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Yet another Open Letter, this time to AAA third parties, regarding the Wii U.

This is something that's been rolling around in my head for a bit, just like my previous blog post, and since there's no suitable articles to put my thoughts on the subject to, I'm going to do so here.

For a while now, people have been complaining about Nintendo's "lack of third party support", and it's always in reference to AAA third parties.

I'd like to put forth a bit of a message towards these third parties that Nintendo thinks will return, and who want to return once sales go up, but before I go any further, let me just state something: The idea that Nintendo has no third party support, is false.

Indies count as third party support, even if they don't sell systems.
People are ogling No Man's Sky left and right, and that's an indie title.
People consider that a form of support for the PS4, even though it's going to be on PC as well.[as far as I know]
Double standards don't fly with me; if indies count as good third party support for one console, they count as good third party support for ALL consoles where there presence is strong.
And it's strong on Wii U.

A side note; to all of those that think indies don't count for much compared to any third party...
You'd have to be an egotistical apologist if you'd call Shovel Knight a worse game than the Wii U version of Sniper Elite V2, and you've got no point worth considering if you'd deny that good indies have a greater spotlight than bad ports regardless of budget.
Now that that's out of the way, let's move on...

Recently, there was an article [See here about how a few third party companies wouldn't mind coming back if the Wii U starts selling better, to "justify" their efforts on the system.

This letter, is to the third parties, like Ubisoft and others like them, who have expressed this opinion of the Wii U.
It's a small request but one I mean with all of my heart...

Don't come back.


Well, let me explain myself; I've been an ardent supporter of many of the Wii U's AAA third party titles thus far.
I've bought everything from Mass Effect 3 to Assassin's Creed 3 and 4.
Heck, I even gave Zombie U a buy!
I'm no stranger to what these people consider "support" for the Wii U, and...

Well, I'm sorry, Ubisoft, EA, Activision, and most of the rest of you, but I don't really WANT you to return to the Wii U regardless of how well it starts selling.


Now, granted, there are a few really decent titles from you guys. Ubisoft has been particularly on the ball; Child of Light was, and still is, one of the games I most love on my Wii U, and despite the delay of the game, Rayman Legends sold best on Wii U, because Ubisoft made it their mission to make that the BEST of the versions. Their efforts were rewarded.

But in the majority of cases?
I'm sorry, but the way many of you AAA third party developers have handled your own games on the platform, has left me disillusioned and very reluctant to continue to show any form of support to you, even if you did start bringing more games to the system.

Because I already know what kind of "support" to expect from you all regardless of install base.

Going back to a previous example, I bought Mass Effect 3 on the console recently.
I thought it was an excellent game; the game pad was well used and wasn't intrusive, the multiplayer was fun, and the campaign was a delight.[sans ending, of course]

But here's the thing: I waited until I could find it used.
That's right; I didn't give you, EA, a single CENT of my money for your game.
Do you know why, EA?
Do you know WHY I bought it used?

If the caps aren't enough to get my point across, then let me put it more simply: You screwed me over as a Wii U owner, EA.

What you SHOULD have done, was released an updated form of that same collection on the Wii U, fully supporting the game pad, with all of the DLC, THEN MADE EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FOR THE WII U VERSION, AND MARKETED THE CRAP OUT OF IT.

THAT, would have gotten you sales.
Imagine, if you will, some multiplayer stages, or some hidden weapons, based around something like the various Beam Weapons of the Metroid series.
Imagine a guest appearance by the Space Pirates that Samus fights, in multiplayer mode, on an exclusive map or two that is designed to mimic some of the environments of previous Metroid titles.

You should have done something like that, EA.
You should have worked with Nintendo to make that happen.

And that goes for other AAA third parties as well; I bought CoD Ghosts and Black Ops, very little DLC support and minimal patch support, and no exclusive bonuses or marketing efforts.

I bought Darksiders II, and that lacked some of the DLC that expanded the game's replay value.

The list goes on, and it includes many games I didn't touch because they were so poorly handled.[Sniper Elite V2 cut out the multiplayer entirely. Da hell, guys?!]

If you've read this far, then you've probably understood my point by now, but if it isn't clear, let me spell it out:


I'm done catering to you.
I tried being the odd man out by showing support when you guys demanded it.
I tried showing faith that things would get better if I just kept shelling out for you despite the mistakes that you were making.

But it didn't do me any good.

You still delayed games, you still neglected DLC, you still cut modes out, you still didn't take the time to properly optimize things, you still didn't make very good use of the Game Pad in the majority of cases, and above all, YOU SHOWED ME THAT YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THE WII U VERSIONS BECAUSE YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING SUBSTANTIAL TO MARKET THEM, OR DO ANYTHING EXCLUSIVE TO MAKE THEM APPEALING COMPARED TO MORE GRAPHICALLY-INTENSIVE NEXT-GEN VERSIONS OR CHEAPER LAST-GEN VERSIONS.

I payed you my hard-earned money, and you gave me a huge wad of badly-handled shovelware in return.

So please, take my words to heart:
If you aren't willing to change how you approach the Wii U...
If you aren't willing to try making your ports better via more exclusive content within them and better marketing/multiplat-content support[DLC]...
If you aren't willing to keep doing a bunch of brand-new games instead of ports, when ports fail to sell, until something catches on and starts selling big...


Nintendo has been scooping up some niche titles like Bayonetta 2 and Devil's Third, and they've got a very healthy and still growing amount of indies supporting their system with games that are worth purchasing regardless of what other consoles they're on.
All of these things are giving Wii U owners games that, while smaller in scale in most cases, give Wii U owners much more quality in production than what you have been trying to pass off as "Support".
Your lack-luster ports on the Wii U have actually done further harm to its already-shaky reputation, coming hot on the heels of a casual-friendly console like the Wii.

Nintendo needs better from you if it's going to see its AAA install base grow, and if you're not willing to do that when the Wii U starts selling, then please, JUST STAY GONE.

Stick to the platforms that your games sell best on, and don't ruin the Wii U's reputation with shoddy ports any further, if you can't change the kind of support you show to the system, and to the fans on the system who WANT GOOD GAMES INSTEAD OF BAD PORTS FROM YOU.

I'm going back to play Deus Ex and The Wonderful 101 now.
If anything I have said in this letter is offensive to you, then I apologize, but IT HAD TO BE SAID.
I want to support you, but you've got to give me content that EARNS that support, and you've got to be consistent with it until that support catches on and starts making the games you put on the system, and by extension the system itself, sell better.

Not that much to ask, guys.

Think about it.

wonderfulmonkeyman3643d ago (Edited 3643d ago )

My only issues are of the perfectly sane and justified variety.
I'm telling third parties the truth; no one wants their ports on the wii u because they don't know how to (or refuse to) make them worth the prices these third parties are trying to sell them at.

Their problems are much bigger than mine, because they're the ones that want profit out of the wii u.
I'm content with the other offerings on the system, and I can always get third party games on pc, if I really want them.
No loss to me, but they're the ones that will not be seeing me do any double-dipping on their games due to piss-poor support.
Missed profit due to bad decisions.

randomass1713643d ago

@DonDon You're one to talk with your silly, crazy and rage induced tirades against CEOs you've never met.

DonDon3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )


Since you want to get off topic, then here goes: I don't need to meet Iwata to know he is a one trick pony. Tatsumi Kimishima or Minoru Arakawa could do much better jobs than him long term. Besides, when Yamouchi picked Iwata, the other two guys were unavailable for the position. But the stars are aligning and maybe one day one of them will replace him. Also, both have saved the company in their own way, have business backgrounds, Kimishima especially in game development/management, and BOTH have been Presidents of Nintendo in America, giving them understanding of the Western market.

But you sure do defend someone you've never met. Someone who also lost the confidence of the core audience. Were it not for Kimishima, Nintendo wouldn't have had as strong an e3. He is the one who rallied the R&D teams together and he is a huge part of why the games are of great quality. Not some CEO who refuses to accept advice or take into account the advice of his top advisors/shareholders.

Even if the morons at EA were running Nintendo, I bet you'd still make excuses for them. Unlike you, I am not a fanboy. I am loyal to Nintendo before I am loyal to whoever happens to be it's incumbent monarch.

Your problem is that you are too contentious. Don't like my opinion? Than block me. But I can explain my point of view, instead of just licking the heals of Iwata on the basis that he had one success. Kimishi and Yamouchi's son in law (Arakawa) have had more instances of success. Iwata just had one. And it may have made alot of money, but the motion gimmick is no longer a crutch to gain casuals.

So you may not like my views, but that's fine. Magneto and Xavier don't see eye to eye either, but they both want what they think is best for mutants (X-men analogy). Same with Malcom X and Dr. King for civil rights. Our debates are not as dramatic, but nonetheless we both want what's best for Nintendo. And i'm not about to concede my views without being compelled. And as it stands, it seems to me that Iwata supporters have no legs to stand on.

Your move.

randomass1713642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

Actually I don't defend Iwata out of any sort of loyalty. I just think the man deserves the same respect that I also give to Yoshida. In spite of the mistakes he has made, he is making lemonade and actively helping Wii U (a console I now like) gain more momentum. Also, we are not even remotely alike as none of my comments of praise have been psychotic tirades about how much I hate the man for his work in creating video games and consoles. In fact, I don't see how my praise is even remotely on the same spectrum as your hatred.

"Even if the morons at EA were running Nintendo"

If Nintendo were making half of the terrible decisions EA was making, you wouldn't see me praise them so often. Please don't make fallacious assumptions about me when my views are not nearly as extreme as yours. Also I would like a link proving what you are saying about Kimishima having any sort of impact on the most recent E3 event.

DonDon3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

Okay. Well like said, you're just a bit too contentious, as all you've done is attack me, instead of addressing the points I've made. I have you on my ignore list, but decided to engage you under the assumption that you could debate in a manner which would be supportive of your OWN point of view. However, I didn't come away from this with any understanding as to why you think a man like Iwata is worthy of my respect. I've provided reasons with why others are worthy of more respect. My supposed tirades aside, you have failed to provide adequate reasoning for defending him. At least my so-called "tirades" can get my point across with examples. Yours seems like a blind devotion despite your saying it isn't, on account of your inability to articulate WHY you defend him. I am of the opinion that one must earn respect, not have it automatically allocated to him. I respect his right to live, to earn a wage, etc. But when sales are low for Wii U, 3rd party support is too (not because 3rd parties have a grand conspiracy against Nintendo, but because Wii U isn't selling), and Nintendo's shareholders are wanting Iwata's head on a stick, I don't see how my voicing a disdain for him is in any way related to "respect". Respect is not important here. His vision is. And he lacks one. And so does your response. It went nowhere, never addressed my points, and ended in a tirade about respect and other irrelevant issues. So I will leave things at that. You're entitled to your opinion, but I doesn't mean I don't respect your right to have an opinion simply because I dislike said opinion. And the same goes for your definition of respect in terms of it being allocated to Iwata.

Respect for him as a person is different from respecting his vision. Kimishima is to thank for any good we see from the company since Iwata has taken office. This debate has reached a demeaning low and I have yet to find you to be a meaningful debater. Your reasons are not compelling, you're passionate and have no explanation as to why. Frankly, I've put you on my ignore list for a reason, and it's not because we disagree, but it's because you degrade the conversation by contributing zero compelling arguments for your point of view. So, why bother talking to you? I'd rather be in argument with a fanboy who can explain their reasoning, rather than one who cannot. So, good day sir. But I am not swayed, and that's okay. Don't try so hard to sway others. You don't even know how to that much, to be honest...

Also to answer question about Kimishima:

It says that the sucess of the Wii was due to Kimishi, "Under Kimishi's leadership the company was able to relive the success that it had in the late 80's and early 90's" with links to articles on that topic. Kimishi NOT Iwata (who took this awesome system and focused it away from the core).

Also, Nintendo hasn't had a decent e3 in years, but after Iwata appointed Kimishi after last years e3 debacle, Nintendo returned to e3 with several promising projects that would have been the sole responsibility of Kimishi who is now appointed Managing Director.

Also, business-wise he was NOA prez, Chief executive officer, Board Chairman, prez of wildly successful Pokemon company, Chief Financial officer, and helped develop several games personally. There are other articles too online, however much of what should be attributed to Kimishima is attributed to Iwata. As soon as he was appointed Manager, R&D development got a kick in the pants and now we got a great e3.

DonDon3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

To conclude,
I don't need to be right, but I need to be swayed if I am to abandon my opinion. And you sir are ill equipped to do so, and frankly I am tired of talking with you. Case in point: you dodged every point I made. I guess your strategy is too dance around the issue until I get bored and walk away. Unlike you, I am not on the site all day every day, and haven't the time to start arguments only to dance around the issues. Your response felt like it was premeditated before you even finished reading what i said. If there is any hatred sir, I'd have to ask you to look in the mirror. Dance around the issues presented and you just look like a baseless fanatic. But who cares what someone thinks if they cannot effectively express the compelling arguments needed to convey their points? I suspect that you attribute accolades to this man (Iwata) where they should be directed to Kimishima. But that would require more than a basic understanding of the developments at the company (though I am no insider, the things I speak of are not hard to discover). It would require one to also realize that the Nintendo of Yamouchi succeeded in large part to Kimishima and Yamouchi's son-in-law, not to Iwata's one Wii console (also Kimishima oversaw & continues to oversee the much more popular options of the company such as the portables division and the R&D departments. His business background allowed him to successfully reach the West as Nintendo of America president--a job he did better than Reggie). But whatever. Good luck with your views. I have my own, and will continue to voice them. As I am not alone.

Finally, I won't bother to respond to any more of your replies. Clearly you are akin to intellectual neanderthal--beating your chest like an ape to avoid meaningful, deductive, reason-based discussions (even if we agreed). So...just go off and act like your statements are rooted on some kind of substance. You never could hold your own in an arguments, Poprocks (^_^), not without exhausting your opponent until they just walked away. You couldn't stop me before, and based on your non-compelling retort, you could never stop me or my opinion. And why should you? N4G is a free forum, by the people for the people. So, good luck with whatever your problem is, and I'll continue the good fight for true Nintendo fans (Iwata sympathizers and otherwise--so long as it isn't based on blind, fundamental, inexplicable fanboyisms). Find a new hobby-- perhaps sunlight, a job (instead of being on n4g 24/7), or friends are in order? I on the other hand will occasionally frequent the site and may even feel compelled to voice my opinions, as is customary on a community-driven site). I will be respecting others opinions too. Respect: a word that you use, yet can't seem to enact. I will voice my opinion, as this is a free forum. Your attacks are akin to thought crime, as you will voraciously attack anyone you don't agree with--long after they've agreed to a mutual understanding that both sides will just have to disagree. Let people be. Please, bug off.

Viva La Nintendo Revolucion!

Ignored list, activated!

randomass1713642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

@DonDon Oh okay then. Believe what you want to believe, I guess. Thanks for not providing evidence to the claims like I asked for.

wonderfulmonkeyman3641d ago

Gee, thanks for derailing the entire thread, guys.
Maybe you could both try answering in an on-topic way?
Also, specifically at you, Don, despite the fact that your very first post in here was nothing more than an insult, I still took the time to give you a non-inflammatory answer.
If you can't respond in kind, if you can't reply without being rude, if you can't offer any good counterpoint or offer anything worth consideration that pertains to the main point of the thread, then please refrain from posting here.
I won't cater to your antics a second time.

randomass1713641d ago

Yeah, sorry about that wonderfulmonkeyman. Probably should have replied to him in a PM if at all. On point with your topic, I'm not sure that I agree with the whole "Yeah, who needs ya" way of thinking with third parties. I feel that Nintendo should not burn bridges and should instead work with third parties to achieve a way to make marketable games for Wii U with the gamepad. One of Wii U's weaknesses is its third party support. The only publisher I personally have no issue with ignoring Wii U is EA since I tend to avoid their games a lot anyway.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3641d ago
Concertoine3641d ago (Edited 3641d ago )

Good blog, but i would cut down on the CAPS NEXT TIME!

The support from Japanese developers (Capcom, Sega, Square, Tecmo) has been pretty good, at least in terms of quality (not so much quantity). I can't see 3rd parties coming back anytime soon though. I would honestly rather them fund exclusives and buy studios.

Side note guys, but do you think they should buy Capcom? It would increase their employees by like 50% and cost a shit ton of money, but...

Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Street Fighter, and the entirity of Capcom's efficient dev team? I think they missed a huge opportunity buying Atlus last year and they should pay whatever it takes to absorb Capcom or at least a large part of the company.

Edit: I agree with DonDon on Iwata as but i will admit he is doing better lately and he presented his opinion rather hostile. Though i never really keep up with his comments so i don't know if his reputation is unfounded, lol.

randomass1713641d ago (Edited 3641d ago )

I forgot to mention that that was my only real criticism was the caps. Other than that it's a fine blog, even if I don't quite agree with it. Honestly, I don't think Nintendo should buy Capcom but buying some of their IPs is a pretty good idea. I can see Nintendo doing a lot with Mega Man. I'm not so sure about some of the more mature franchises, but I think Nintendo recognizes that those games are too successful to ignore. For a while DonDon's criticisms were somewhat on base about Iwata in that his direction led to Wii U going nowhere when it launched. Lately the man is doing much better work and it shows with Wii U's performance last month and supposedly this month as well, so I give him a lot of the same respect I give to Yoshida and the other folks at Sony who worked with PS3 even when everyone was crapping on it. My only interactions with DonDon are this comment and the last one in which he replied to me with this really long essay about how Iwata was a "pimp" and just generally tasteless drivel that had nothing to do with Iwata or his performance as Nintendo's CEO. This was all after Mario Kart had come out and proven to be a pretty big success, so this sort of over the top hatred was both unnecessary and outdated IMO. That's just my take so take that however you'd like lol.

Concertoine3641d ago

But would Capcom sell off individual IP's? Thatd be weird.

If they had to buy some, they should buy Monster Hunter and Megaman. Their platforms have the biggest crowd for both of those. I would also say Street Fighter but those games havent been relevant to Nintendo in a long time.

BitbyDeath3640d ago

Honestly most so called 'AAA' third party titles are overrated.

There are a number of exceptions out there but really the shovelware pile is not that much different from indies.

Putting a ton of money behind a certain game does not make it better, just look at the Crysis series.

As for lack of 3rd party support, some of it if not a lot of the blame has to be put square on Nintendo themselves. They need to get out there and at least try fix the situation themselves.

Nintendo look to be acting like Sony had when PS3 came out, just expecting everything to fall into place for them and doing very little to help themselves.

Nintendo of course will be fine, they have plenty of money in the bank to see this through but hopefully they will learn something from this generation as Sony had with the PS3.

Artista 3640d ago (Edited 3640d ago )

"Honestly most so called 'AAA' third party titles are overrated. "

I couldn't agree any more.

This is a solid blog.
Nintendo does have third party support. It's just that nintendo and the fanbase have high standards. Instead of complaining about the install base. Why not help improve the install base? Like wonderfulmonkeyman said, "dont come back".

People need to understand that, when you buy a nintendo console. You don't buy it to play games that available on 5 other platforms. People that want those kind of games mostly likely have access to them already. The WiiU is not the place to dump the countless/oversaturated half-assed yearly sequels. I could go on but I'd rather not.

I like what Nintendo is doing with securing third party exclusives, resurrecting games that never would.. like Devil's third, and Bayonetta 2.

Juste_Belmont3640d ago

These developers don't seem to realize that if people don't see games on the system that they want to play, then they won't buy the system, which is why I haven't bought any of the next gen systems. The more variety of games a system has, the better chance the install base will grow. I'm not a big fan of EA or Ubisoft, but at least Ubisoft is taking the chance on the Wii U with Watch Dogs.

TransientDreamer3640d ago

And here I thought DragonKnight was out of his mind.

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