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Show of hands time: Would FFXV/FFVII Remake sell you an NX day 1? If not, what would?

With rumors of the NX flying left and right practically every few days, there's no shortage of things to speculate about; what controllers it should launch with, when it should launch, what features it should or shouldn't have, how powerful it should be, etc.
Pick a card out of hat, and you've basically got yourself an NX topic.

One that I haven't seen touched upon, however, is what games would sell gamers, both Nintendo AND non-Nintendo alike, on getting an NX day 1.

One of the most recent rumors to crop up, on this site and many others, is that FFXV and FFVII Remake may be intended to release on the NX, hopefully as launch titles.[allegedly, because the developers are impressed/happy with the graphical capabilities of the system, but that's a different topic altogether, to be touched upon at another time, by people other than yours truly.XD]

Squeenix has had a fair bit of success in the past regarding FF on Nintendo consoles, so it wouldn't be outlandish to think that a strong return of the series, on the home console front, would be an excellent way to generate day 1 interest in the system.

But would it generate YOUR interest?

And if it wouldn't, what would, as far as third party games go?

This post is an attempt, by me, to see how many people out there on this site fall into one of two categories:
- Those that ACTUALLY care about Nintendo getting third party support and would show Nintendo support in return if they had it.
- Those that were just using Nintendo's lack of third party games as a reason to criticize them, and wouldn't support Nintendo even if they DID get said support.

Would you get the system if the majority of the games third parties deigned to grace the system with, were just ports of last-gen games like The Witcher, Destiny, etc?

Or would it require that third parties focus on the latest and greatest of multiplats in order to make you want the NX for their games?

I'm very interested to hear what you all have to say about this.

So tell me; what games would sell you an NX on day 1, regardless of when it comes out?

DarkOcelet3028d ago

If i can play both on PS4 before the NX arrival, i will. And honestly, the only game that will definitely make me buy the NX day 1 would be a Metroid exclusive for the NX as a launch title.

That would be Megaton.

Godmars2903028d ago

A Metriod that played similar to Skyrim or Fallout.

garrettbobbyferguson3027d ago

No thank you. Enough with Skyrim and Fallout. Both series (Fallout and Elder Scrolls) have turned to crap thanks to Bethesda. We've already gotten one mediocre Metroid game, the last thing we need is another mediocre one because they copied the mediocrity of two game series.

wonderfulmonkeyman3028d ago (Edited 3028d ago )

Take no offense to this, but I'm going to count that down as either a No, or a 'third parties don't matter on Nintendo'.
Amounts to the same thing, but either way, that's kind of worrying.
I mean, if it turns out that the majority holds a similar opinion, then what's the point of Nintendo even focusing on acquiring decent multiplats?

DarkOcelet3027d ago

That is not a no, its just i want to play the game early.

But say for instance, the NX is more powerful than the PS4/Xone, then later on i will get the multi plats that dont go to PC on the NX.

But that also doesn't mean i will not buy anything for either the PS4 or Xone, they will always be there to play the exclusive games on.

Third party matters to Nintendo because they need more sales for the Console, and if 3rd Party games dont go to it, then we will have another Wii U.

The Wii U is a great Console with amazing exclusives but the problem is that it feels outdated.

Ninty should get their head in the game and start competing in the same level as the PS4/Xone.

MRMagoo1233026d ago

A remake of ff8 with turn based combat would make me buy an nx. ......I would even pre order the console today.

gangsta_red3028d ago (Edited 3028d ago )

What would sell me on a NX day one is seeing full third party support. And what I mean by that are actual multiplats releasing on NX the same way they're released on PS4/X1.

Nintendo themselves will always support it with their own games so that wouldn't be a problem at all.

Not only that but full native BC of Wii U games would put me over the edge of getting NX day one.

wonderfulmonkeyman3028d ago (Edited 3028d ago )

I think we would all like that, but having full support is up to third parties.
The only thing Nintendo can do is invite them and give them a powerful system; Nintendo's not in charge of third parties, so Nintendo can't decide how those games are made.
Meaning it's up to third parties to make the games compelling and fully supported with all their content, patches, and needed optimization.
Nintendo has no say in those things; it's up to third parties to do it right.

But that's all by-the-by; my question was which games, specifically, would make you want an NX.

Under the assumption that they're new games and are done right, of course.

They could get third party support for the next ten gens combined, but if all they get are ports of games you're already playing elsewhere, I somehow doubt that would be much of an incentive.

That's why I asked for some game names.
Like, would it take the newest CoD and Assassin's Creed?
Kingdom Hearts and FF?
There's got to be at least two or three specific titles that would convince you...

gangsta_red3028d ago

But all the games you're asking for like CoD and Assassin's Creed can also be played on PS4 or Xbox One. Why would I need a NX to play those games?

What I am asking for are not old ports but just the latest releases to also appear on the NX along with Nintendo's excellent games they develop plus BC for Wii U titles.

To answer your question on what game(s) would sell me on NX, it would have to be Nintendo exclusives releasing all on day one (or within the first year) like Mario Kart Double Dash 2, a 2.5D Metroid, a brand new Earthbound or a multiplayer/co-op brand new epic Starfox.

Other than that, after being burned by Nintendo since the N64 I will definitely wait and see where this NX goes.

wonderfulmonkeyman3028d ago (Edited 3028d ago )

So basically, third party cannot sell you an NX like it sold you on the PS4/Xbone?
Or am I misinterpreting you?

gangsta_red3028d ago

PS4 and Xbox One sold me on their systems way back with Xbox and PS1. Nintendo started to lose my confidence with the N64 and it only continued with each new console.

It's going to take a combination of the things I pointed out above for me to get a NX day one.

True third party support - Recent releases of 3rd party games.

Nintendo's continued excellent games which would include the one's I mentioned above at launch or announced in the coming year(s).

Complete native BC with the Wii U.

If they have those three things, then I will get a NX day one.

SimonSmith3027d ago

I have honestly never cared for the Final Fantasy games so if they were put on the Nintendo NX they would not really affect me. I have never been let down by a Nintendo system to date and see the consoles as more an investment to buy as soon as they are released and look forward excitedly to what comes in the future, such as I have done with the Wii U this generation.
However if I had to pick a game or games that would instantly sell me on the NX without even a second thought, it would either be an entirely new Bioshock game, or the first three games with all additional content remastered for the system. Since I first played Bioshock 2 and Infinite in 2015 I have found they would sell me on any future console if they were put on them. Though either way I would go for the NX no matter what because I do not need a solid launch and the promise of big support to buy a Nintendo system, I buy them because Nintendo makes the games that define the console and people should simply buy their consoles to play.
A bit of a ramble but hopefully I answered the question there.

Ruggadagod3027d ago

But I can get all of that on my PS4 a home console which will have huge publisher support for another 5-7 years.

wonderfulmonkeyman3027d ago (Edited 3027d ago )

Not the point; people keep complaining that Nintendo doesn't have enough strong third party support.
This little post is to gauge how many of those same-said users, at least around here, are being genuine and would actually support Nintendo if they got third party support, and how many were just s**t-posting and never had any intention to support Nintendo again, even WITH third party support.

So far, what I'm seeing is not an encouraging sight.

Edit: That was something I brought up frequently too; that exclusives matter to Nintendo more than multiplats.
Apparently there are a lot out there who disagree, but I digress; either way you go about it, third party support is third party support.
I'd love to see Nintendo get a massive amount of third party exclusives, but there are a lot of people out there who are saying they don't support Nintendo because they lack multiplats, in particular.
And the Wii U, despite having some really nice exclusives, didn't sell so hot, so I can only assume there are more out there that complained about the mutliplats than the exclusives as a reason for staying away.

I'm using this post to separate the ones who were serious and would actually support Nintendo if they got third party support, from the ones who were just being trolls.

Ruggadagod3027d ago

Um how about getting 3rd party EXCLUSIVES?

3026d ago
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