloved Sony. How sad are you Sadking?

Saaking5345d ago

That's why you hate Sony? Yet you love MS even though they overcharge for everything, charge for stuff that should be free/included in the system, deliver no good games, and has given you the most failure prone electronic in history? Don't make me laugh.

wuwuwu5344d ago

Sorry, did you just say that the PS3 had better games?!


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5344d ago
MetalGearRising5345d ago

1080p streaming on xbox live is way better than Blu-Ray the picture quality is unmatched by any thing including Blu-Ray. So u ps3 fan boys stick to last gen media while i will be watching 1080p stream.

Theoneneo815345d ago

I have seen 1080P Streaming/Blu Ray and imo Blu ray is better Streaming is Limted to what your IP can do and since the average household mbs is probally 3-5 MBS that doesnt come close to what blu ray can produce.

Sunny_D5345d ago

You do know that not everyone will be able to stream 1080p based on their connections right? HAHAHA! Ms alienating their consumers just like the arcade skus.

ZombieAutopsy5345d ago

near my house to get an 8mbps connection you have to pay at the least $100 a month, so yea i think most would rather go with blu-ray.

bunbun7775345d ago

way better huh? boy oh boy and here i thought the 1080p from a blu ray was one of the best-- but if you "stream" the 1080p it gets even better? do tell MGR-- i am all ears....

Are there extra rainbows? or do all of the streams include subliminal flashes of Master Chief flexing?

krouse935345d ago

Go F off.

your unintelligent fanboy drivel is pure nonsense and BS!

Because even with 1080P streaming you can't use full 24fps 1080P Blu Ray and you can't use 5.1 surround or 7.11 surround sound in DTS or Dolby Digital HD or even close to that quality quit your BS!

kaz-hirai5345d ago

oh MGR you come up with the biggest Sh*t ;-D!!!!

Dont worry you will probably get your blu ray just like you did with HDMI and your 1080p which was on the PS3 from the start because we all know MS cant keep up with technology as their 54% failure rate machine proves ;-D!!!!

You stick to your upscalled DVDs streaming service !!!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5345d ago
Elven65345d ago

The original Gizmondo article was a bit misleading as well, the PR rep clarified Balmer's statement giving it rumor status, but the title still implied it was "set in stone".

I wouldn't be surprised if Balmer was thinking about something else (like Windows perhaps?), he seems like the type of person who might not be very into that division in comparison to the other ones at Microsoft.

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