
CRank: 5Score: 3360


70% of those TRASH BOX 3 FIX ME's have ended up in the GARBAGE BOX

that yukky console with 0 games this year

2008 will be x360's last year in the MARKET hopefully

5928d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

MLB the show and now hot shots

2 great games in at the beginning of the year

MLB and HS are perhaps the best games in their respective genres.

2008 is where the PS3 takes total control of the console war

5929d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and so would be MS in some years.

Nothing can fight SONY/PS3/BLU RAY

5930d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

not before that

Blu Ray is the future

The only thing that is dead is MS x360 in europe and worldwide

5930d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am so happy that this HDD is fully compatible with PS3.

PS3 is the only next gen console that allows HDD like this one to fit into it

Thanks SONY for giving me the best console and the best multimedia kit

5931d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 --11.5 m

xBUG 360 --16 m/16.5 m ......It could be even less since 70% /40% x360s have already died so there is like 13m x360s active

PRICE CUT will make 0 difference in europe .

X360 died there after HD DVD's demise . The x360 sales slumped 70% after Blu Ray's victory.

ALSO NOTE :- that over 60% of x360s in EUROPE have already been traded in for PS3/wii so that makes around 10/12 million x360s worldwide (ACTIVE)


5931d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

all the big games this year are PS3 exclusive


x360 has 0 games. all its games are also on PC including its only 3 games --Gears,Bishock and Mass effect

PS3 had Resistance,motorstorm,ngs,ratc het,uncharted,ut3,warhawk in 2007 --True PS3 exclusives that dont appear on PC

5931d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

a ps3 costs SONY around 350$ to make

SONY earns 50$ on every 400$ ps3

and 100$ from ever 80 gig PS3.

The price cut wont revive the DEAD BOX 360 in EUROPE

after the HD DVD demise x360 sales fell 80% in europe. It was already being outsold by PS3 before HD DVD 's demise

PRICE CUT wont revive x360 in eu. Over 60% of the x360s purchased there have already been traded in for either PS3/WII

5931d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

70% of the x360s purchased have died within months after purchase and you want us to believe your lies that x360 works!!!

the remaining 12 million x360s which are alive will also give RROD in the coming months

cant imagine the fate of XBUGS whose consoles would fully die while playing GTA4. However i dont believe x360 will stay competitive till then

As soon as GT5P hits europe x360 will be fully finished there. same goes to US

5931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In EU x360's base now stands at just 2m. Over 3 million x360s have already been traded in for both PS3 and WII

after BLU RAY's victory x360 totally died in EUROPE and that includes UK too

It will not help x360

5931d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

@lawman .......you dont own a PS3.


PS3 rules x360 all over EU including UK and Australia.

X360 doesnt even exist in EU at the moment. It barely exists in UK. However PS3 now sells more than GARBBAGE BOX 3 FIX ME in UK too. In USA PS3 outsold xFIX ME last JANUARY

On The 13th when NPD is released expect PS3 to beat X360 by atleast 100k/50k


5931d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

2008 is the year when PS3 completely kills TRASH BOX 70% DEFECTIVE RATE 3 FIX ME

All the big games of 2008 are PS3 exclusive

This is the best year for both casual and Hardcore gamers

5931d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

x360 is dead in europe

Price cut wont revive something which is dead

5931d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

x360 has 0 games for 2008.

Gears 2 look like mediocre trash against 60 player online/8 player coop RESISTANCE 2 and ultrarealistic KILLZONE 2

XBUG 3 FIX ME had just 3 games in the past---Gears, Bioshock ,Mass effect. However all of those games are on PC at a much better resolution and FR

Lets see what PS3 had in 2007

Uncharted ---The most realistic game ever

5931d ago 19 agree7 disagreeView comment

is fit just for repair shop


70% defect rate . This means that out of those 17 million xbug 3 FIX MEs only 8/9m could be alive now

what a shame

besides that x360 has no games for this year. POOR XTARDS ---300K of them already lost 100s of $ each on defunct HD DVD addon

5931d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

This game despite being an extended DEMO will sell millions of PS3 this year in europe.

MGS4 alone would move 5 million PS3s this year and so will FF13

PS3 will murder competition with this.

MARCH 29th will see the TOTAL END for X360 in europe ( It is half dead there already)

5932d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

He will become the best american president in US history

5932d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

This SNUKADAWOMAN aka INYOURDAD doesnt own any PS3

His PSN id is also FAKE. you can all check this by yourself too. This GARBAGE BOX 3 FIX ME owner basically is an XBOT who appears with a FAKE PSN id to troll PS3 threads

His XBOX might have given over 100 RROD. Having nothing to play now he trolls PS3 threads

5932d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

XBUG again you are FAKING PSN id

There is no such ID as PM ME

nothing on PSN

shut up u XBUG ..you dont own a PS3 but BREAK BOX 3 FIX ME

there is no such ID as "PM ME" on PSN

GT5 P not only blows FORZA 2/PGR4 out of the way BUT IIT MAKES all PIS*CRAP BOX 3 FIX ME games look like WIi games

GTHD looks miles better than FORZA 2 with plastic cars not to even mention GT5P


5932d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats 100% gameplay footage

100% ingame

that SNOWY ALP stage was contained in GTHD. they included that in GT5 P too but it looks a bit more realistic


Those are all gameplay videos

LONDON GT5 REALTIME GAMEPLAY YOPUTUBE VIDEO ( poor quality but still awesome)

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