
EA: 360 maxed out, PlayStation3 isn't

OXM UK reports that EA feels the Xbox 360 has "maxed out" while PlayStation3 has not.

The comments came from EA Games Europe's Senior VP Patrick Soderlund, talking to OXM during E3. However, despite feeling that PlayStation3 hasn't been maxed out yet, Soderlund also suggests that Microsoft has the current advantage over Sony.

"I think Microsoft is on a roll right now," Soderlund says. "They're doing really well. If I was Sony, I would have a headache, to be honest."

Gue15450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

OMG this gonna be massive! FIRST FOR THE WIN!

But remember, graphics aren't everything!

BadboyCivic5450d ago

but they want to make statements like this.

5450d ago
green5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

" I think that we've maxed out the 360 but we haven't maxed out the PS3." Did i miss something?

EA when did you release a game on the 360 that looks as good as Lost Planet 2,Forza 3,Alan Wake,Gears 2,Splinter cell: Conviction,Resident Evil 5,Banjo: Nuts & Bolts or even a 2 years old gaming like Call of Duty 4?

Why dis5450d ago

" Patrick Soderlund, Senior VP of EA Games Europe"

*moves on*

*Europe you say*

PtRoLLFacE5450d ago

how come all the EA ps3 games look like sh!t compared to uncharted or god of war 3, they shouldn't b talking if they don't even what the term quality means

5450d ago
BYE5450d ago


I have to disagree with you on that one. Dead Space looked awesome, Mirror's Edge looked fresh and unique.

5450d ago
lloyd_wonder5450d ago

Fight Night looks better than any 360 exclusive.

Why o why5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

i hear what you're saying but Fightnight, burnout p and dead space restored my faith a little in the technical abilities of parts of EA. Its up to the devs to prove them wrong...again. Its simple.

@ why dis........'Europe you say' ever been outside your state....damn


again its down to the devs to prove them wrong

Montrealien5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

Dirtybeaver said...

"Right out of the mouth of one of the most influential companies in gaming."

Just an FYI, this came out of that same mouth.

"so I'm truly impressed by Xbox. It's my personal favourite console... I think Microsoft is on a roll right now. They're doing really well. If I was Sony, I would have a headache, to be honest."

/on topic

Although I agree that the PS3 is more powerful then the Xbox and should have it little more room to improve, I don't care, they are both great consoles with great game. We are on 4th generation games on both consoles now, and we are officaly in "current gen" not "next gen" anymore. So even though the PS3 may have a little more breathing room, it aint that much an they are both reaching their limits.

sunnygrg5450d ago

And here I was thinking that Dead Space and Mirror's Edge both played AND looked great. If EA can truly harness the power of the PS3, I wonder how Dead Space 2 and Mirror's Edge sequel (possibly) will turn out. Not to mention Battlefield:BC.

Montrealien5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

lol "truly harness", yeah, the PS3 is a stallion.

If it worked that way and this imaginary power were to get squeezed out of the PS3 like a lot of you think, we would have games like Infamous in full 1080p and zero draw-in. Killzone 2 would be at a solid 60fps and running in native 1080p. And MGs4 would never have any frame dips, and be playing at a locked 60fps.

I love my PS3, but there is no magic power to be found in it, its a games console with comparable power to the 360, even though it has a hardware egde over it, kinda like how the Xbox one had over the PS2, and look at the amazing games some people did with the PS2. We have been seeing the limits of both of our big "current gen" consoles. I don't expect a dev to find some magic processor in there an magically make PS3 games look like they are from the future. What's left on both consoles are tricks and smoke and mirrors to use their limited amounts of crayons and draw something amazing with them. thats what I like to see.

5450d ago
marinelife95450d ago

Wow! I just don't know what to say. Good luck Xbox owners.
You can use some of the Wii owners arguments.

Graphics aren't everything

Gameplay is all that matters

Wait till the next Zeld.... (Sorry can't sure that)

LONEWOLF2315450d ago

Anyone else getting tired of the WHOLE maxed out comments???? First Xbox then WII, whats next???

Montrealien5450d ago


You know what's Ironic, that gameplay > graphics argument stood strong with the PS2. I agreed with it then, and I still agree with it now. Even though I still think they're are great games to be played on all current gen consoles.

aksmashh5450d ago

That PS3 users are held back by dated consoles. I wish they would just develope the games on ps3 first

Aquanox5450d ago


They're yet to develop something nearly as impressive as Alan Wake or Forza 2.

JokesOnYou5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

EA has been called every name under the sun by most sony loyalist and aside from a few really good titles their quality is questionable as its obvious they duplicate the same games year after year with a lack of innovation and only marginal improvements, yet whenever you say something even slightly negative about micro/360 it is taken as the word of god on n4g, but the public isn't dumb we can see beyond the hype, games like Alan Wake says hi, SC: Conviction says hi, Lost Planet says hi, Forza 3 says hi, hell even RE5 surprised alot people graphically but really it shouldn't in every other gen games always just keep getting better.

The "maxed out claims" are waaay over-done PR statements by dev's/publishers in order to sell their next game as "OMG WE PUT EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME, SO GO BUY IT NOW BECAUSE WE PROMISE NOTHING WILL EVER BE BETTER THAN *OUR GAME!" Fortunately outside of n4g no one listens to that crap because we hear it a few times every year. lol, micro got a big boost that they needed this week, they have been silent for awhile, with E3 360 gamers are excited and sony has a great game in Uncharted2 but it looks very much the same as the first Uncharted which isn't bad cause it still looks great but don't see this suppose gap between that and whats coming on 360, I think its just all sony loyalists hype, lmfao I think they believe if you repeat it under your breath a 100x's it makes it true, hell I think many UNBIASED gamers see micro's upcoming 2009 lineup as the best in gaming.


5450d ago
raztad5450d ago


EA gospel? nope, though its quite interesting TWO big developers (IW, EA) are saying they hit the performance plateau in the 360. Dont forget, its not only the cpu and the graphic card, the dvd plays a role too. Ask Turn 10.

Aquanox5450d ago

Oh by the way, almost every EA game looks better on Xbox 360 so I'm not sure what this guy is talking about =)

jcgamer5450d ago

I think it's time for Microsoft to show and prove...Forza 3 is a great start, and Alan Wake is looking ACE. But remember how awesome Mario 3 looked and played on the NES late in its life cycle? and we ALL know SOTC and the original God of War DUMPED on the naysayers late in the PS2's life cycle...lol...well, now it's time for MS to INTERNALLY create an impressive ENGINE (bye bye UE3) and develop a first party game from the ground up that squeezes every bit of creative juice from the 360...BAM!

lol :)

snipermk05450d ago

How about Crysis? Thats an EA game and it single-handedly rapes anything from the consoles. Lets just accept it.. EA know their stuff and its no doubt the 360 is inferior hardware.

marinelife95450d ago

Graphics aren't everything they're the only thing!
LOL j/k

Lighten up 360 fans you can have a good game without
"PS3 level graphics" (I think I just coined a new phrase). Look at Tetris.

mint royale5450d ago

Its maxed out! Everyone sell your x-box's they are redundant now, xbox is teh doooooomed.

And for the record anyone so called gamer in this thread mocking people who prefer gameplay over graphics are quite frankly not gamers but cheap fanboys. Good day!

vhero5450d ago

gotta love the article the start to slag off the 360 by saying its maxed then say its better and ps3 better be worried they cant make there mind up lol. I love some of the comments on here though about they cant make great games... I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure all of you with next gen machines have at least 1 EA game so shut your mouth before you spout crap like that. Burnout Paradise was probably the best racing game of 2008 better than Forza 2 and GT5 Prologue (although not as good looking). People base too much crap on looks these days rather than gameplay *yawn*

Ju5450d ago

Ah, ... 5th generation games ...

KZ2...first generation for Guerilla
Infamous...first generation for Sucker Punch
MGS4...first generation for Kojima

and then there would be

GoW3...first generation
MAG...first generation

4th generation, that would be R3, if it'll be out (and you don't count Quest for Booty as a separate game == R2 engine).

And that's about it. There is no 4th generation on the PS3.

And guess what, all these first generation games set standards. If they all keep pushing it like Naughty Dog from 1.0 to 2.0 you can just dream what will happen next.

And that is what that guys actually said:

I do think that we'll see developers inside the organisation getting to understand the PS3 better and I think that we're getting more power out of PS3 right now... I think that we've maxed out the 360 but we haven't maxed out the PS3.

Dead Space 2 with PS3 specific content anyone ?

All-35450d ago

Former president of Sony’s worldwide studios, Phil Harrison stated:

"Nobody will ever use 100 percent of its (PS3) capability."

"... the system’s capabilities will keep changing as its firmware gets constantly updated via the Internet, and developers will continue to learn new ways to best use the machine’s multiple processors and Sixaxis controller.

Yet the CEO of Crytek said:

"The interesting thing is we did run a performance analysis on the PS3 devkit, and you know the funny thing is the occupation on all the CPUs, the Cell and the GPUs, is pretty much – the needle is at the limit."

Ju5450d ago

occupation != efficiency.

Even Crytek will figure this out over time.

Jecht5450d ago

"Microsoft is on a roll right now" WHAT ROLL?!!

Have they attained any growth in console sales or attach ratio? No, they've remained stagnant.

Have they been truly innovative in the past year? No, they just release the same kind of stuff over and over.

Was their E3 the best? If you think that one motion control device makes their conference the best, I feel sad for you. I thought it was supposed to be about the games, and what did Microsoft really reveal at E3? I'll tell you what. That they have always, and will always, leech off anyone they can for their success instead of building it from the ground up themselves.

Their greatest achievements seems to be in how they are able to make games go multiplat, and that's about it. If you were to take the whole 360 experience from its inception, you will see that Microsoft's biggest focus was getting 3rd party games to come onto their console. Rather than innovate, rather than define themselves as a brand, they decide to take the previous identity of a more successful brand and add their own little twist on it. Nintendo and Sony are going their own ways, redefining themselves, while Microsoft is content with leeching off the previous successes of their competition.

So I ask again. WHAT ROLL?!!

Montrealien5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

I am sorry ju, but Insomiac has stated that the new ratchet and clank game is infact a 4th generation game for them.

If you are expecting leaps and bounds over what we are seeing exclusives PS3 games doing right now, I am sorry but you will be disappointed. I do expect Devs doing great things with the PS3, but we have pretty much seen what that great system can do.

@the excited one on top of me. Both MS and Sony have been on a ROLL lately, which means, us gamers are in a great position atm. Great games have been coming out on both of the consoles and only (enthusiasts) like yourself that crave for this stupid console war are the true people, they never have, and never will be, on a ROLL in the gaming industry.

orange-skittle5450d ago

If all games look like Resident Evil 5, then I am good. If that is what he means by maxed out then I am fine with that. EA hasn't maxed out anything in recent years so I have no clue what he's talking about. Capcom, BioWare, Remedy, and 2K push systems to the limit, but not EA. EA enjoys sequels and resting on their laurels. Honestly, Fight Night 4 is worse than FN3 as far as controls are concerned. I actually canceled my pre-order after playing the demo. I thought I would be blown away, but the boxers don't look real anymore. They look plastic and in slow down mode...the hit sound came in too late making it feel is if there was a delay. Total turn off.

Ju5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

@Monty, ah, yes, you're right. Crank in Time is 4th for Insomniac (R1, R&CF, R2 and now CiT). OK, I can admit that. (oh btw, they are the only ones to have released 4 games now since PS3 release - by end of the year. And there is still no 5th generation).

Leaps and bounds ahead ? You don't care to comment on the rest of my post, do you? I play the UC2 beta, do you ? Have you ever seen the KZ2 "interactive commercial" and dare to listen to the developer comments ? Right there they have already an improved KZ2 engine. How much more prove do YOU need ?

Montrealien5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

I don`t care to respond to it, because I agree with it, now take down that stick! And I don`t need to have improvements, I am very happy with the result of our current gen systems. Heck, I am starting to be excited for what the next gen will bring us!

and yes, I do play the Uncharted 2 beta, its a great looking game.

Jecht5450d ago

I could care less about this "console war". Microsoft have been trying to do anything new. They are content to stick with the same formula over and over again, and as a result gaming will not progress. They rely on their Halo's and Gears of War games instead of trying something new. They apparently "stole" E3 with a frickin' accessory for goodness sake. So I ask you, what roll have they been on when you compare the type of innovation that Sony and Nintendo push, trying to take gaming in new directions, while Microsoft seems content with purchasing aging franchises, churning out Halo after Halo, and having their greatest accomplishment this year being an accessory?

Ju5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

Well, OK, w/e. Doesn't change the fact that your statement tried to belittle the improvements while pointing out a "formal" error. If you are trying to pretend to be objective, make an objective statement, please.

Edit: I take that back. You added that.

Freeze9525450d ago

This is good! If devs make the PS3 games look better, the PC games will look Photorealistic compared to your console owners 512 MB(X360) and 256 mb(PS3) GPUs. Cell sucks compared to 2 Xeons quad cores 2.2 ghz xD

Montrealien5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

I`m not here to defend MS, they are doing fine on there own. With that said, so are sony and Nintendo.

If you didnt care about the console war like you say, you would not ask such a stupid question to someone who clearly does not care and is very happy with the gaming content and features he is getting from all major console makers.

I am surprised that someone as one sided as yourself has zero people tracking you, 6 people ignoring and you, and you have nine bubbles. N4G bubble system ftw!

orange-skittle5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )


Microsoft isn't doing anything NEW? Did you see the E3? You mean SONY isn't doing anything new. A motion controller and some new games that are coming out in 2010 is a step in the right direction? How easily amused you are. Microsoft is turning their console into a multimedia device. If 360 had a browser, it would be the ultimate gaming machine. SONY didn't say crap about the future of PSN or anything ground breaking. MS is including 30 downloadable full games in August through XBL and implementing Facebook and Twitter. They are also going to start streaming 1080p movies. That's adding on to the integration of Netflix and the NXE interface that already outshines the out-dated XMB on the PS3. So instead of copying Nintendo with a motion controller(ie SONY), they went a step further and gave you Project Natal(controller-less motion). How is MS not thinking outside the box? If you wanna argue that they bought the technology to do Natal, please include that SONY bought the technology that brought you the walkman. That's right...Sony did not invent the walkman, they bought it. While we are on the subject, Philips developed the DVD, so does that make everyone else THIEVES? Grow the hell up people.

xwabbit5450d ago

Its true what the 360 fan boys are saying, we should we take world of just 2 of the biggest gaming companies(EA & Infinity Word). We should just believe what MS says and the people who MS wins over(by giving crap 2 them), those r the people we need to believe. Even guerrilla was wrong when they said they maxed out the 360 with red faction. I guess all those companies dk how to program for the 360 after 3 years :(, must be hard i mean, its almost the same language of programing on PC and developers haven't worked on the PC as much huh guys? Yeah, keep telling ur self's that kids lol, w/e makes u sleep at night

TheRealSpy025450d ago

that this statement isn't taken out of context. i'd just like to throw this out there:

Paris Hilton has an IQ of 126.

And Warhol has an IQ of 87.

7ero H3LL5450d ago

funny they say it's maxed out, yet EA/bioware shows an improved version of mass effect.

Sarcasm5450d ago

"EA when did you release a game on the 360 that looks as good as"

Dead Space looked excellent on both PS3 and 360. And looks on par with those games mentioned.

As well as Battlefield BC. Though not the best performance but has complete destructible environments.


Lol who cares if there is any console maxed out aslong as graphics are still improving I dont care right!?

DaTruth5450d ago

360 owners(not just fanboys) are butt-hurt. How many companies have to say this before you guys get it through your heads. We don't even need companies, as the games on PS3 seem to do the talking!

I don't care about console wars, but 360 fanboys have been really annoying this gen. And yes, I'm sure PS3 fanboys have been equally as annoying, but they aren't in the PS3 comments section talking $hit, which is the only ones I visit and they also aren't the ones with an inferior console trying to lie about, what is clear to all human eyes!

Montrealien5449d ago

3 = the number of people who say they do not care about the console war, however are lying through their teeth because they always feel the need to tell people how their console of choice is better for whatever stupid reason they can find?? Can you guess who they are? The one above me is the first one, find the other 2! good luck!

DaTruth5449d ago (Edited 5449d ago )

At least I don't throw a non-fanboy statement at the end of a fanboy statement to try and sound level-headed. The entire article, you have been throwing 360 defender statements and then throwing in a "Oh I'm not a fanboy cause I just said a little something about the PS3 at the end" statements. And I was gonna say something about it before, but I let it go. But being the 360 defender you are, you had to say a ridiculous statement against me.

You've even been following this thread for 9 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes 9, count them, 9 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! Commenting 20 minutes after me; Have you been coming here every 20 minutes to defend the 360 against the next commenter!

My console of choice "IS" better and EA execs and all other video game companies seem to think so too! The entire article is about how my console of choice is better, how would I not comment on that!

I expect more from my fellow Canadians!

Please re-read as I have updated my comment and I know how you have been coming back here to defend the 360 every 10 minutes!

One more thing........... PWNED!!!!!!

TheDude2dot05449d ago

EA has been incredibly awesome recently.

New IPs, Rock Band, and especially this gem about Activision:

EA's response to Activision's legal threats called them as ridiculous as "a husband abandoning his family and then suing after his wife meets a better looking guy."

Source: http://kotaku.com/5279036/a...

evrfighter5449d ago (Edited 5449d ago )

LOL wow. Never thought I'd see the day where something that EA said would be used as gospel. As a pc gamer I've NEVER seen anything put out by EA that's impressed me. We are talking about the platform where the sky is nearly the limit. Crysis for example can't run on consoles and was a beast to play at launch. but play a pc could nonetheless.

And no Crysis was not made by EA. Developed by Crytek published by EA. I loved Bf2 but that was made by the original DICE team who made 1942. The only difference was that they had to abide to EA's rules after being bought out by EA. BF2 was released plagued by bugs, glitches, faulty hitboxes, imbalance issues,crashes, and patches to fix patches. Certainly not made of the same quality that made bf1942 so successful.

Sure they make their money, but when you get down to the bottom of it. You can say they're the true kings of the Dairy Industry. They have never contributed to the advancement of the gaming industry. Instead they have seriously stalled the progression of what sports games should have been. Should be already actually.

It's quite amusing to see that fanboys only embrace EA with open arms only when they say something to support one console camps argument. But tomorrow when this article gets old. EA is back to being the douchebags of the gaming industry.

+ Show (48) more repliesLast reply 5449d ago
qface645450d ago

in the end it won't matter if the ps3 is maxed out or not since most all 3rd party games always end up looking the same since they are made for the 360 then the ps3

its always the exclusives that show off the sine

Serg5450d ago

Yep, it's the simple logic of an animal herd, it moves as fast as it's slowest unit.

Game13a13y5450d ago

and that is the proof that the 360 has maxed out, my friend. if games exlusive to PS 3 look better then those multiplats, then that means the 360 has hit its bottle neck.

Rifle-Man5450d ago


Brilliant! You, sir, deserve a bubble.

Erratic5450d ago

I'm getting tired of all this flamebaiting, too many insecure people on this site. If you feel like your missing something out because it's on another then you should try to save up to buy it. I had a Ps3 and I bought a 360 for the jrpgs because I felt left out, though their quality made me regret it but that doesn't mean you should be afraid to take the jump!

AKNAA5450d ago

whatever! my PS3 is still bigger than your 360! Ha!

DaTruth5450d ago

I would buy a 360 but I don't like to buy back-a-gen!
(I said that just for laughs sorry if it hurt 360 fanboys)


PiTCHBLaCK5449d ago

Real gamers end up owning all 3 consoles eventually.
Last gen I had all 3, I'll have all 3 this gen to.

jams_shop5450d ago

I believe this is the third comment about the subject in the last two days.

Bumpmapping5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

360 been maxed out since GEOW no big deal :)

Montreafart5450d ago (Edited 5450d ago )

Anyone with half a brain can tell. The games are the living proof.

Gears 1 still looks best. Gears 2 is a leap from Gears 1 but not technically. Its more artistic style that got leaped up. Cleverly hiding the systems limitations.

If you look carefully, the game looks practically the same as gears 1. Except the art, environment etc are prettier because its no longer DULL GREY and BROWN.

Can fool the stupid bots but not the rest of the gamers.

No other game on the crap60 looks better than gears. Not even Alan "king of graphics" wake.

And now even EA is saying it. EA can because they dont have to fear MS like the other small time studios. EA is the largest NA publisher in games and cant be bullied around like Valve (10 bucks says MS pressured them to bring L4D2 when it was mere DLC. And now Valve is getting ALL THE HEAT from the fans hahaha).

360 is maxed out long ago. The games are the living proof.

If 360 tries a game like Killzone 2, it will blow up.

Simon_Brezhnev5450d ago

lol i state a fact and the xbots reported my facts as spam like ive been saying delusional = xbots

theKiller5450d ago

every body knows that!! we've all been saying this since halo 3 was out!!!

derseb5450d ago

I heard the older kids brag to the younger kids:

"In my youth the 360 wasn't maxed out yet!"

Even the guys in the kindergarden get it!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5449d ago
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Christopher23h ago

It's not the fault of the gaming industry. Gamers were told what was happening, were warned about where this would lead, did nothing, and now are acting like it's the fault of publishers that they kept buying these games and investing in MTX. If only those gamers at that time felt as strongly about these things as they do Helldivers 2.

Hugodastrevas23h ago

I don't think MTX target the common gamer but instead predate on the so called "whales". It's gambling pure and simple.

Christopher21h ago

Oh, so it's okay to buy MTX-laden games as long as you don't spend money on MTX, which has led to even more MTX-laden games with even more predatory practices where content that used to be unlocked is now behind paywalls?

C'mon now people. You gave the corporations and inch, and they kept taking and taking. Community members told people that investing in these things alone would only lead to more and more MTX and putting more and more behind paywalls. But it's only the fault of the corporations, not the people who kept supporting it with purchases as more and more was taken away?

Hugodastrevas21h ago

@Christopher that's a straw man, I didn't say any of that I just added context.

-Foxtrot18h ago

Well exactly

People stand up for something which seems small to them and they get called whiners or negative. Then years later the shit hits the fan and they all go “why is this happening?” Like they are innocent.

The issue aswell is younger gamers who grew up with all this thinking it’s normal and we all just look like old farts yelling at clouds when we’re trying to help us all, even them.

Crows9019m ago

Who woulda thought that listening to your elders could be a good idea...too late now

Hugodastrevas23h ago

This is what amazed me the most when playing hours upon hours of stellar Blade version 1.00.00 no bugs, no crashes, no sudden drops in frames, no screen tear, no falling from the world, just a complete package on a game under 50GB.
I think Korea will play a major role in gaming in the long run , because they're releasing banger after banger.

isarai22h ago

Still pretty common to find if you stay away from the AAA publishers, in the last 10yrs ive probably only bought like 3 games combined from EA/ACTIVISION/UBISOFT. Even now i still buy games that work right out the box perfectly fine. Just recently got like 6hrs into Alone in the Dark, and not a single sign of any of that bs, really enjoying my time with it.

shinoff218315h ago

There's such a misconception about every game needing a patch,this and that when in reality it's not even close. You nailed it isarai

Crows9018m ago

It's really only AAA devs and publishers that seem to have these constant problems

z2g1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

And we as gamers have to accept our role in that. Constantly never being satisfied. Constantly demanding more while paying less. Constantly demanding better frame rates, better graphics, more modes and faster faster faster…. Then review bombing the product when a demand isn’t met. Meanwhile those same demands are making games more difficult, complex and more expensive to create than ever before, on shrinking timelines that burn out employees and make their lives miserable.

You wanna know why so many games get delayed? Cuz the original release dates weren’t realistic to begin with, but you can’t tell a gamer their game is further away than they want to hear. Some dev or game designer will be threatened physically. That builds even more pressure and rushing. We are officially squeezing water out of rocks and still complaining about that how hard you have to squeeze the rock be just waiting for rain. Most of the time we take it out on the developing studio, when it’s the publisher making the calls.

All you need to do is read the comments on most websites and social media to see how toxic, entitled and petty the gaming community at large is, and realize how that transforms into impossible expectations on the parts of game makers.

Crows9014m ago

Nope. Some gamers are to blame. Never demanded anything you mentioned.

A fully finished and functioning product is a standard. It's not demanded. If someone sells you a tv that only works 60% of the time are you going to recommend it OR write a review calling out the obvious problem...it's not a demand...it's a standard.

A standard triple A publishers can't seem to hit consistently.

Kinza550121h ago(Edited 1h ago)

This is one battle that gamers have never won, hahaha. They were parading recently for their "win" against Sony. Where's the energy for this one, guys? LMAO!


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