
IGN: Ninja Blade Review

Ninja Blade isn't necessarily a bad or broken hack-and-slash game. There are a few elements that could use a bit more polish, such as the awkward jumping or the occasional collision detection errors. The whole package is serviceable, even if the majority of the action tends towards the mundane and tedious far too often. Slices of Ninja Blade are fun and goofy in a way that reminds you that games are meant for entertainment and don't always have to be serious. The epic end-boss finishes are enough to make the game stand out a bit, but the rest is far from special and by the end Ninja Blade left IGN generally disinterested.

Presentation - 6.5
Graphics - 6.5
Sound - 7.0
Gameplay - 6.5
Lasting Appeal - 5.0
Overall -

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nightfallinicedearth5539d ago

Hmmm Well that's kinda low. I thought this game would be at least an 8. But guess not eh.

Will_Smith5539d ago

Who was it that said this game would top God of War?? or right HipHopPoser.

But N4G loves to comment on his flaimbait articles because everyone here is a retard. Its like touching a hot pan and telling me how much it burns and then putting their hand on the same pan....

as for this game. ONLY ON XBOX 360!

FlameBaitGod5539d ago

I didnt think this game would get so much bad reviews

soxfan20055539d ago (Edited 5539d ago )

@1.1 - "Only on 360.
Man, what an unstoppable lineup!"

Sony sure hasn't been able to stop the 360.

XxSolid SnakexX5539d ago

it's just a fake me out ninja gaidan that failed badly

jahcure5539d ago (Edited 5539d ago )

Halo Wars - 82 (hailed as KZ2 killer)
Stoked - 74 (hailed as best extreme boarding game)
Race Pro - 73 (hailed as GT5 killer)
Star Ocean 4 - 78 (worst scoring console Star Ocean game...EVER)
Ninja Blade - 66 (hailed as GOW3 Killer)

#of 360 games i've purchased so far for 2009 - 0

I find it pretty disturbing that we're in April and i haven't purchased a single game for my 360.
As i've said before, multiplat games i get on PS3 simply because of trophies. It's my preference and to each their own.

MS needs to fix this because they had great games in the past but on the horizon there are just no games on the xbox that catches my attention. We need Halo4 and Gears 3 this year MS.

ps921175539d ago

remember when 360 was 100$ cheaper than ps3, yeah, yeah don't think you do lol?

Masta_fro5539d ago

this equals like a 4 on ign on the not biased scoring system...

you know, by that i mean if this were on ps3...

Dragun6195539d ago (Edited 5539d ago )

@ SoxFan

Yea, but Sony sure did stop Xbox 360 from having a great line up.

Tales of Vesperia
Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma
Atelier Rorona
Mobile Suit Gundam: Battlefield Record U.C.0081
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
Katamari Damacy Tribute
God of War 3
Demon Souls (Which is in english and you can import it)
Gran Turismo 5
Uncharted 2
Heavy Rain
Quantum Theory
WarDevil: Unleash the Beast Within
White Knight Chronicles
Yakuza 3
Under Siege
Final Fantasy Versus 13

Xbox 360 line up
Ninja Blade
Mass Effect 2
Alan Wake
Which both ME2 and AW seem to have a 2010 release rather than 09.

I mean we can wait, E3 right?, Where MS announces a whole bunch of exclusives.

Ryo-Hazuki5539d ago

I remember when i was at Gamestop and this manager was telling me how Ninja Blade was up there w/ God of War...when he told me that, I wanted to reach over the counter and slap him.....it doesnt matter, I told him he's full of sh** and I was right

soxfan20055539d ago (Edited 5539d ago )


How did Sony stop MS from having a great lineup? I mean, how many of those PS3 games you listed will even be out this year (or next)? Besides, MS doesn't start hyping games 2,3, or 4 years in advance. It's a LONG way from a paper lineup to commercial or critical success. You also conveniently forgot to list Forza 3 and Splinter Cell, two of the highest profile 360 exclusives. If you're going to make comparison lists, you should try to be a little more accurate.

TheColbertinator5539d ago

You fanboys are listing vaporware


Splinter Cell:Conviction? Its on PC as well

Forza 3? Release date missing...

Mars is not exclusive.Its on PC as well

Final Fantasy XIII Versus?


Shepherd 2145539d ago (Edited 5539d ago )

How was Halo Wars supposed to be a KZ2 killer when Halo Wars is a RTS and KZ2 is a FPS?? Are you really serious that your even putting those two in the same category?

Anyways, ive bought 3 games for my 360 this year. Resident Evil 5, Halo Wars, and Street Fighter 4. Thats 3 great games in 4 months. Im very, very satisfied already, and im still waiting for even more games to buy. Fight Night Round 4, Halo 3: ODST, Wolfenstein, Rage, and Red Faction Guerrilla will all be making their way to my "dead" console this year. I will be very happy indeed. Chances are, i wont have enough money for all this. I gotta start working longer hours i think. =)

By the way, ive already put over 70 hours into Halo Wars, and its an amazing game. Great online MP, surprisiing amount of depth, its just awesome really. Ive also beat Street Fighter 4 on Hardest difficulty, and im almost done with RE5. So its safe to say that these three games ive bought so far are all fantastic.

Shepherd 2145539d ago

you can fabricate facts all you want, but whether they are exclusive or not, 360 has a ton of games coming this year pal.

Halo 3: ODST
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Mafia 2
Godfather 2
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Mass Effect 2
Fightnight Round 4
Red Faction Guerrilla
Halo Wars(already released)
Street Fighter 4(already released)
Resident Evil 5(already released)
Alan Wake(may make it this year)
Final Fantasy 13(may make it this year)
Tekken 6(may make it this year)

well im tired of typing but theres still more buddy. 360 has a great line up, whether they be multiplat or exclusive. So suck it up and go play your games while i go and get lost in mine.

Mogabu5539d ago

Talking exclusives here. Not stuff you can play on the PS3 or PC also. So far and perhaps for the rest of 2009, Sony has the 360 beat hands down which kinda sucks as I play the 360 first and foremost. Or did. See, I wish BETTER of the people I invested my money in, I don't make excuses for them. I wish others expected better as well instead of just rolling over and pretending like everything's cool and the gang. 2009 is abysmal for the 360 :(

UltraNova5539d ago

Why dont you get it? Exclusives is what separates a the best line up from the worst! No matter how much you try to spin it the truth is in the common sense area now, a place no spin can go unnoticed.

12 out of the 16 games you listed are multi platform. Alan Wake will eventually be on the PC so dont get your hopes up. Mass Effect 2 exclusive? Well any opinion is as good as the next...

The only thing I see you guys doing this year is settling with DLC that MS is going to buy. And that is all you have to wait on E3, DLC!

Its quit possible to see MGS4 on the 360 as well but thats about it, and you would be wise to take the advise and play it on the ps3 where is the definite experience not the super compressed gimped one.

Now next time do yourself a favor and list exclusives on the system you like when everybody else is doing exactly that. Trying to convince yourself that your system is still relevant using multi plats is pathetic. Now go get lost in Halo wars and I'll go back to Killzone 2.

MicroSony4Life5539d ago (Edited 5539d ago )

dude loves his PS3.

Should you be playing the almighty kill zone 2, instead of commenting something negative on 90% percent of Microsoft/360 articles.

Guys like Ghost of Sparta,Gwave,Morganfell,darkri de66,Ultimu make me wonder what microsoft did to them to make them hate a console so much , to a point that they make it their sole duty to bash the xbox.

The xbox fans did not hype this game or said anything about a God of War killer, Sony fans are they only one's that hype games and end up disappointing there self's.

Shepherd 2145539d ago

how am i spinning the truth, what i told you is fact.

Who cares if MS buys DLC, Im sure that even though Sony doesnt conduct large exclusive deals with game companies, Sony probably fills any developer's pocket full of cash in their "paycheck", so that they will stay exclusve to Sony. Multiplat games make more money than exclusives, and im sure most devs would rather make more money from making multiplat games than to give up a bunch of money to stay exclusive. So you really dont get it do you? Obviously theirs big bonuses for a company to stay exclusive to Sony, while MS makes big deals for exclusive rights. its the same thing man.

And of course 360 doesnt have as many exclusives this year as PS3, but im not gonna pack up my console and get rid of it because of that. Like i said, plenty of great games coming this year that im looking forward to. I win, because im happy and enjoying my console and my games. you lose, because you have nothing better to do but to get on here and make pathetic attempts at bashing the 360. see ya pal.

IdleLeeSiuLung5539d ago

I buy my console to only play exclusives. I don't care about multi-platform games since they are inferior due to their existence on other consoles. /sarcasm

Enough said....

UltraNova5538d ago (Edited 5538d ago )

First of all your lame excuse of a come back is totally of the point I was making! So it is you that definitely doesn't get it pal! I was talking about console exclusives and how it separates one console from another and you went on about who makes more money ! Why should I, you or any other gamer care about MS and Sony's income? I am interested in playing the best games out there nothing more nothing less! The way I see it I have the choice to play 95% of the games you are going to play and you get to play 20% of what I am going to play (yes I'm talking about multiplats vs exclusives mate).

"And of course 360 doesnt have as many exclusives this year as PS3, but im not gonna pack up my console and get rid of it because of that "

Although I agree with you here, you unintentionally admitted that you have to defend the stagnant system your are left with just to make yourself feel better... Advise, buy a ps3 and save yourself the embarrassment pal!

"I win, because im happy and enjoying my console and my games. you lose, because you have nothing better to do but to get on here and make pathetic attempts at bashing the 360."

Talking about embarrassment... You seriously didn't say that! oh wait you did! And you have something better to do and you are still here trying to justify why you are stack with your anemic system? Please man give me a break!

" See ya pal " ???

How old are you anyway, 12?

If I were you I would wait until the year... thats weird I cant seem to think of a year that the 360 will have a decent and competitive EXCLUSIVE line up (maybe next year? sounds familiar...) and then talk again!

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5538d ago
jlemdon5539d ago (Edited 5539d ago )

well I guess I don't have to get this game then. but wait... I got Heavenly sword so I think I'll go half with my cousin on this.:)

DarK-SilV5539d ago

I played this game, I give it 8

bob saget remix5539d ago

we know the game stinks. Just leave it were it belongs. The dumpster.

Mario185539d ago

Ouch... can't wait for Ninja Gaiden 2 for PS3

SL1M DADDY5539d ago

After seeing how this game wound up sucking, NG2 Sigma looks to make a bigger splash and end up being more fun.

bob saget remix5539d ago

right in the begining of the year. Its always a bad omen.

OmarJA5539d ago (Edited 5539d ago )

Well at least they got a new Halo game coming... ehhh... DLC ?

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Sekiro Is Not From Software’s Best Ninja Video Game

Ninja Blade is From Software’s best ninja game of all time, including Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. At least it’s the best version of a specific type of ninja game.

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1884d ago
Vanfernal1883d ago

Well aren't you cool? Taking a game that was pretty much universally acclaimed and then saying that one that received mediocre to bad reviews across the board is better... There's always one "hipster" out there with a contrarian opinion.

1882d ago Replies(4)
AK911882d ago

I don’t remember much of it but wasn’t it a QTE heavy game like Asura’s Wrath and GOW3?

NecrumOddBoy1882d ago (Edited 1882d ago )

It was like the Xbox Ninja Gaiden with an insane amount of QTEs. Not bad but not innovative.

SamPao1882d ago

Asura's Wrath and GOW3s QTE usage are planets apart though :D

Youngindy211882d ago

Both of those games were good so....

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5 Games You Didn't Know Were Made by the People Behind Dark Souls

FromSoftware is a game developer that has found popularity in the gaming industry thanks to their widely popular and best-selling series, Dark Souls. They may have gained notoriety from this series, but they have been around since 1986 with their first video game published in 1994 and have produced many popular games. Here are 5 games they have made that are not Dark Souls.

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Chaos_Order2974d ago

The Adventures of Cookie and Cream (Or Kuri Kuri Mix as is known in PAL territories) is actually a pretty good game, and gets damn hard in the latter stages.

I'd love to see FromSoft make King's Field 5, or maybe another Armoured Core. I love the Souls games, but I don't want to see it milked for all its worth.

Duke192974d ago

Didn't they also make the 3D Dot Game Heroes (or something like that).

I actually enjoyed that a lot on PS3

eyoung252974d ago

They actually only handled publishing in Japan. It was developed by Silicon Studio.

eyoung252974d ago

I wanted to keep the entries to their own respective genres. Chromehounds and Armored Core are both mecha. I almost included it though.

DarXyde2974d ago

I came here to learn something new and left disappointed.

DarXyde2974d ago

...I'm saying I knew FromSoft had a hand in all of these games. I would know, I own/ed most of them.

WhyWai882974d ago

Armored Core series producer left From Software.
My guess is the company shifted all focus to Souls series... :(
RIP Armored Core....

eyoung252974d ago

I would love to see them come out with a new IP in the mecha genre. Armored Core was cool, but I think they have expanded their skills to make a more unique game.


Should Quick Time Events Go Away?

"In Mortal Kombat X, Most of the cut scene fights are just there for you to watch, then every once in a while unannounced, the game goes to a quick time event." -Play Legit

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johndoe112113327d ago (Edited 3327d ago )

Play Heavy Rain and the walking dead series then see if that question is even worth asking.

Roccetarius3327d ago

Remove the button prompts and release it as a movie, then see if the question is worth asking again.

SamPao3327d ago (Edited 3327d ago )

Well I guess every game that is ever beeing watched on any videoplatform and peoplr enjoy it, should then not be a game. Very thoughtful

xHeavYx3327d ago

Lol, people complaint that all games are similar, and when a game comes out that's different, people complaint that it's different.

Summons753326d ago

You mean remove the gameplay, take away all the player choices that make each playthrough unique, and release it as a movie....it would be a terrible movie. One of the best things about Heavy Rain was that all my friends had different playthroughs and endings making the game unique and fun to talk about and replay. Terrible argument, you can say that about any game.

DragonbornZ3327d ago (Edited 3327d ago )

For me it depends on the game. TWD, Beyond two Souls, they're fine and they work really well. And I don't mind QTEs in other types of games as long as they aren't heavy.

gangsta_red3327d ago

QTE's are an old tired design and Heavy Rain is definitely not a good example to use in defense of QTE's.

QTE's in a lot of games have become pointless and a cop out for boss battles (Dying Light, ugh) or unnecessary for mundane actions during a cut scene just to make sure the player is paying attention.

It's time for developer's to come up with something else or just drop this tactic all together.

johndoe112113326d ago

Heavy Rain is THE most perfect example to use in defense of QTE's. That entire game was QTE's and these were the review scores of that game:

1UP.com A-
Edge 7/10
Eurogamer 9/10
Famitsu 37/40
G4 4/5
Game Informer 9.5/10
GamePro 5/5
GameSpot 8.5/10
GameSpy 4.5/5
GameTrailers 8.9/10
GameZone 9/10
IGN 9.0/10

That game was critically acclaimed by reviewers and users alike and made the entire world know the name Quantic Dream.

Also The Walking Dead series and The Wolf Among Us are 90% QTE's and they have also received critical acclaim from reviewers and gamers alike. There is no justification for getting rid of QTE's except for gamers whose brains are incapable of comprehending anything other than aiming down their sites and pulling a trigger.

Revolver_X_3326d ago

Heavy Rain was a commercial and critical success. If I recall, TWD Season 1 was also a dominant GOTY winner. I have no problem with games designed around the concept. There is room for games of all kinds in my library. Now when QTE's are shoved in like RE6, Dying Lights' boss(you mentioned), and Shadow of Mordors' boss, it does get disappointing.

kneon3326d ago

Most of what people are calling QTEs in Heavy Rain aren't even QTEs. They are simply dialog choices that seldom have a time limit, and even when they do the timeout is usually quite long, certainly not quick. If they had used a different UI for dialog choices then there wouldn't have been any discussion about them.

The real QTEs in Heavy Rain are primarily in the fight scenes and there their use is perfect. Because there are no do-overs in Heavy Rain using QTEs is a great way to build tension. Every time you miss one things get more desperate because you know if your character dies then they really are dead for good.

3-4-53327d ago

QTE's are insulting to peoples reactions times.

* Imagine if EVERY single jump in a Mario game was a QTE......

They had their 15 minutes.....lets move on.

gangsta_red3326d ago (Edited 3326d ago )

Heavy Rain was critically acclaimed for that time, but the more recent Beyond Two Souls wasn't, The Order has just been ripped for having too many QTE's, a lot of people were disappointed with a certain handling of Dying Light. And I remember Heavy Rain was also criticized for its over use of QTE's also by a lot of reviewers and gamers.

More games recently have been criticized and reviewed harshly for having to rely too much on QTE's. Sure their are a few games that are the exceptions like the Walking Dead or Wolf Among Us where the story trumps all but that is a small percentage with other games that have you press X to pay your respect, or repeatedly press X to open a door, or press Y, A, B and the end boss is defeated.

"There is no justification for getting rid of QTE's except for gamers whose brains are incapable of comprehending anything other than aiming down their sites and pulling a trigger."

How is that anymore braindead like then hitting the shiny red button when the big TV says so? Just recently I was playing the MK X storyline and right off the bat Johnny Cage starts fighting Scorpion in a cinematic, all of a sudden...press X...why? The real gameplay didn't even start and there was no reason or warning that a QTE was going to happen in the very beginning of the game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3326d ago
ZaWarudo3327d ago

Yes, they absolutely should.

johndoe112113327d ago

Obviously you never played heavy rain or the walking dead series.

magiciandude3327d ago (Edited 3327d ago )

I have Heavy Rain and it's only fun playing through it once even though the game has multiple endings. The game is a novelty, but that's about it.

Personally I want more control over the action rather than press X O X ◻ ◻ O △ X X △ or die, fail, branch out, etc. Now, I forgot quite a bit about Heavy Rain since that was many years ago, but I do remember the entire game being QTE laden.

Mikefizzled3327d ago

Thats like 70% of a David Cage game.

WizzroSupreme3327d ago

Yes, yes they should. They've always been an excuse to escalate drama through lazy button prompts than any game design.

The_Sage3327d ago

Should quick time events go away?.... Yep.

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