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Let the Hypocrisy Flow

Xbox One doesn't have backwards compatibility? No biggie. Ps4 requires payment to play online? I wipe myself with $5 a month! Xbox One has mandatory installs? Whatever, man; Halo!

I read a blog by DedicatedToGamers a few days ago, in which he said (in summary) 'I'm not afraid of a console with bad policies, I'm afraid of the gamers that accept them'. I must now concur with grave prejudice.

Over time, I could probably end up coping with all of the issues we've seen unveil the last month, but only in the way that a man accepts taxes; because they don't want to move to a deserted island just to avoid them. They want to live in a place with clean water, some law and order, electronics, etc and manage with the BS for it.

But to see gamers bend so hard to accept policies that they moaned over for an entire generation is truly disturbing.

These were ADVANTAGES. They were positive things. Xbox 360 had BC and no mandatory installs? Great! Ps3 not charging for online? Wonderful, I hate the idea of a paywall to the MP! How can we just shrug these things off where we were once so discontent with when we didn't have them?

Now on a few personal notes, I never cared about BC; it was faulty on the 360 and I didn't care that Ps3 dropped it because my ps2 is a decade old and still runs without a hitch. But not having mandatory installs on 360 was a nice advantage. I can't think of how many games I went with on 360 because I didn't want to make room for 5GB on my PS3. But now Xbox One, with it's proprietary, irreplaceable HDD, will be the one with mandatory installs. That sucks. And no online paywall was a major advantage for me in deciding on being a PlayStation gamer. LIVE was never a financial burden, but it was definitely a moral issue; paying for the multiplayer portion of my game made no sense. I stopped paying for LIVE about 4 years ago and never looked back. I never would have guessed that Sony would backtrack on that policy. I'm very disappointed.

Granted, not everyone has bent over or shrugged. But enough to disappoint me with vigor. The gaming world is ripe for change that favors publishers because so many gamers have no strength or principle.

SilentNegotiator3991d ago (Edited 3991d ago )

I never would have imagined that this E3 could leave me so sad. It's not that there weren't good looking games. There were plenty. But I hate the new policies and I'm not sure I will ever be able to deal with them. Between DRM and MP subscriptions, none of the home systems (consoles and PC) feel very welcoming anymore.

As soon as I read about the MP paywall on Ps4, I just went numb. I don't care anymore. I stopped looking at E3 details, wrote this blog, and now I'm going to bed. The one system I thought wouldn't find a major way to disappoint me.

Oh gaming...whyyyy?

pixelsword3991d ago

I missed that; if I have to pay to play, then Sony's off of my list.

givemeshelter3991d ago

If you want to play online you have to... Something Sony said they would never do...

darthv723991d ago

sony made that promise for the PS3. They never said anything abou the PS4 until now. It only makes financial sense to encompass the multiplayer into PS+.

Sony would probably have liked to charge for PSN initially but their service was nothing like Live at the time it came out. So they had to make it free.

Adding in the optional PS+ component a few years later was their way of testing the waters. If people were comfortable with paying, they would likely start to tailor new services and features towards the paid members. Which is what they did over the course of the last couple of years.

so now they have established a strong paid membership plan, to get others to sign up they really had only one incentive. Move the multiplayer over to the PS+ side of things.

pixelsword3991d ago (Edited 3991d ago )

Yeah, so what?

I don't want bells and whistles,

I don't want free B-Grade games,

I don't want to take over other people's games.

I just want to play the game I bought online.

They've got the nerve to charge $60 for a game when you have to pay to pay for the other half.

It wasn't acceptable when Microsoft did it, and it's not acceptable that Sony does it.

Screw 'em.

gaffyh3991d ago

I was a little disappointed that Sony snuck that in there, but I have had PS+ for a while now and it is absolutely 100% worth it and my subscription is paid up until some point next year, so this doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. This possibly has to do with how anti-consumer the XBone is that I was willing to accept the PS+ cost to play online.

Sony are doing quite a lot more this gen with the PSN than they have done previously, particularly the video uploading, so it is to be expected that their server costs would increase, and this probably helps in that regard.

TheBlackSmoke3991d ago

The difference is that xblg was simply a paywall to play online. The argument was always that other than the ability to play online, gold offered nothing else of value.

Ps+ is a different story, you get so much value, you get old and new games across 3 platforms, discounts, themes, avatars, betas. and lets not forget that plus is still cheaper than gold. I get my money back within the first month.

Adding the online pass to plus is not ideal but I dont feel ripped off at all. I already have plus so I simply have to just carry on as usual.

For sony, I think with what they offer with gakai, instant download, share functionality, Dedicated servers, streaming and all the new networking features, you cant expect them to run all that for free. The PS4 era psn is a MASSIVE upgrade from the PS3 psn, we can all see clearly that they invested money in to the online like everyone asked them to so the charge is justified because in the end they are a business and they have to incur costs to do everything.

MysticStrummer3991d ago

I'm very disappointed about paying to play online as well.

I expected them to make basic online play free but give most or all of the PS4's social features to the PS+ members.

PS+ is a great value as it stands now, and I can see why Sony did it, but it did dampen my enthusiasm. I'll probably end up going for it because I've thought of getting PS+ many times and just never did it. I think the possibility of games becoming free might make me buy fewer games overall though.

pixelsword3991d ago

This isn't any offense to anyone, but it's just comments, so please don't take it personally, any anger displayed is for Sony, and not any individual.


"so this doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. This possibly has to do with how anti-consumer the XBone is that I was willing to accept the PS+ cost to play online."

That's a good point I wish to elaborate on, my friend: yesterday's villain is tomorrow's hero. Paying to play online was Anti-consumer this gen, and now it's not...? So, next gen if/when Sony requires constant online and monitoring of it's players along with DRM, it won't be so bad because we get free games with your monitoring and lock-down of services because Microsoft requires you to put in your ID before you play? All they are doing is inching along while Microsoft is barreling forward, and there's two major groups that will buy into it:

1. the ones who are more impulsive (not a bad thing because they display more in-tuned instinct for things than others).

2. people who are more rational and weighs the good and bad and makes decisions upon info more than impulse (not a bad thing, number crunchers look at the stats over shine).

The games on each respective console even reflect such mentalities. This seems like a big social experiment.

"Ps+ is a different story, you get so much value..."

I agree there's value there, I'm not denying that, but why can't it stand on it's own? Not everyone values those things, nor cares for them; not that it's useless, but not everyone sees the features the PS+ has as needed, and that's where Sony messed-up. Give me a choice, and I'll probably choose it anyways, but give me no choice and I'll resist every time.

@ MysticStrummer

"I expected them to make basic online play free but give most or all of the PS4's social features to the PS+ members."

That's what I was thinking, that would have been something I would have tried for the first year then make a decision about keeping it or not, but not like this. At least give me a choice instead of the illusion of one.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3991d ago
unchartedxplorer3991d ago

Putting up servers costs money. If you look at the xbox live service it ran a lot better, was much more secure plus it gave funding for timed exclusive dlc and to make the service overall a lot better.
Plus with psn plus you get a lot more stuff besides online play. You get an instant game library, cloud storage, discounts and with the ps4 we might be getting even more stuff.

I know a goddamn subscription sucks, but hopefully this means that they can provide a much quicker, secure and social service.

ZombieNinjaPanda3991d ago

"If you look at the xbox live service it ran a lot better"

So then why did everyone always parrot the constant "Lol you pay for P2p servers"?

MysticStrummer3991d ago

XBL actually didn't run better in independent testing, if by "running better" you mean being a stable online gaming platform. XBL's advantage was the social features.

JohnDread3991d ago

Seriously, when I watched the part where they explained the whole PSN stuff and no DRM etc, I constantly thought "Holy crap, this box is gonna cost a fortune, there is no way they can pay for all that just like that." When I saw the price tag, I was astonished. That they now adopt the subscription model for online play is a thing I consider necessary. Honestly, if they wouldn't have done it that way, the box would have a 500$ price tag at least. This way, you have the choice whther you want to pay or not. Sony has done so many things right.

Besides, I am not at all disappointed by this E3 (Nintendo is still to come btw). It's one of the best I ever experienced.

iamgoatman3991d ago

With you 100%.

A lot of great games on show masked by the console manufacturers doing what they do best, screwing over the consumers whilst making out it's actually a good thing.

What sickens me the most though is not that the PS4 now has a pay-to-play online service, it was inevitable really, but that doesn't make it any more acceptable. It's the people who harped on about Live being paid are now praising Sony as if it's brilliant idea and that they're doing gaming a favor.

MS deserves everything it gets when it comes to the X1's ridiculous DRM, but that doesn't automatically make the PS4 any better. Championing a device that now has restricted it's online to a paid service just because it has no DRM, which should be standard anyway, is just mind boggling.

Gamers, you're embarrassing a once great pass time.

Mr_Nuts3991d ago

In my opinion I feel like it's got to do with Microsoft changing the rules in the industry with their anti consumer policies.

If MS didn't do that and the PS4 made you pay for online then fair enough but because MS has been the threat more about anti consumer rights then Sony is forced into a choice

1) Do what MS is doing to get themselfs a cut


2) Find another way to make money

They went with option 2 because MS forced them into that space....they decided to charge people for online since MS had buried themselfs even deeper then just making people pay for online.

RyuCloudStrife3990d ago (Edited 3990d ago )

I couldn't help though, I'd be great if your status on N4G would read "You Dumbass". Thats what Red Foreman always said to Eric. http://areyoufinishedyet.fi...

Or maybe "My Foot in Your ___" http://th03.deviantart.net/...
Love That 70's Show!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3990d ago
DragonKnight3991d ago

Yeah, I don't know what Sony are thinking with the PS+ thing if it indeed is true. It pretty much is true, so I'm going to accept it as true, but Sony need to clarify instead of letting people go off 2 seconds of a youtube video. Pretty stupid thing to do considering they were holding free online play over MS for so long.

SilentNegotiator3991d ago

Oh it's true, no doubt about it. "PS4 multi-player online access requires PSN account & PS Plus subscription"

There's no way to misinterpret that.

DragonKnight3991d ago

I didn't hear that in their conference, too busy with twitter implosions, but if they said that in their conference then booooo.

But I did see the "confirmation" in a 20 second video. So, IF true, then twitter hashtag campaign #NoPayForOnlinePlayPS4 should commence.

LoveOfTheGame3991d ago

It was right after the guy was dogging xbox about how the PS4 will allow used games, loan them to friends, and 100% ownership of disc. When he started to talk about PS+ the very last line on the slide said something like Allow Immersive Multiplayer on PS4...the crowd kinda went silent.

I found this hilarious, with the amount of Sony fanboys on this site, and it even converted a few PS only players to Xbox.

I'm not dogging either company for their new decisions with online play and installing as they make sense. The xbox one installs erases the need of using the disc which is an advantage and PS can now make an experience on par with Xbox Live now that they have a steady income for it.

Everybody wins or everybody loses, whichever way you want to look at it.

KrisButtar3991d ago (Edited 3991d ago )

very true but it brought up questions for me as in what about the MMO's. do you have to have PS+ and pay a monthy fee for them or is all you need PS+ or maybe MMO's can be played without PS+ since you would have just paid 60 bucks for a new game or/and only to be charged another 50 bucks for a yearly sub of PS+. to play the MMO.

MysticStrummer3991d ago

"it even converted a few PS only players to Xbox."

Given other factors, I don't see how that's possible.

Not saying you're lying but NeverEnding, who's always been a big time Sony hater, is now claiming that he was going to buy a PS4 until he found out it was pay to play online.

People can claim whatever they want online to get a reaction.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3991d ago
MacDonagh3991d ago

I think it's very smart. They can get to bury the bad guys and come out smelling like roses. I felt a disturbance in the force. It felt like millions of Xbox One pre-orders screaming and being cancelled.

Sony pulled a good conference but there are downsides to everything these days. Making this Gaikai system work will probably not come cheap but at least with PS+; you're getting more than just online play.

MikeMyers3991d ago

Oh my God. If it was the other way around you'd write a blog about it. Yet when Tretton says it for all to hear you want to question it now? Too funny.

He said that single player games and media options like movies and music will remain free. However online play will now reside under the Plus service.

Now excuse me while I wait for you to draft your next damage controlled rebuttal.

It's also not a stupid thing to do, it's money Sony needs. They know games are becoming very demanding online such as Destiny and Watchdogs. Sony has always passed the buck to 3rd party publishers to runt heir own servers. Perhaps they now want a fee for doing that because with Microsoft they handle the servers. It's why games don't have as many issues on Xbox Live. How many times do we see games on the PS3 stumble out of the gates because of server demand? Go look up Call of Duty and how they had to add more servers on the PS3 because of demand. Way too many shooter fans on the PS3.

That doesn't happen on Live because Microsoft already has 15,000 servers and are about to go wide open with 300,000. That's why so many PS3 owners like myself notice downloads seem to take longer on the PS3 because those servers get over-loaded and because of location.

MikeMyers3991d ago Show
MikeMyers3991d ago Show
Why o why3991d ago

I think the whole point of this piece was to highlight the hypocrisy of both sides. You've been spinning all week...projecting sony would have drm/ block too....this now is ALL YOU HAVE. So bask in this hollow victory, the war has already been won

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3991d ago
ShabbaRanks3991d ago (Edited 3991d ago )

I think the reason Sony Incorporated a fee for multiplayer is due to acquiring Gaikai a few months ago and I’m sure some devs complained that they didn’t get anything in return like with Xbox Live. I could be wrong though, I’m still getting a PS4 and the fact that I’m PS+ won’t affect me…

But I know a lot of people that aren’t pleased with this news. I know a lot of people that don’t feel like paying for multi including some of my close gaming friends and I hope I won’t loose them :( I could go on and say 5bucks isn’t much and that you get free games, but I would sound like a fanboy and it would also make me a hypocrite for bashing Xlive in the past witch I did stop paying for.

Oh well PS4 could be the last console I own. The future of gaming seems dark ...

stuna13991d ago

The thing is do we as gamers really know what Sony had to sacrifice in order to 1)Do away with DRM? 2)Allow us to still have control over how we choose to use our games, as far as selling, trading or just giving them away? 3)Not require us to have a camera attached to our console that without it wouldn't even operate? And I'm sure there were other sacrifices made on behalf of gamers! But Sony heard how we felt about these things, and instead of ignoring us, these proved to us that they do listen to us.

So knowing what type of money Sony could have squeezed out of us, the chose to make PS+ manditory for online play, even though we as gamers are still benefitting from paying a $50 dollar fee that for the most part pays for itself in the first month! considering all the free material we get for just being members.

Yet we have those still complaining about paying this fee! I could see if you got nothing in return, but that's not the case is it? And knowing the financial trouble Sony has been in, don't they deserve something in return?

Ducky3991d ago

"And knowing the financial trouble Sony has been in, don't they deserve something in return?"

I didn't realize that Sony made no profit from selling console hardware and/or games.

... but if they're in financial trouble, then I suppose it's alright for them to put features behind a pay wall.

stuna13991d ago


Do you not realize more than likely the PS4 and definitely the Xbox1 will start off selling at a lose? Hell the WII U was reported to sell at a lose, but thats neither here nor there! The paywall you speak of has 1 thing behind it! Multiplayer, but I'm willing to bet that you paid for Xbox Live!? And practically everything they offer is behind a paywall.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3991d ago
dedicatedtogamers3991d ago (Edited 3991d ago )

The new policies do suck, although - with the push for more cloud-based and integrated/social/massive-mult iplayer/free-to-play/etc/etc - I can understand WHY Sony is requiring PS+. I'm not saying it's okay. I'm just saying I understand why. They can charge for it and still end up being the hero compared to MS. I'm already a PS+ user, so I guess it...doesn't...affect...me *wink wink*

The hypocrisy is downright annoying. Why are mandatory installs and Blu Ray suddenly okay, but $5 for PS+ not okay?

Software_Lover3991d ago

It's the other way around also. That is what Silent was saying. Hypocrisy on both sides.

SonyPS43991d ago

Don't see how Sony cannot leave the fancy cloud/social networking knick knacks behind a PS+ paywall and just let everyone else use the traditional online multiplayer for free, like they have been since the beginning of PSN, or during the PS2-era if you must.

Ducky3991d ago

I championed myself as a selfish bastard, so I guess I get off scott-free.

Well, not really, I still have to live with the stain of being a selfish twerp, but I'm a happy little twerp I am.

MikeMyers3991d ago

Flip-flop and damage control, that's all I read.

MRMagoo1233990d ago

Yeh those xbone fans are the worse with all that flip flopping huh, remember all that stink about having to install games on the ps3 and everyone bagging it and how about everyone saying sony will def have drm and stuff now they dont have anything to say but you have to pay to play online which the xbone fans have been doing since the 360 came out, luckily most ps3 owners have ps+ and it wont effect them at all but those that dont have it will go oh well you have to do that with xbox anyway. the same cant be said for the xbone fans that will see ps4 owners trading in games and say i wish i could do that or watching them buy used games and saying i wish i could do that, or just lending a disc to a friend and saying i wish i could do that, or playing offline for as long as you want and the xbone fans saying i wish i could do that.

smashcrashbash3991d ago

That is the way it is.People were just looking for a reason to attack the PS4 and they found it.Any bad news about the PS4 will be amplified so they can make the Xbox One look good and they can use it as a shield every time we point out any faults the Xbox One has.They scream hypocrisy until it is their turn.Look at the recent rumor that Microsoft was blocking Sony from showing certain third parties.If Sony had done it it would be evil.Microsoft does it and it's just business.Sony is evil every time they try to make a profit and Microsoft is smart and it's just business whenever they do the things they do. People don't even care about the fact that even if Sony decides to implement this PSPlus is loads more advantageous then what Microsoft offers.After what Sony did to Microsoft at this E3 they have to lash out somehow.Non gamers who buy the console only will see one thing. PS4 is cheaper then a Xbox One.and after they were so confident and certain that Sony wouldn't come cheaper with their console.Like you said I don't accept it but I understand why they would do something like this.

SonyPS43991d ago

"That is the way it is."

"Like you said I don't accept it but I understand why they would do something like this. "

You just accepted it.

rainslacker3991d ago (Edited 3991d ago )

PS+ has always been a great value. I think that's why the reveal of paying for online didn't really hit me that hard at first since I would have it as a matter of course.

Honestly, it doesn't matter. Hypocrisy, and calling it out is rampant on both sides of the fence. It's fan boy fodder as it always has been.

In the end, it still comes down to what I've said before on this issue, if you find value in what you're spending your money on, then it's not for me to tell you that you're wrong.

In some ways it's just a smaller version of the DRM issue. YOu accept it, you can pay for it. Only this time there is no way to really say that we fought these things...unless we do fight it. I have a feeling though, given what I've seen so far, Sony is probably going to get a free pass on this one. I'm sure greenpowerz will say it's the reason Sony is doomed next gen. He's already said no 24-hour check in means the system will be rife with piracy.

maniacmayhem3991d ago (Edited 3991d ago )


I'm actually shocked you didn't write a blog about this first, as soon as the info/rumor hit. You seem to get other blogs about MS/Xbox One out as soon as their news is hot off the press.

dedicatedtogamers3991d ago

I was actually one of the first to mention it in my blog here: http://n4g.com/user/blogpos...

Although the mention was a part of a much larger blog post. Sorry that I didn't make a full blog post out of it (you'll notice that this blog was my only blog of the day). Silent beat me to the punch. ;)

Why o why3991d ago

Im with sonyps4... I thought sony had enough ps plus subscribers to allow free for everybody else.

This is annoying even though I'm a plus subscriber.


+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3990d ago
Christopher3991d ago

In this instances, we are left to choose the lesser of two evils or stick with the evil we've always had (PC). Oh, or the Wii U... but... well... that's crazy.

Software_Lover3991d ago (Edited 3991d ago )

There is no such thing as the lesser of two evils. I hate it when people say that. You kill them both and come to pc where it is free, the games are cheaper, you can use a console controller. But there is that (evil) DRM thing you have to worry about. You dont have to be online to play, but you get the idea.

Christopher3991d ago

You are blind if you think PC already hasn't embraced DRM almost entirely. I'm on Steam, that's DRM. I can't lend my nephews a game. There are tons of DRM with PC games. I have to install Origin for Ea. UPlay for Ubisoft. There's tons of bad stuff about PC.

There are a lesser of two evils. A robber is not the same as a murderer.

DragonKnight3991d ago

PCs invented the DRM that Microsoft is using. PC is where DRM is tested first because, most of the time, it is allowed to happen.

Software_Lover3991d ago

ou are blind if you think PC already hasn't embraced DRM almost entirely. I'm on Steam, that's DRM. I can't lend my nephews a game. There are tons of DRM with PC games. I have to install Origin for Ea. UPlay for Ubisoft. There's tons of bad stuff about PC.

........... Did you not read what I wrote? I said there was DRM on pc.

Christopher3991d ago

Then how do you "kill them both" when you're going right to what you are trying not to run towards?

You're not making sense as a response to my concerns.

Reefskye3991d ago (Edited 3991d ago )

Difference is with PC games.. PC needs DRM as you can stick a game in to your drive and copy it then take the DVD back to the shop and get a refund.. this is why PC has DRM. I did it with quiet a few PC games back in 2000-2003 before shops stopped taking PC games back opened. Not hard to find a no CD crack for any game on PC in this day n age. Plus internet connections are so fast if you was really desperate to play a game quick google search and you can download it in an hour.

If you could of copied a PSone or a xbox games back before steam and the likes where on PC you would of had the same result with CD keys etc.

majiebeast3991d ago

Yeah not cool with the online. Doesnt bother me though you get so much content for that 5$ a month. I bought Guacamelee with a 4$ discount at launch, thats almost the price of 1 month PS+ that doesnt include other discounts and the rental games you keep till the sub is up. Also all the apps are not behind a paywall.

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Microsoft's quest for short-term $$$ is doing long-term damage to Windows, Surface, Xbox, and beyond

Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's plans to increase every department's margins.

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Brazz2h ago

"The plan to move Xbox games to other platforms is codenamed "Latitude" internally, and I know there's debate and unease at Microsoft about whether or not this is a good idea. More upcoming Microsoft-owned games slated for PlayStation are already being developed. At least for now, they're potentially obvious games you'd most likely expect. And yes, while it's true Microsoft is a prolific publisher on PlayStation already, it has typically revolved around specific franchises like Minecraft. From what I've heard, Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's mandate to increase every department's margins. "

Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware.

Xeofate47m ago

"Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware."

It's for the best.

Quit stringing along xbox fans and screwing over PlayStation owners.

gold_drake2h ago

i think it will kill off the xbox brand. windows will be fine.

but there is and would be a chance that xbox might be killed off in the future. if they fail to make the money they put in. imo.

shadowT1h ago

"Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation"

Forza and Starfield next?

ocelot0714m ago

I'm hoping for age of empires

Skuletor13m ago

Starfield would be no surprise and there's the rumor that it will come to Playstation after the Shattered Space DLC, Forza (along with Halo and Gears of War) I find less likely but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually end up on PlayStation too, especially if Xbox give up on hardware and go the Sega route.

shinoff218313m ago

Not to worried about forza. I'd rather see others like what inxile and obsidian are working on. Starfield sounds like it needs more time in the oven so let it cook first imo. If starfield and it's a small if does release on ps it'll be in the fall around the time for dlc or right at the dlc and come packaged with it.

-Foxtrot56m ago

In the words of Phil Spencer when he was talking about Nintendo last year

“It's just taking a long time for Microsoft to see that their future exists off of their own hardware"

Obscurity35m ago

More fake doom and gloom about a 3 trillion dollar company

shinoff218311m ago

It's probably true though. What's fake about Ms releasing games on ps. It's not like it didn't just happen. 2 of the 4 they released were in Playstations top seller list.

Obscurity7m ago

Xbox has been leaving gaming and leaving hardware for 20 years according to Sony fanboys 😂😂

Hofstaderman2m ago(Edited 1m ago)

Bet you Blade is coming to the PS5. Disney probably insisted on it thats why they being silent on whether its exclusive. I'm more excited for the Gears and Master Chief collections though.

Obscurity1m ago(Edited 0m ago)

I hope blade does come to PlayStation. Gears and halo should too.

Let PS fans fund Xbox and gamepass. Xbox is dominating the PlayStation store 👏

Good for Ps fans too - PS don’t dev games anymore

0hMyGandhi9m ago

ah yes, the classic "too big to fail" mentality. That served us well in the past.
This article is not all doom and gloom.
I highly suggest you read it before posting a comment here based on the headline alone.

solideagle7m ago(Edited 6m ago)

are you Obscure user's child? or an alt account created today?

it's not doom and gloom for MS, it's for Xbox...Ms will be fine on it's own. when we will look back at the history of Xbox (hardware) from higher level, it will be marked as failure majority of the time.

Obscurity3m ago(Edited 2m ago)

It failed so much they got 69bn dollars to go shopping.

Damn, I wish I could fail so much someone would give me 69bn dollars! 😂😂

Skuletor6m ago

A trillion dollar company with a gaming division currently mired with controversy, layoffs, studio closures, an uncertain future, mismanagement and admittance they can't handle all the studios they've acquired among other things. I think the main focus of this news on this site called News 4 Gamers, would be focusing on that gaming division which IS looking kinda gloomy lately.

Obscurity4m ago

Sony are doing all of the above too, despite “record sales”

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Classic Puzzler Riven Confirmed for Meta Quest

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