
Helldivers 2 PSA: Remember to change negative review back to positive now that Sony has backtracked

Following the PSN controversy, Helldivers 2 players are reminding each other to change their negative reviews back to positive.

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LostPotato17d ago

Screw that they earned those reviews. You can't change what happened.

Christopher16d ago

That'll teach Sony! Now that they know you will only change good reviews to bad but never the other way, I'm certain they'll be more likely to listen to similar outrage in the future. Especially seeing as the update to do the thing you didn't want to happen never happened. So, it was only the news of it that made the game worse, not the actual change.

I'm all for pushing your weight around to get corporations to make changes that benefit the community, but not doing your part when they do listen? That's not teaching them to listen to you, quite the opposite. Support the changes we want, don't just deride for the sake of one time not liking a decision that didn't even make its way to release.

GamerRN16d ago

It's Sony, I'm sure a good amount of fans will comply

Barlos16d ago

Bad take. You make out as though Sony walked it back out of the goodness of their hearts. They didn't. They did it to save face. Tough on them.

They're a corporation and like all corporations, they don't care about you, they care about their bottom line and their image. Don't do them any favours.

VenomUK16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Having never played Helldivers II or been an online Steam player I’ve observed this whole furore from a distance. What I have seen is that there have been some people from the Xbox cheerleader community who have not had a good 2024 with all the news that Microsoft games are going to PlayStation. IGN’s Destin Legare is one of this people, where his Xbox output was daily it almost stalled completely. This Helldivers news has bought him out of semi-retirement and he’s celebrating the Sony fail.

I’ve always said they’re is nothing wrong with having a favourite console platform and championing it as long as you don’t go to silly levels, but Destin Legare is over thirty years old and sadly a pitiful example of those who feel they are fighting a parasocial war for a billion dollar brand that is exploiting their blind loyalty.

INMATEofARKHAM16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I wouldn't pull my review for Sony... but I did pull it for Arrowhead and the game itself. It's wonderfully fun, intense, eerie, silly, and everything in between.

@Barlos, I'm sure some of walking it back was to save face but I think most of it cane from pleasure from Valve/Steam. They should that game to a bunch of people who couldn't comply even if they wanted too. That's money out of their pockets.

VenomUK, you should see the amount of anger on the steam discussion boards right now because Sony backdoor and their fanatics are upset. It's crazy, everyone should be pro consumer.

16d ago
Christopher16d ago

***Bad take. You make out as though Sony walked it back out of the goodness of their hearts.***

Literally not what I said. I point out how games used their power to force this change. But, if you're going to leave the same bad message that gave you the power even though they caved in to said power and knowing that this news would not be wiped from history, why would they listen to you the next time? If you're only doing to be angry no matter what, why not be angry and get what they want? You don't take hostage the reviews and then keep them when they give you what you want. That's not building an understanding, that's punishing a company who actually listened to your complaints. Do you know how rare that is in this day and age?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 16d ago
VersusDMC16d ago

Nice. I can apply that logic to games that launched in a terrible state and became great over the years. Guess No Man Sky or Sea of Thieves will always be bad...you can't change what happened, right?

InUrFoxHole16d ago

Agreed. You play stupid games... win stupid prizes. When MS said they couldn't just turn off kinect then did... damage was done. Gamers spoke and ms learned a hard lesson.

Hypertension14016d ago


The Xbox One launch fiasco sure didn't do anything to convince you Xbox fanboys that Microsoft can't be trusted. It seems like most of you still worship them like gods.

InUrFoxHole16d ago

Lol really? What company do you trust? If you trust any company then you have a hard lesson coming as well my friend.

Christopher16d ago

Spoke by giving them their biggest selling hardware generation ever?

DarXyde16d ago

As a compromise, it would be best to dock some points from a positive review, but clearly state the reasons for it.

So if the game is a 10/10 for you, maybe scale it back to an 8-8.5 and provide rationale that the game is excellent, but you docked points because they did try to make you link your PSN account and have since walked that back. It's saying the game is great, but remind Sony that they could have done even better if they didn't attempt to breach consumer trust.

While Sony is clearly in the wrong for making people ever do that, they did say unequivocally that they would introduce the account linking. It's quite difficult to ensure people are informed though because people never read, but this was obviously not necessary which is why they could backtrack.

In the end, Sony shouldn't be surprised by this outcome; they've had pretty bad data leaks over the years. Of course, all internet-connected data can be breached. But it is for that reason that you should not basically line people up to get picked off.


Steam reviews are either recommend (positive) or don't recommend (negative) and no middle ground.

DarXyde16d ago


That's interesting. Didn't know that. Thanks for that clarification.

Can you at least explain your review? I would hope so.

Rude-ro16d ago

Let’s hope Microsoft learns from making everyone sign up for a Microsoft account to play their games too!
Oh wait…

16d ago
INMATEofARKHAM16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Honestly, if Sony's account linking was as good as Microsoft's they would likely have more takers... but HD2 doesn't have trophies (Just steam achievements) nor does it import your PSN friends list.

It's very barebones and helps Sony far more than it helps you the consumer.

shinoff218316d ago

You literally can though or they wouldn't have asked. Tons of companies backtrack. Sony, ms, etc

TheEroica16d ago

I'm all for holding sonys feet to the fire, but your logic is whack....

boing116d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I came here with 100% certainty that first comment will say exactly this. Thank you for proving me right.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 16d ago
XiNatsuDragnel16d ago

I can agree and every bad thing and greedy practices review bomb.

Duke1916d ago

Blame Sony for that fiasco, not Arrowhead developers.

Crows9016d ago

Right.? People up in arms over it and the dev didn't even have a say in it. Sony isn't affected by the reviews...Arrowhead is.

16d ago
__SteakDeck__16d ago

@Duke19 The dev literally said that it was him, that removed the PSN link at launch. Lol

Barlos16d ago

Yup, it's absolutely Sony's fault.

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Big update, I've decided to hire @ShamsJorjani as the new CEO of @ArrowheadGS ! We go way back and I wouldn't trust the business in any other hands than his. (...and he comes with an impressive resume and love for games)

But what about me and my involvement in @Helldivers2 ? Well, I'm glad you asked! I am taking the role of Chief Creative Officer, which means I will spend MORE time with the team and 100% of my focus on the games and community!"


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Eonjay2d ago

When they last use bring it for free last weekend I felt really really overpowered. It's better than an Orbital Railgun if you are good at throwing. It can one-shot an entire smaller bug hole. I was getting 600+ kills easily on the harder difficulties.

Grilla10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Eagle airstrike will do the same with a wider radius and 3 uses vs 2 on the 500lg. The 500kg makes up for the smaller radius with height which is good for the Bile Titans.

Deathdeliverer19h ago

Needs a bigger AOE. It really feels like it does not have an AOE that is anywhere near how it looks.

repsahj12h ago

I agree. Same AOE as hellbomb and it will be great.

Grilla10h ago

That would be way overpowered but I agree the aoe is pretty small.

northpaws18h ago

Precision Strike is better. Much faster cooldown, and hit quite hard if you use it right.


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