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Am I The Only One Sick To Death of GTA IV Yet?

There are 8 top stories shown on the front page. 6 are about GTA IV.

The second hottest story is about a guy who kind-of sort-of maybe looks a little bit like Niko.

This game is not perfect. In fact, it is so far from perfect that I am convinced the reviewers were all on drugs when they got this game.

I bought it after reading the reviews, expecting something special. I was hoping for the same feeling I got when I first play GTA 3, it was an amazing game, and GTA IV is the same. The same game that is.

Go to point A, pick up Mr X, take him to point B, then to point C, kill Mr Y. and go back to point A.

Rinse and repeat.

How can so many people be so amazingly impressed with something we have played 3 times already?!

Ok, I must admit it has an interesting multiplayer. So release a GTA Online and knock the price down. 4 hours into this game and I am thoroughly bored. The graphics have some serious frame rate issues (on both consoles, which everyone seems to have missed), the cars handle like they are on suspension built from custard, the AI is less than impressive, and the mission structure is exactly the same as we have seen before, except now instead of playing through missions and progressing, you have to spend half your time playing poorly implemented mini-games to keep your in-game friends happy.

How can so many people be so satisfied with this? R* have been overambitious, and have tried to do too much and has ended up doing it all quite badly, instead of focusing on one element and making it great.

I am seriously disappointed with this game and will be returning it promptly, and I just hope that everyone who does enjoy it actually goes and plays it instead of posting 30,000 stories about it on N4G

Truplaya5854d ago

I started playing the GTA series at the first one, the top down one.

The series has gradually improved and each game is better than the last. You complain about the graphics? have you seen GTA San Andreas lately?

What are you comparing the graphics to? its the best looking open world game out there. The car handling is great, you must be rubbish at driving or are picking the wrong cars.

Yes, the missions structure is the same, but that is GTA. What else do you want? All Call of Duty games are the same, go there, shoot that, repeat, but no one complains.

You need to go back to the days of the SNES when all games were 2D and lasted a minutes before getting boring or frustating. You would then see how lucky you are to have games like GTA available.

vidoardes5852d ago

I am not sayign the graohics are bad at all, I just think they are not as good as everyone says they are. And as for the best looking open world game? Look no furthur than Burnout Paradise (locked at 60fps mind).

You compare the samey gameplay to Call Of Duty, everyone did moan about 2 and 3, they were the same as every other world war II shooter out there, but go and look at CoD 4. It takes the idea, turns it around into something awesome (and not just because of the pretty graphics). The gameplay has been totally revamped from the previous titles, and that was what I was hoping for from GTAIv

kira9895854d ago

I understand where your coming from... There are people who absolutly love GTA and than there is people like me who play it occasionally...

I agree that all GTA's are the same... IN THE BEGINING!!!

I think that once you get the ball rolling and your persona gets to the point where he is big s**t thats when you see the crazier missions...

If you cant make it that point.. maybe GTA isnt for you, but i can tell you right now that you arent the only one who's geting sick of it, just one of the few...

LinuxGuru5854d ago


I've never played a GTA game, nor do I ever plan to.


PS360WII5854d ago

Awesome blog and I agree with you

kosha5854d ago

Im not sick of gta4 the actual game. But i am sick of all the news and hype about it. Good blog

gEnKiE5851d ago

I LOVE GTA but I am sick of seeing the same old stories on it...

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Report: Marvel Rivals Crossplay Code Spotted in Closed Alpha Game Files

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Nintendo May Be Working On A Legend Of Zelda Game With Zelda As The Main Character

Nintendo may be working on a brand new Legend of Zelda game featuring Zelda as the main character, based on a new rumor.

Read Full Story >>
XiNatsuDragnel1d 8h ago

That'll be interesting because titular character for the game

Eonjay4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

The 'Legend of Link: Zelda's Awakening' has a nice ring to it.

Cacabunga2h ago

Legit since they made Princess Peach showtime

-Foxtrot11h ago

It works

The cycle of hatred can't always be exactly the same

Maybe in one reincarnation the Hyrule family name their son Link in honour of Hylia's chosen hero and some village woman name their daughter Zelda in honour of Princess Zelda from the old tales of the lands past.

Vits10h ago

This rumor, or variants of it, appears pretty much every time there is a gap with a non-announced Zelda game in the works. So I would take it with a grain of salt."

That said, I have always wanted a game where you play as her. Not exactly a "Zelda game", mind you, I always see her making more sense in something like a city builder/management or strategy game.

ZeekQuattro4h ago

There's a rumor that another Zelda Musou game in the works. I'd sooner believe that one over this.

SimpleSlave3h ago

A character select screen would work just fine. If RPG developers, with far more complex gameplay everything, have been able to do this, why is Nintendo still dragging their feet?

This ain't Baldur's Gate nor Morrowind, so lets get to it already.

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Marvel Rivals: Closed Alpha Gameplay

Here is a look at the Closed Alpha for the game in action.

Redgrave4h ago

Keep in mind that regardless of your stance or interest in this, be it good or bad; the ToS agreement makes it so you can't leave negative reviews once accepted.

Garethvk4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Hence why I posted video so people can watch and make up their own minds and I will reserve my final thoughts until the final build.

Inverno3h ago

Wtf, that alone would make me not try this crap at all. As if they can even have that much control over people lolz

phoenixwing12m ago(Edited 12m ago)

Basically overwatch lite