
By the Numbers: Which Console has the "Best" Games?

"All across the internet, fanboys argue daily about which console has the best games. While the question is ultimately subjective by nature, that doesn't stop the xbots, PS3 droids, and Nintendo fans from ranting and raving in defense of their favorite console. The Exploding Barrel has decided to break out the old calculator and do a little number crunching to find out which console indeed does have the highest rated games. Here's how it works: First, we pulled the top 20 game scores from metacritic (if you don't believe us, feel free to click on the links) for each console and calculated the mean for each set. Next, we examined cross-console titles to test variations in score for each console. If you don't agree with these numbers, don't get mad at us."

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Forbidden_Darkness5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

Quality over Quanity, Sony hands down has the best exclusives.

This which console has the best games is retarted because the xbox has been out a year longer, allowing the studios to take more time on their games. so, NO, the xbox does not have the best games.

chaosatom5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

But the reviewers had gone down the dump.
--there is obvious bias towards Ps3 like the install and stuff.
--they are definetely paid by someone for some games.
--reviwers never take the time to actually play the whole game in its entriety.

And yeah i agreed. xbox come out a year earlier, so if we compare this year's metacritic for ps3 to last year metacritic for xbox, then numbers will be different.

Lord Vader5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

"Quality over Quantity"... Best exclusives ? Compared to what, the Wii ????

Are you serious ?!? Check Metacritic again pal !

Xbox 360 = 4 games meta 90% or higher

4 Gears of War 94
7 Halo 3 94
10 Mass Effect 91
12 Forza Motorsport 2 90

Playstation 3 = ONE game ranked above 90%....

3 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 94
6 Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 89
8 Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 88
13 Resistance: Fall of Man 86

PS3 still has alot of catching up to do in critically acclaimed games compared to the 360. BTW, I have a PS3, loving MGS4, but PS3 needs better exclusives IMHO & MORE GOOD GAMES. These numbers should be reversed, it is INSANE that M$ has the best attach rate going against Sony & Nintendo in gaming & the best games...


Also, I do believe Uncharted should have broken 90% - that & MGS4 are my favorite PS3 games.

Edit: forgot about Bioshock & removed it, but yeah I played that LAST YEAR, but personally, I still dont think Sony currently has a better lineup = in fact, I want better games for my PS3 NOW not in 2009!!! I've waited long enough !!!

SixTwoTwo5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

I was waiting for someone to bust out metacritic LawL

@Lord Vader... To be fair Bioshock is coming to the PS3 this November. Does it really belong in your list?

chaosatom5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

Bioshock isn't a exclusive just so you know.

do the graphics of

6 Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 89
8 Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 88
compare to
7 Halo 3 94
10 Mass Effect 91
12 Forza Motorsport 2 90

any of these?

bozobucketeer5803d ago

Maybe I misread your comment, I must have because it makes absolutely no sense. You state that because the 360 came out a year prior to the ps3 that it doesn't have better games. I haven't been hit in the head with a shovel lately, but that is one of the stupidest things I've read in quite awhile. As to what exclusives are better, to each his own. Drake's Fortune was a good game, even though I rented it, beat it and returned it the same day. So if you think ps3 has better exclusives, good for you, but to say that 360 doesn't based solely on the fact that it came out sooner is just plain retarded.

thesummerofgeorge5803d ago

Determining which games are the best based on critic scores is retarded. We all know how unbiased they are. Hype has too much influence among other factors that affect their scores.

iamtehpwn5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

do you guys (360 fans, ps3 fans, this isn't bias toward anyone), REALLY care about a few numbers? Does that really insult you? What? What does it matter? Is it like...Melting your mind that the console YOU like may be a few points below another system??

Break the fanboy talk. Okay, 360 is a few points average ahead of PS3, it's not going to make me love my PS3 less, or like my 360 more. I'm going to play games. Not do these childish arguments about slight graphical blemishes one may have over the other, or review scores, for Christ sake.

Grow up.

Jack Meahoffer5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

Claiming some underground conspiracy bias toward your console is the height of ignorance. How simple and childish do you have to be to actually believe some independent reviewer was bribed to be negative against a game on your console. I'm sure every gaming media outlet is just itching to take a bribe for short term benefit while risking total ruin of their creditability. Yeah defiantly worth the risk! You must be a business genius!

Everytime you say crap like you did in 1.2 you just prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're totally blinded by your immense love for a corporation. Nothing you say means anything after you say something so childish and ignorant. Next time anyone wants your opinion we'll just cut out the middle man and go ask Sony's PR team.

Lord Vader is right. Only a defensive brand worshiper would number 1 give a crap about a few points and number 2 try to spin out of the facts. Metacritic doesn't count now? They must be biased too right? Bioshock doesn't count because its coming to the PS3 a year after and still doesn't have a release date? Also releasing a year early has nothing to do with the average rating of all games? In fact having less games of higher quality like you zealots claim would in fact raise your average higher but math isn't brand worshipers strong suit. Spin facts thats your strong suit.

Tommy Vercetti5803d ago

What are you talking about? PS3 has the best exclusives? It has One great exclusive in MGS4. Name me another. 360 has better quality and quantity. This is understandable because it has been on the market longer. Read the other posts even Ps3 owners admit 360 has better games at this point. I am one of them.

deeznuts5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

Servant Vader. Too bad those with a PC can still play two of those 360 games. Both of which are better versions. Muahahaha. That's the beauty of 1st party titles, it truly is exclusive.

Shaka2K65803d ago


So yeah PS3 has the best games by far.

JBaby3435803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

I like the PS3 exclusives out now more than the 360. Resistance rocked, HS & uncharted were both beautiful, R&C was a nice change from "serious" games and looked/played great, Warhawk still rocks online then MGS4 is amazing.

On the 360 side I don't have much to say as I got bored in gears, Bioshock looked great (never played it) but now it's not exclusive, Halo 3 well... Come on, ME was riddled with bugs/hiccups. Didn't play any others because I only play on my brother's 360 when I visit him so my time is limited and no others looked appealing.

In my opinion PS3 has the best games. To each his own. Whichever console has the games YOU want to play than that's the best FOR YOU.

Monchichi0255803d ago

"xbox has been out a year longer, allowing the studios to take more time on their games. so, NO, the xbox does not have the best games." LMAO!!!!

Soooo!! That's like a sports team crying that the other team won because it has bigger and stronger players. Sony put themselves in that position and they have to deal with it.

This will remain a fact for the remainder of this generation so using it as an arguement is ludicrous! LOL

Utalkin2me5803d ago

Whine and cry, whine and cry. Doesn't matter you can not change stat's so just deal with it people.

thesummerofgeorge5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

This is a place for comments, there's no problem with disagreeing with an article. You're so quick to jump all over it and get all bitter and say the obligatory "here comes the sony defence force" etc...I wasn't angry or fired up when I stated my opinion on the article, I just had my own opinion, who are you to criticize people for commenting on the article? Either share your own opinion on the subject, or don't... but quit being that guy that's all:"oh my god, who cares about this and that blah blah blah, does this really matter blah blah blah..." do you have any thoughts of your own or do you just get upset when others have opinions? YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ THE COMMENTS if they get your panties in a knot sweetheart!

EDIT: @1.15 It's not whining douche, it's a discussion, if any sort of disagreeance annoys you, or you don't think it's worth discussing either side of the matter, than don't come here anymore, cause that's what it's all about... news and discussion. God the people who whine about other peoples comments are the worst, they don't have anything to share on the matter, just gripe about other peoples discussions as if someone asked.

iamtehpwn5803d ago

You must not read the comment sections that often. This site is run fullllllllll of fanboys, and despite my Sony defense force comment (Because trust me, every time there's a negative Article about PS3, There are like 500 comments saying "OMFG MGS4 GT5P UNCHARTED BEST GRAPHICS EXCLUSIVES 360 SUX RROD).

As for the comment about getting my panties in a knot, I don't wear clothes, I run around naked, So stfu.

thesummerofgeorge5803d ago

I read it plenty. If this place annoys you so much that all you can say is to complain, find something else to do. If all you can do is complain about peoples opinions in general, not being constructive or talking to any one person, just submitting a general complaint directed at anyone and everyone who has a certain opinion, you have nothing worth saying...

thesummerofgeorge5803d ago

Yeah buddy, by saying everyone should be able to state their opinion I'm a fanboy... You're just one of those people who love throwing around the word when you have no intelligent response... it's a crutch. Prove me wrong, explain how anything I said makes me a fanboy.

Harry1905803d ago

the 60 Gb PS3 wins hands down due to backwards compatibility(PS1+PS2+PS3 = Quality+Quantity). Doesn't it boys and girls. I say this without shame and this is pure logic. Don't mind me,I am just messing around.

iamtehpwn5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

As much as suspicion. Now granted, we're both preaching the same message: The Review scores don't matter. However, you to call me out after saying anyone complained about this article (specifically, and typically being what I call the Calvary of the Sony Defense Force) is a fanboy, then I could indeed assume, that you were in fact a fanboy.

@ 1.21, if thats the Case, Wii wins. (NES + SNES + N64 + gamecube..albeit Metacritic doesn't have NES and SNES scores) =]

thesummerofgeorge5803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

I actually never called anyone a fanboy, that was you. I feel like all the time now people call fanboy this fanboy that... nobody can just have an opinion anymore without being a sony fanboy or vice versa. Granted they are around, but sometimes it's ok to have a discussion and to take a stance.

Edit: That's all I have to say, disagree away.

hay5803d ago

It's a little bit misleading. Bioshock, Gears of War and Mass Effect aren't real exclusives, but they marked it as Console Exclusives. So if you exclude them from comparison(since MGS4, Uncharted, R&C or Resistance are PS3 only) the numbers will be completely different. 89,25 if I hadn't screwed up anything. Oh those nasty numbers.

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*Sticks on flamesuit and awaits the arrival of juunken,giantenemycrab,power of green,Silogen*

Its gonna get hot in here..........

dfcm20035803d ago

Seeing that Xbox won is not bad, seeing it has 12 months of games ahead of the PS3. So Is it a "That a way boy for the xbox" or Way to Go for the PS3"

Id like to see the numbers for the xbox minus 12 months worth of games. That would be interesting....

Pornlord5803d ago

Out of all the games he compared at the end, he threw up the Orange Box... that took this whole article and just shoved it into flamebait overdrive as far as I'm concerned.

ChrisGTR15803d ago (Edited 5803d ago )

lol. yea im shure ps3 games arent allowed to be developed for the whole first year the 360 was out.

Shaka2K65803d ago

2 worlds a 2/10 game lmao the lowest rated exclusive game on this gen. by far only on xflop 180 hahahaha.

and then you count the other trash blue dragon,lolost odysey, forza 1.5, ninja generic 2,trash effect, gears of short, failo 2.5 ect.

butterfinger5803d ago

brought to you by ChrisGTR1. The point is that with a one year advantage in dev time (and it IS there since both companies were working with developers before their console came out), you would think that the 360 would be blowing us away right now with amazing new exclusives. The sad truth is, the 360 has probably peaked, and it will no longer expand on graphics or gameplay, but will most likely come up sequels to AAA titles that have slight tweaks and little innovation (see: Gears of War 2). The PS3 is just beginning to hit its stride, and there is no telling where that will lead once more developers make the PS3 their lead console (like LucasArts and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed). I, for one, will be interested to see if the graphical differences between early PS3 games and later PS3 games will be as vast as the difference was with early and late PS2 games.

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Pornlord5803d ago

Wow, what flamebait. Eurogamer's score is on that list, and that automatically makes me not trust those numbers.

I like how they put the Orange Box up there for comparison, when the makers obviously didn't take the time to do a proper port of the game, it's legend what they did to that game.

But like they said, it's numbers so that must mean 360 has better games. /endsarcasm


Quoted for truth and a free bubble cause its ya birthday!

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10 Rarest PS3 Games Worth an Arm and a Leg

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Burrito26a1d 8h ago

Aquanauts Holiday at $500. Nice

jznrpg1d 6h ago

I don’t collect games for their value I collect games I enjoyed playing. Many games I own are worth a lot of money but they must be games I want to play for me to purposely collect them. Most of this list isn’t games I would enjoy. I may have some of these games because I bought my friends PS2/3 Collection years ago and I never actually looked what was in it. It was a couple hundred games though still sitting in a box and I’m sure there are some good valuable games. I should go sift through it sometime.

Profchaos1d 5h ago

I tend to agree for the most part rarity is linked to price
It's unusual that a rare game was popular with a few notable exceptions. Games released at the tail end of a consoles lifecycle which became popular years or decades later like little Samson on the NES or earthbound on SNES.
Or games that were banned after release in certain regions

Looking at this list there's nothing I'd be trying to collect either most of these games were fairly unpopular and bashed on their release leading to the scarcity seen now.
Especially NBA elite which I remember actually watching the news about how it got cancelled but had already shipped to retail it was so bad .

P_Bomb1d 5h ago

I still have Afrika. Who knew it’d be worth something?

MrBaskerville22h ago

Was unaware that Verdict Day was rare, glad I still own my copy. Game is very good.

Chocoburger19h ago

She forgot to mention Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Wizard's Edition with Ninostarter bonuses. This is the second or third most expensive PS3 game, and I own a sealed copy.



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