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Grand Theft Auto V = Why were no platforms announced?

Its been a heated debate since the start of this generation and the issue really needs covering. Whenever a big game has crossed to Xbox 360 or PS3 the media and forums alike have been shocked and stunned at the news. On one end you have the argument that more people get to play it. On the other you have accusations of *insert system name here* holding back said game. But what is the real truth behind all this? Is it really because of that? Is it selfishness playing a part from people who wanted the game to themselves? Is it a form of self entitlement taking over the body of the person who wanted the game? Do we really have anything to gain by having the game exclusive? Or are people just saying all this to make themselves feel better? Personally I believe its entitlement. And this is where it needs to end.

Whenever multiplatform projects are in development, they are built to the strengths and weaknesses of all consoles. Make no mistake, I'm as upset that Metal Gear Rising is multiplat as any of you. But its not the PS2 era anymore. Games simply cost too much to make now. In fact the more I think about it the more it makes sense. By restricting it to one console you are limiting your customer base and missing out on more potential sales to make more money to fund bigger projects and better games. So why bother doing it? If the company has a contract when thats expired you can send it in other directions and make more money from it then. The only exclusives we have now are the first party ones. The ones made by Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo. There is too much to lose outside to ignore the others.

Which brings us to the big question of this article. Why is it no platforms were announced? The answer should be pretty obvious. 9 times out of 10 no platforms were announced because the company is under strict NDA because its on a platform they simply can't talk about. Whats the platform in question? Wii U. Why is it more likely to be Wii U? Because rumours of Rockstar having Wii U development kits did the rounds from the start and have come up from multiple sources. All credible I might add.

A lot of people stand back and say its not on Wii U because they think its the same Nintendo but if you have been watching their movements the past few years you know it isn't. They have changed. They want their core fanbase back. Why can't GTA V be on Wii U? A LOT of crazier stuff has happened this gen. If I would go back in time and tell you games Microsoft published got on PS3 anyway and that Final Fantasy and MGS were going to Xbox 360, you'd have laughed it up. What if I told you Darth Vader was on Soul Calibur IV? I bet you'd laugh that up too wouldn't you?

The fact that Rockstar failed to mention what platforms the system is on only makes the rumours seem more credible. Otherwise they would have just said 360 and PS3. I'm not going to deny Nintendo owners GTA V. Thats selfish of me. If they want it get it. More power to you guys. I hereby decree that no matter what platform something ends up on its only for the best of gamers. Third party exclusives are dying and they are only going to become more dead next generation. Consoles are gimping each other. Its true limited disc space on 360 held data off but the PS3 has less RAM so you need to consider that in your argument. Besides all that disc space is not the sole reason stuff gets cut from a game. Mostly its time constraints. Mark my words: Grand Theft Auto V will be on Wii U. It won't be exclusive. But it will be on there. Using Wii as 'proof' isn't right. That had Manhunt 2 and besides that a new system is a new start for Nintendo. Care to prove me wrong?

Valenka4495d ago

Is it not obvious what platforms it'll be on?

Crazyglues4493d ago (Edited 4493d ago )

Who cares about platform right now, why are we not looking at the real problem, why no DATE?

When is this thing coming out.... why has there been no info whatsoever since the trailer, why are they not showing it to the press, why are they not releasing screen shots or something...

What is really going on, how much of the game is actually done, because this is a sea of no info..

-and even for Rockstar this still seems a little crazy


Valenka4493d ago

It's called patience, have you heard of it?

BlmThug4492d ago (Edited 4492d ago )

Its really pathetic that you add


at the end of your comment

Crazyglues4492d ago (Edited 4492d ago )

@ BlmThug Really? What pathetic about it,...

I play on PS3 -Whats the big deal, oh let me guess your one of those stupid fanboys who act all childish the minute you see something that's not 360?


EazyC4491d ago

Hold on.... do you go out of your way to copy/paste
||.........___||.......____| "

at the end of EVERY comment, or is it an automatic signature? If its the former of the two, then wow.

StraightPath4490d ago

wow..do you copy and paste that ps3 sig all the time? perhaps you saved it on your computer somewhere on notepad or somthing. That is pretty sad...

kaveti66164490d ago

I was hoping someone would ask you about your constant use of the "PS3" signature.

Crazyglues4489d ago (Edited 4489d ago )

here I'll post it again for you, Since you people seem to be fascinated by it... Remember not to look directly into the 3, that could cause blindness...

||.........___||.......____|| .... enjoy

gigreen4488d ago


+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4488d ago
MeatAbstract4494d ago

I think GTA V will be on Wii U. Nintendo have had the pleasures of the casual market for awhile but have found it dries up quickly. Look at your own familiy. I for example, bought a Wii for my Mum awhile back for her birthday. At first we'd play it at Christmas when the whole family went round but the damn thing never gets used now. So we never, ever buy anything for it.

Nintendo wanna grab back their old hardcore crowd. Darksiders 2 is gonna be on the Wii U, so why not GTA V? That'll be a nice surprise for Nintendo to reveal at E3.

wingman32x4494d ago

I can definitely see the Wii U getting in on GTA V. There's no real reason not to IMO. It would be a good statement type announcement to show that Nintendo is going to try harder than they have in a long time to win back core gamers.

DeadManMcCarthy4493d ago

I think because it's going to be multiplat since this will probably be the last GTA game on this gen hardware.

Pikajew4493d ago

I want it to be on Wii U and PC and than ported to PS4 and xbox 720. The game can be much bigger and it wont be limited by this generation of console.

GamingTruth4492d ago

looking at ps3 exclusives i dont want anything limiting ps3 either

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kenpachi6h ago

Was sort of interested in this but if it's true it's an easy pass

jznrpg35m ago

It’s true for sure. Avatar game had online requirement

Terry_B5h ago

as usual..Don't Buy Ubisoft Games.

Skuletor2h ago

One thing that's messed up about this, is there will be people playing pirated versions of this without that restriction, while the paying customers will suffer. Just like how some games will have lower performance on PC due to DRM, while pirated copies don't.

Anyone that wants to say something like "Who doesn't have internet access in this day and age?" There's plenty reasons people won't always have access, such as living in rural areas with spotty coverage, for example.

banger882h ago

Three single-player games in a row they've done this with now. Those f***ers weren't kidding when they said gamers need to be comfortable with not owning their games. As a physical collector, and somebody who enjoys Ubisoft's open worlds, this is a nightmare scenario for me. Absolute scumbag company.

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