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GTA IV: The Better Version

This will be written from a gamer’s perspective and will focus on the GTA experience. This blog will not discuss sales, and will disregard anything that may or may not be coming in the future. Being so prevalent on the site lately, this writer figured it best to clear the air of misconceptions and sweep the lies under the rug.

Grand Theft Auto IV, releasing
April 29, 2008, will continue the wildly successful GTA series and is expected to be one of the best games of the year. It will be released on the two next generation consoles, and being such an anticipated game, controversy over which of the two versions would be better was inevitable. Inspired by a recent Slicegaming article, this blog will further explore that idea and go into much more detail.

When an early "review" from a no-name website pointed out that the Xbox 360 version of GTA will have pop ups and frame rate issues, some were quick to point out that the PS3 version would clearly be superior. This blog will not only disprove that, it will show which version is better, from an open mind.

Four main points will be explored in depth, these are: Xbox Live, Achievements, Downloadable Content, and how History agrees with this writer.

Time and time again Xbox Live has proved its worth over the inferior Playstation Network. Xbox Live is meant for social gaming, and with a big part of GTA being multiplayer, the online play clearly goes to the Xbox 360. This can be applied to just about every multiplatform game, but the popularity of GTA will further exemplify how online multiplayer isn't online multiplayer until you've played Xbox Live. The ease in which to play via invites is a simple, yet important little feature that Live has over PSN. On the PS3, invites are nothing but an announcement. Perhaps the most important online quality is another simple one, the microphone. Again, social play is best over Live, where you know your playing with humans, whereas with PSN silent nicknames seem nothing more than bots.

One of the many overlooked features on the Xbox and over Live is achievements. A points system which rewards players for completing games and fulfilling other requirements, achievements add to one’s gamerscore which can be compared with anyone across the globe. When achievements are done well, they can easily double the time spent playing a game because they become so addicting that you have to earn them. On the other hand achievements aren’t always done well, sometimes they’re too easy and sometimes they’re too hard. But judging from Bully: Scholarship Edition, Rockstar clearly showed they know how important achievements are to a game and one can expect the same from Grand Theft Auto IV. Having never experienced them, achievements don’t mean anything to some people. But like I said, a singleplayer only game can all of a sudden be worth a purchase if you have engaging and challenging achievements.

The third main point centers around – the ever present on N4G – GTA IV Downloadable Content. Upon release, it is expected that both versions will be similar in regards to story, but overall only one version will give gamer’s the full package. Originally expected to be released in the New Year, it has been confirmed that DLC for GTA IV will in fact hit Xbox Live by summers end, much sooner than expected, and more content will come in 2009. Although not much is known now the DLC is expected to be in the form of extra missions and possibly extra achievements. Whether it will cost money or not is yet to be determined, but one should assume it will cost money. Even though pretty much nothing is known about the downloadable content, it is an extra and therefore yet another Xbox 360 advantage. Although there is $50,000,000 riding on this downloadable content, so personally I expect it to kick ass.

And the last main point is will discuss the history of multiplatforms and how they always seem to favour the Xbox 360. Just about all games that come out for both consoles seem to have the PS3 version at a disadvantage. This is because of many, many reasons, but the ones most often heard are: frame rates issues, longer loading times, mandatory installs, and problems playing online. And along with all these problems, the PS3 version always lacks what was talked about in main point one and two. Sure, we don’t know anything yet, but I think it is very safe to say that extras aside, the Xbox 360 version will be better.

Clearly you have now learned why one version of GTA will be better than the other, but now personal matters will be discussed that may or may not reflect the majority, yet important nonetheless.

Rated the best overall controller over at Cnet, the Xbox 360 controller has a simplistic design and is very ergonomically friendly. It works best for shooters, but also excels in games thought impossible to control well on a console. Some say the D-pad is its downfall, having never used the D-pad while playing a game I can’t really comment. It isn’t that the PS3 controller is bad…it just lacks the huge jump made from the Xbox controller to Xbox 360 controller. The Playstation gamepad was great in the late nineties, a good break from the awkward N64 controller. When the PS2 featured the exact same controller it didn’t seem like that big of a deal. But when I got a chance to use the Xbox controller, it was obvious Sony had fallen behind. And now, over a decade later and the PS3 has the exact same controller as it predecessors. To make matters worse, a massive component, rumble, was forgotten about and was only corrected recently. I’ll be very generous on both ends and estimate that there are 12 million incomplete controllers and 1 million next generation controllers out there for the PS3. Considering the vast majority of PS3 owners do not own a controller with rumble, and that new consoles won’t have the rumble controller implemented, I easily give the controller competition to the Xbox 360.

This wasn't meant to be a fanboy rant and honesty was used to its fullest extent. Console allegiances aside, you will find it hard to not agree with most of the above points.

In the future, these main points may someday change, but for now it is undeniable that the Xbox 360 with have that best version of the Grand Theft Auto IV.

IntelligentAj5868d ago

I'm pretty sure most people will disagree with you on the achievements thing as it's more like a bragging right then anything else. On Xbox live your right but the counter argument to that would be how many people are going to playing death matches(or whatever the online component will be)online, as opposed to enjoying the main game. On the DLC front it does have more content than the PS3 but the counter argument to that can be you don't know what the DLC is going to be yet so you can't make that judgment. It will most likely be some extra episodes or a new area of the city, but you have to pay for that. And on the controller front the counter argument can be that everyone played GTA on the PS with the Dualshock controller so it will feel natural to them, regardless of whether it's not "ergonomically sound". That being said I want to approve this to see how it'll get received cause you do make some good points but they will be overshadowed by fanboyism, which i'm sure you already know.

Breakfast5868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

For me achievements arent for bragging rights. Achievements give me a personal sense of accomplishment. When i got 1000/1000 on halo's achievements i didnt go showing anyone, i just smiled and was kinda proud of myself...dont laugh at me.

Only one time for me would have been for breagging rights. I beat San Andreas 100%...i wish i had something to show for it. Achievements would have done the trick.

IntelligentAj5868d ago

Okay good point. But yet and still, most people would find them unnecessary but I guess do serve a purpose.

Breakfast5868d ago

People who say its unnecessary are the same people who havent tried it. I remember when i heard about it, i was like, what the hell is the point of this. But when i tried it, it made me play games differently. It made me play it more then once, on separate difficulties, and trying new things. It made me understand the game more, and it gave the game more purpose.

People who down talk it, have never tried it. How can you not like something thats their as a bonus. You dont have to get all the achievements...its just there for you to do, if you want to.

IntelligentAj5868d ago

But the counter argument can be made that I can do that without a meter telling me what i've done. Keeping track of it is fun but it's not necessary. You don't need achievements to play through every aspect of a game. Don't mean to argue just playing devil's advocate.

NO_PUDding5868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

To be honest like the 360 does to every dev, it increases laziness.

Laziness because it's easier to develop for, and laziness because you can just make a basic game and add achievements.

I am sorry, but I am totally against even Home getting it.

And as for controllers.. Ergonomically Friendly? Firstly grammar check, secondly, the controller is bigger, and bulkier, and I have by no means got a lack of dexterity in my hands, nor have I got small hands (I play piano) but the PlayStation controller is smaller, and smaller by definition is more ergonomic.

CNET says that in the same way the rest of the American media does, because at the time, the 360 seemed to be the thing to hedge your bets on. It's just bulky.

And all you can actually name is things that the console has, so how does this get the better GTA 4, when you have to rely on the console to deliver it? I don't think that's a fair way to judge it.

And to add soemthing, if your arguments were fair, then you also ahve to stack it up against, the preference of controller (which I just put across anotehr, not necesarrily correct view) the future support of PSN, and the promised features, Sixaxis inclusion (which Sam Houser said he's done soemthign specil with) and such things.

jollygoodchap85868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

But thats just ignorant to say.

"People who say its unnecessary are the same people who havent tried it"

I have a 360 and achievements don't mean squat me...I'm pretty sure they don't to some others as well.

Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone HAS to...what moronic thing to say.

EDIT: oh yeah, what a biased piece of crap this blog is.

Richdad5867d ago (Edited 5867d ago )

Lets not not start a flame war here. Ok it already has started. I would say that the pop up things and frame rate issue thing are not from reliable source because all the time the GTA4 was shown on 360 and it ran properly.
Yeah Live, achievement and DLC are great. But basically DLC will effect people who dont have a 360 will look for that, Achievement and Live will not be much of their attention. But I would say to wrap up the whole issue like this in a blog is not good.

But yeah 360 controller although being bulkier is ergonomic, playing shooters feels very good and 3rd person games also run great. But for fighting games I would say the Madcatz controller for 360 is cool but it lacks the ergonomics like the orignal. But yeah its very effective for fighting games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5867d ago
TwissT5868d ago


Breakfast5868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

My eyes are bleeding...hehe

Although i agree with your points, because of MY preferences, they are not really facts. Sorry bud, had to say it. Your saying the same thing everyone says in terms of the 'better' multiplats. The things you state doesnt make GTA better for the xbox, it only makes it a slightly diffrent experience from the PS3. Controller preference and things of that nature are preferences. Just cause i like the xbox controller doesnt mean everyone else does.

One thing you have done, is that you have already made up your mind into which one is better, without even playing them. Bad thing to do.

You also say things that you dont know for sure. What if DLC is just a shirt and a tie, or extra missions, would you still care then. Would you still say it's superior because of it? And how do you know that this isnt gonna be better for the ps3 (in terms of tech). What if what that dude said in his 'review' was true, what if the ps3 version played better and had a little more features.

Alls im trying to say is, play the game before you judge.

toughNAME5868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

nono I get what your saying.

All the comments on the site about which version being better...they have no factual info either. I'm saying from what we know, this is what I expect.

And yeah the DLC may be garbage but it is 'extra' and something thats only on 1 version.

When the game comes out and it turns out I'm way off base you can expect another blog. This is just what is safe to assume. the controller you have a point with, but the other points I don't consider to be my opinion???

EDIT - lol if I keep getting this kind of response I'll be forced to write more and improve my writing:P

Breakfast5868d ago

Before i say this i just want you to know i completely agree with the article. Im not trashing it, i just want you to see it from another persons perspective.

Some people play games online just to play online. Not for a social experience. Trust me...i had a long battle with Lifendz over this...wall of text pm's and such things.

Achievments. Some people dont go around chasing them. I got alot of thos people on my friends list. And recent ps3 games have been coming out with there own bonus system. Everyone just cant see them till HOME comes out.

Xbox multiplats are better...not so much as of late. DMC,COD4, Burnout, etc.

And controller, obviously preference, but you stated that.

"all the comments on the site about which version being better...they have no factual info either." it comes from the comment section it must not be true.

"And yeah the DLC may be garbage but it is 'extra' and something thats only on 1 version. "

Didnt they state the the ps3 has its own version of DLC. May not be the same but they are both getting 'DLC'

I cant beleive im doing this to my hero...but hopefully it makes you a better writer.

Jinxstar5868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

I too own both consoles and will agree with you too a point... I am in the same boat as breakfast. I love my 360.

The only thing I have a problem with is your claim that XBL is better then PSN. I understand your reasoning for saying so... Kinda. DLC and other stuff but for actual online experience... Sony has gotten serious amounts of praise for having an open network by soooo many game companies. Look at burnout Paradise. I hit right on Dpad and I'm online I hit right down and right and I have a friend invited and joining me.... It's just about Dev's learning how to do it right... Ease of use is pretty good man... and it's free.

Honestly the fact that PSN owners have fewer headsets too me is not a bad thing. Getting called a "F@G" or "Dumb$#it" in halo 3 all day long gets too me. When 2 morons get into an argument about whose junk is bigger I get tired of it quick. So overall I play COD 4, which I own for both systems, on PSN more.... At least until this map pack came out. I am lovin the creek.... Also hasn't XBL crashed 2 times for extended periods this year alone even when they were "Prepared" for it... This is a service we pay for as well...PSN has yet to crash as I recall for any extended amount of time...

Your experience may be better but mine is poor for XBL and I dislike so many of the players there. Trash talk is one thing "Die you sorry son of a ####" I dont care but for the most part thats why I keep my headset's off so I am not yellng in 4 other guys ears... And just yelling at the TV cause the guy I am trying to kill can't hear me anyway... That and some dumb kid listening to rap non stop throughout the match.... I hate that and it happens a lot more on XBL too me.

Anyway I don't wanna rant anymore I just thought I would toss in my 2 cents cause I am curious what you have against PSN. I have had minor lag a few times and when Warhawk came out it was hard to find a game but thats it really... Basically have you played on PSN? Do you own a PS3? Maybe its the area I live in but I have near flawless online gaming experiences except on SSBB for the wii... PC 360 and PS3 all work great for the most part. Not one laggier then another.

Like I said man I know a lot of everything is opinion and this is mine for the most part. I like that the 360 has movies for rent and shows and some sweet games like worms on XBL but as far as pier to pier gaming I think they are on even playing field as far as lag, quality and speed of gaming go anyway... I use it mainly for that on both consoles... So.... Yeah. I guess what I am asking for is what part of XBL is "better' cause I hear it everywhere and see it but don't know what they mean by "better"... More stuff to DL or what cause as far as gaming goes I don't think its head and tails above anyone but Wii network.

Game on guys =D

toughNAME5868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

I'll try to reply the best that I can, but I really do not wish to go into any direct LIVE/PSN comparisons. I mentioned some in the blog and they are easy to find on N4G if you really want to know:P

I do not own a PS3, and I have limited experience on PSN. I probably have put a good 8-9 hours into PSN, but the things that bugged me then still have not been addressed.

And the headset part I guess is more experience/opinion than anything too. Because considering the massive amount of time I've put into Xbox Live, honestly, it is incredibly rare for me to come across the annoying teens with high voices a foul mouth and loud music. It happens for sure, but not as much as everyone says it does to me at least. I've met a lot of good people over LIVE and I can't imagine playing with them if either of us had no mic. I'm having trouble describing it but the microphone plays a big part in why I prefer Live, I can't stress that enough.

And I don't think I mentioned lag in the blog, in my experience it seems more prevalent on LIVE. But again, for all its faults the positives greatly outweigh the negatives.

I think I addessed most of your comment, and thanks for taking the time to read/comment

----------------------------- -

Because these bubbles are resticting me I'll reply to 2 others:

NO_PUDding - I don't know what your going on about, but achievements have nothing to do with dev laziness...

Truplaya - thanks for the mature comment. In regards to the custom soundtracks, I meant to put it in point #5 (personal matters) but I forgot:P:P

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5868d ago
ruibing5868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

This title is misleading, as no one (aside from a few previewers) have even touched the game yet. Even if you really think your version is going to be better, shouldn't you at least play it first before making this post?

vickers5005868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

I think you made a grammatical error. "This will be written from a gamer’s perspective". I think you meant to say "fanboy's" perspective.

On the controller argument - Seriously, are you not willing to accept that a controller is a PREFERENCE? Please answer that question for me, please tell me that controller choice is NOT based on opinion, and tell ME that the 360 controller is better. It has to be better right? You told me so, so that must make it true.

On the achievements argument - Ok, you got me there, I love achievements for my 360, but what you might not have known, is that the ps3 version will be incorporated into home, and will have a room dedicated to it. Sure thats not a whole lot, but I would consider it enough to the extent of "extra content".

Previous Multi-Platform argument - That is a dead horse my friend, that you can no longer beat. Burnout Paradise had better graphics on the ps3, only very very very very very slightly though, and pretty much all multi-platform games within the last 2 or 3 months have been equal to its 360 counterpart, so that point is invalid, and can no longer be used.

Xbox Live argument - Yes, xbox live is a much much more social network than psn, and yes, there are basically no people that have headsets, or use them with the ps3. There are more people on xbox live than there are on psn, and I definately prefer xbox lives social features over psn's, in fact, its probably the best online experience Ive ever had (Gears of War with my REAL friends), but if you don't care who you are playing with, or don't give 2 sh*ts about talking to them, then ps3s network takes the cake on that one. Why? Because its FREE. One shouldn't have to pay for basic online features, but that's another argument.

You make some good points, but every one of them can be countered (controller argument, achievements), or reasoned with (i.e. "extra content). I am glad that you did not point out something as stupid as "custom soundtracks" which does not belong in this discussion at all, since it does not pertain to the actual game itself, but the console.

toughNAME5868d ago

But I appreciate the honesty and thanks for taking the time to comment.

Yes, every argument can be countered, my words aren't law these are just impressions. I just think that when you weigh in both, overall, the 360 comes out on top.

NO_PUDding5868d ago

I disagree, not literally by the way, ^ that wasn't me.

I think that support from Rockstar has been shown in the way that Sony has supported THEM for years. I think that really, the PS3 is goign to clinch it, becuase the DLC is still so vague, and PS3 is confirmed to be getting it's own DLC.

Really, all the points you broguht up were the beenfits of the console, and that's why I think it's not great journalism. Not that my outburst up there was either.

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