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Ru|5134d ago |Blog Post|0|

<strong>C</strong> onsidering the fact that you are reading this blog means your a Gamer who happens to read Gaming news, am I right?

Well that is the whole reason for naming this blog TBA Hell!
Let me explain...

We are what some would refer to as "Gaming Enthusiast!" You might be asking yourself what exactly a Gaming Enthusiast is and trust me don't bother trying to figure that out, cause most likely it don't matter anyhow. There are a dozen different answers to that Question and they never truly can categorize everyone into a neat package.
 None the less since you are one apparently, So you can or soon will understand the treachery of being such.
 Viewing online screen-shots/trailers/game-pla y video's/previews or even slash opinion oriented articles well before your fanatically crazed hands set touch to the retail game or even have any idea of when you might have the chance of getting it is <strong>HELL, TBA HELL </strong>to what I assume, the vast Gamer population.
 Is this a curse that  plagues us "Gaming Enthusiast's?" or Perhaps a Gift?
I'll let you decide that one, but one things for sure in the world of Release Dates
The way they go about releasing such plans hasn't and isn' t changing.

 One of the more annoying and persistent problems with release dates is Online Retailers. Some of you might already be aware of this, but sometimes... Retailers like to add release dates to there online listing so they can generate pre-order business! I know, I know... Who would do such a thing right? Well as it turn's out money is important to these guys for whatever reason and they can take advantage of your pre-order money to make more money or fluff there profits margins.
 But  I must <em>stress </em>the fact that these retailers can quite often receive and list the Real Confirmed Release Date before anyone else in the media gets the word. This is due to publisher priorities I can only assume and once again, I believe its guided by the green stuff that makes the world go something something!
 There are many more reasons why Release Dates remain TBA for what seems to be forever and I will do my best to help clarify what other Factors come into play in those regards in the future!

Changing Pace,
This Weeks Notable Release News Updates brought to you by me and via N4G and!

<strong>Singularity: </strong>Has a now Re-Confirmed June 29th release date in the US. While still only a Expected/Rumored release date of June 25th for the UK and a even worse yet June 2010 for AU. Singularity is MultiPlatform and will be available on 360,PS3 and PC

<strong>Nintendo 3DS:</strong> CVG has made public the pre pre news that the Nintendo 3DS will be launch in October of 2010 which is a lot earlier than the previously expected release in Q1 2011.

<strong>StarCraft II:</strong> New Korean television commercial's have spread a rumor of a possible release date of May 22nd 2010 for that territory. Thanks to IncGamers for that helpful hint at the future!

<strong>Marvel vs Capcom 3:</strong> Slated for Q1 2011, Need I say more?

<strong>Left for Dead 2: The Passing DLC:</strong> Was Released for your downloading pleasure this Thursday on Xbox Live April 22, 2010.

<strong>Bionic Commando Rearmed 2:</strong> This PSN and XBLA title has been announced and tentatively set with a Q1 2011 Release time frame. Hope the Intel holds up! Thanks to the Examiner for the tip.
Crysis 2: Pause for Dramatic effect.......
Crysis 2 is now slightly rumored and more so expected to be Releasing this November 2010 on the Xbox 360, Playstaion 3 and PC! Thanks to ElectronicTheatre for the tips!

<strong>Batman Arkham Asylum 2:</strong> Will not be making a 2010 appearance... or will it? NO, apparently not! Previously rumored as releasing as early as August 2010, it looks like 2011 possibly Q1 is the new release time frame for the big bad bat.
Metroid: Other M: Nintendo has now Confirmed a Delay from previously thought June 27th to August 31st 2010.

<strong>ModNation Racer's:</strong> The PS3 exclusive game title now has Confirmed release dates for US EU and AU, May 25th, 21st and 20th respectively. Thanks to VG247 for reconfirming th EU release date!

Thanks for reading the first TBA Hell Blog!

For <strong>ALL </strong>of your Gaming News just click the ALL button on N4G!
And to keep up with when your Anticipated Games are coming out and to help Other Gamers know when there's will be check out N4G's sister site


Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk772h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.


Rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase could happen this week per industry insider

A renowned industry insider has suggested the rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase featuring Silent Hill 2 could happen this week.

Read Full Story >>
Petebloodyonion58m ago

Why would Sony do that and how would this benefit them?
1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event.
2) Risk of not having great coverage or proper coverage from the various source
3) It could give the impression that they are not confident in their own stuff.
4) They would miss the chance to hype the event losing viewers and losing free marketing time.

Again I'm calling it bogus unless it's a small showcase before the big one or because they want to announce that Hellbalde 2 is also coming on PS5.

SlothLordPootus19m ago

As far as I can remember, they typically give a week heads up for these sorts of things.

Lightning774m ago

I was about to say Sony always gives a week in advance for their show.


MultiVersus Joker Trailer With Mark Hamill

Here is a look at the new Joker Trailer. Warner Bros. Games today released a new MultiVersus trailer revealing the first look at gameplay for The Joker, who will join the roster as a playable character when the upcoming free-to-play platform fighter videogame launches on May 28th.