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An open letter [of thanks] to Indies on Wii U...

This is something that has been rolling around in my mind for quite a while, now, but for ages, I haven't really had a push to deliver it in any solid form on any place where most devs could see it, like on a public forum.

The recent delay of Watch Dogs on the Wii U has given me that push that I needed to finally come out and say what I should have said since I first bought Nano Assault Neo...

This one goes out to all the indie teams out there who are giving the Wii U, the under-dog, the system under fire from what seems like the entire industry, a chance to shine...

All of you indies behind games like Shovel Knight and Cryamore and Soul Saga and A Hat in Time, and so many others, YOU GUYS are becoming the brightest shining light for the Wii U's future of quality games, outside of their own first and second party offerings.

You've recently given us reason to expect over 120+ games from you guys.
Some of them aren't our cup of tea, but quite a few more of them than I ever expected are going to have me opening my wallet for you guys.

You're giving us games that aren't over-priced gimped ports of old titles we've already played on older systems, games that aren't unnecessarily delayed or unsupported when patches are needed, even if they're already out on PC or other systems.

You're out-developing third parties on the Wii U, in my opinion.

Now, although I can't speak for every Nintendo fan out there, I feel I speak for a large majority when I say...


Thank you for doing your jobs better than many of the third parties that have been snubbing Wii U owners with badly done multiplatform ports since launch.
Thank you, for bringing us games that bring to mind the good old days of our childhoods, when quality in gameplay was more important than the graphics or the power of the system the games were on, when the hits came fast and often.

This letter of thanks is to let you know, that you aren't goofing up. That you're doing things right.
And above all, that you've got my attention, and that my wallet now has an ear to the ground as far as all of you are concerned.

I hope I speak for many, many more Wii U owners when I say, Wii appreciate U, and all that you're doing for us, and we hope you'll continue to provide us with great games moving forward.

Thank you, Indies.
You're giving me the kind of quality that I expected at launch from big-name-third-parties, and much more, and I can't wait to see how many of you become even bigger teams in the industry thanks to the money you'll make off of appreciative Steam users, and Wii U owners like me.

Now, some people might say that Wii U owners are going to be over-charged for your games, compared to buying them on Steam.

But I feel that many of the games you will be bringing to me, are worth more than $10, so even if you charge a bit more, I'll gladly pay. Heck, even upwards of $24.99, depending on the title.
Because you're showing me games that I feel deserve that support.
Games that are more valuable than the common low prices of Steam sales, and since I've got a job, I'm more than willing to shell out a bit more for your stuff, even if others disagree with my stance or call me a fool for it.

You've impressed me beyond all expectations, and I hope the same holds true for many of my fellow Wii U owners.

Keep up the good work, and I look forward to opening my wallet for many of you...


The atmospheric adventure game "Helix: Descent N Ascent" is coming to PC and the Switch in 2025

"The Courcelles-based (Belgium) indie games developer Badass Mongoose, are today very happy and proud to announce that their atmospheric adventure game "Helix: Descent N Ascent", is coming to PC and the Nintendo Switch in 2025." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


"Chernobylite: Complete Edition" is now finally available for PC via Steam

"The Gliwice-based (Poland) indie games developer The Farm 51 are today very happy and excited to announce that they have just released "Chernobylite: Complete Edition" for PC via Steam." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


"Potion Permit: Complete Edition" is now digitally and physically available for PC and consoles

"The London-based (the UK) indie games publisher PQube and Bandung-based (Indonesia) indie games developer MassHive Media, are today very proud and thrilled to announce that their their potion-themed open-ended sim RPG “Potion Permit: Complete Edition”, is now digitally and physically available for PC (via Steam) and console (PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.