Rallying with clan DRK on BCII


CRank: 5Score: 17030


Raz|5421d ago |Blog Post|0|

Raz Review: "I would not initially have believed that a platformer could be this much fun. But it is - BIG fun. The appeal comes partly from running through other people's levels and picking up bits and pieces you can use in creating your own; which is a quite a kettle of fish in itself. There aren't really many limits to your imagination with this game...you can create pretty much anything you like.

The little Sack-people are very cute characters, too - and far from the wooden, unmoved sort you see in most games, you can control the most intimate aspects of their expressions to suit the moment. Frustrated by a level? Roar your defiance! Beat everyone else? Bust out the victory dance moves!

The idea of a game where the majority of levels are designed by YOU, and people like you, with a well-streamlined feedback system (not unlike e-Bay or an upscale forum) is absolutely spectacular and unique - there is nothing like this anywhere else on the console market. Get known as a star LBP level designer, or just putter around with what's already out there!

The only complaint I have is that the 3-tiered system of platforming (background, mid, foreground) is a little confusing at times, and perspectives can be a bit troublesome when you're going multiplayer. It's a small grief, though; because 95% of this game is pure gold...right down to the warm, grandfatherly British voiceovers in the introduction and tutorials. Highest marks for innovation and playability!"

Online: Yes
Rated: 9/10


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spicelicka1h ago

At least it's not an Alt right port!

Haha right??....or Alt right?