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Fallout 3

Raz|5421d ago |Blog Post|0|

Raz Review: "I can't believe I put off reviewing this game for so long. If you liked Oblivion, you will fall in love with Fallout.

If you ever wondered what it might be like to live in a post-apocalyptic world, Fallout 3 places you smack in the middle of a post-nuclear-strike Washington DC. You are a vault dweller, born and raised in a fallout shelter (which you actually get to experience...being born and raised I mean); but one day dear ol' Dad disappears and you've got to find him because everything is going wrong.

This leads you out of the vault and into the Wasteland...which is a sinister, twisted, grey place full of rubble and death. And mutants, Slavers, cannibals, crazies, revolutionaries, soldiers...heck, even a few normal folks like yourself who might need a hand. Or you could just set off a nuke in the middle of their town.

This is an open-world karma-based RPG...with some really nifty interfaces, upgrades, weapons (some of em built out of spare parts you find lying around) - this game is a techno-Oblivion.

And it's equally addictive. I've had this game a year at least; and I still haven't finished the storyline. The map isn't as big as Oblivion's, but it is far more detailed and still manages to feel incredibly vast. A must-have for any PS3 owner."

Online: No
Rated: 8.5/10


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Biomutant Switch Review - An All Right Port | COGconnected

Biomutant comes to the Nintendo Switch. A decent port, but nothing groundbreaking.

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spicelicka1h ago

At least it's not an Alt right port!

Haha right??....or Alt right?