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Resistance 3 Beta Impressions

To start, I just have to come straight out and say this; the Resistance 3 beta is UGLY. No, I don't mean "sub-par" nor "Not Uncharted". I mean ugly. The ghosting is horrible. Is there a blur effect in place? I don't know, nor care - it's headache inducing. I've never had a problem with any such thing while playing a console game until now.

It's not exactly blurring crystal clear HD graphics either. While R1 and 2 had resolutions that were literally less than 20 pixels parallel short of being 720p, Resistance 3 seems to have gone with a resolution many blocks further down sub-HD street. While Resistance 2 didn't look groundbreaking, it looked good. However, that's irrelevant, as R3 makes Resistance:FOM look like God of War 3.

And the framerate chugs like a slideshow in situations that don't call for it. In a situation where the framerate might skip a beat in Resistance 2, Resistance 3 has an utter breakdown. Between framerate and horrendous lag, Resistance 3 becomes almost unplayable in such situations as when more than 4 players end up in the same room shooting at each other.

But visuals wouldn't be a huge issue (aside from unplayable framerates) if the gameplay was well done. Unfortunately, they through that to the dogs, too. I was disappointed that they greatly reduced the amount of possible players in the multiplayer, but I was willing to try it. They seemed to have designed the maps for twice the amount of people. The action can get slow, even in a full match, as you search for where the enemy is spawning.

The changed default controls remind me of some game I've played before. Something modern. I think it had something to do with warfare, too. Oh well, at least you have the option to make your own control scheme.

And could they have overpowered the auger and shotgun any more? I absolutely HATE invisibility in shooters, and since every other player pairs it with a shotgun, it becomes sickening really quickly.

I was going to try the Move controls, but frankly, I don't think changing utensils will make a poo-poo platter taste any better.

This simply isn't the Resistance I've come to love. It's slower paced, unresponsive, and technically unsound. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing Call of Duty:BLOPs with Chimera. I just hope the final product has infinitely more polish and great SP and CO-OP.

SilentNegotiator4665d ago

Let Resistance 4 go to another developer. Someone more competent with creating technically sound games and can just generally design a better MP experience.

zoks3104665d ago

To me the RES has always been about SP, im keeping my fingers cross on the Co-op.

Madusha4665d ago (Edited 4665d ago )

In today's gaming, fps games have to win gamers over on the multiplayer as well. If not, the singleplayer must contain immense replay value. Some people buy FPS games just to play the multiplayer. From what I've seen, the Resistance 3 single-player is quite amazing. I really don't see too much wrong with the multiplayer either, just a different style. I mean, comon, Resistance is all about the aliens.

"Resistance 3 seems to have gone with a resolution many blocks further down sub-HD street."

I really don't see this tbh, IMO the game has improved quite significantly in terms of graphics. Take a walk down memory lane and play some fall of man, I can guarantee you will be amazed by how much the series has improved.

Tl;dr: It's a good game.

SilentNegotiator4665d ago

"'Resistance 3 seems to have gone with a resolution many blocks further down sub-HD street.'

I really don't see this tbh"

Pop in Resistance 2 and look at anything. The grass works well for this comparison - it looks fine right? Now switch to the beta. The grass from any distance further than a foot looks like an explosion went off in a 'green pixel factory'

news4geeks4664d ago (Edited 4664d ago )

I was interested in this game but your impressions completely put me off it.

I absolutely hate games that look like a sub-HD blurry mess in this day and age, especially with improved overall graphics it can make poor resolution games unplayable because of the eye strain. This issue helped ruin Resistance 2, Halo 3 and CoD:Black Ops for me and so I never completed any of them.

Not to mention invisible shotgunners, that sounds like it could be a major balancing issue. And yes, I also thought the MP was trying to be like CoD from what I've seen. Your impressions are appreciated.

MidnytRain4664d ago

For God's sake, play it for yourself. Won't it be free to everyone at some point? You're hurting yourself if you don't at least try it.


Your blog is kind of shallow and reads like a rant rather than a detailed critcism. I feel if I myself wrote a beta impression it would be much better done. I don't know if it's you, but R3 really doesn't look bad at all, it looks better than R2, I say. The game has some stability issues, but it's really not as bad as you make it out to be. The maps are relatively small and hold 16 players and everyone has infinite sprint, so I don't see how all your matches were slow-paced, especially considering that firing your gun lights you up on every enemy radar. Couple that with the classic speedy movement of Resistance and I honestly have no idea what you were playing or what went wrong.

I might write my own impression once I hit the level cap - I'm only two or three ranks away.

blackburn104665d ago

Yawn. We are talking about the beta version here and the SP was always the focus of Resistance. The constant whining about the MP as if that is the main point of Resistance is very annoying. I have played worst MP that had basically no substance or anything e.g. Bioshock 2 and Dead Space 2. Don't play the MP if you don't want to but really the SP is the meat of the game.

TeCh774665d ago

You really think the finished product is going to be that different? Stop kidding yourself. I remember being in absolute disbelief during the R2 beta. I didn't think it was possible that a company could completely ruin a franchise so quickly and told myself, "it's just the beta, the final game will be different." Lo and behold, it was identical to the beta. This will be no different.

Beta sucks, the final MP will suck as well.

MidnytRain4664d ago (Edited 4664d ago )

They can fix the bugs and stuff.

The beta is awesome!

TheLastGuardian4665d ago

Meh. I disagree SilentNegotiator. I really like the beta. I think it's the best Resistance MP yet. I've put 15 hours into the beta and will put many hours into the full game. The graphics are good enough. Btw, you can't even use Move in the beta.

Yes the lag is pretty bad at times but other than that I think it's a ton of fun. Insomniac is doing they're best to get their game running smoothly. How is the auger overpowered? It's a reward for getting a 6 kill streak. What do you expect it to be just as powerful as the normal weapons?

mastiffchild4664d ago

How is there such massive lag? Have they gone *shudders* P2P? The 60 player chaos of R2's big matches was always lag free for me on the dedicated servers and the 8man co-op was also a dream on line. I fail to see how a smaller number of players, much smaller, can reveal previously unheard of latency which wasn't EVEN an issue for me in FoM.

I've heard some up and down tales of the beta and am tempted to bother finding out for myself even though I've got a huge games backlog right now.

Killman4665d ago

The MP can be fun at times, but it just feels really unpolished in many areas.

4665d ago
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