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Sony Playstation 3 vs. Microsoft Xbox 360

Even though there are rumors that seem very convincing of a ps3 slim and a price cut, I'm just basing this off my experiences, my preferences, and my consoles.

1. Design
The 360 although being white, does fit into my space nicely, its just that ugly big grey power block that annoys me, but it doesn't bother me too much when its behind my tv stand. I also bought an intercooler for the 360 which attaches to the back. The fan is just way too loud, especially with the intercooler. Since this is my second 360, I'm taking a lot care of it, to make sure it doesn't get RROD. The PS3 on the other hand is sexy, and reliable. I own the 60gb console(the sexiest sku, i can explain later why later) I've noticed that its a dust magnet though. The power cable and hdmi cable aren't much of a bother. The fan is somewhat loud, but then you turn on the 360, and it feels like its not running. And usually, the sound from the games drains out the fan noise.

PS3 is the clear winner here
-more reliable
-less noisy

2. User Interface
Both interfaces feel solid. The NXE just feels good to use. There's no problem with loading in game dashboard, and no lag. The simplicity of the xmb makes it feel nice to use. Everything's laid out easily and organized simply. In-game, the xmb can get a little laggy(sometimes), and trophies take some time to load, but nonetheless, it feels simple and easy to use.

This one's a tie
-both are solid interfaces

3. Out of the Box features
Okay, I don't think I need a description for this:

PS3 clearly takes this round

4. Software
I'll start off by saying that I buy psn games, single player games, and exclusives for my ps3. I buy most multiplat multiplayer games on 360(mainly because I like the controller better, and most of my friends have 360's so...) Both consoles have some killer exclusives, but I think we all can agree, this year and early 2010(im looking at god of war specifically), the ps3 has the best exclusives list. IN MY OPINION, ps3 exclusives seem to dominate, but multiplats is where it seems to lack. But, these days multiplats are appearing to perform the similar on both consoles.

This round is a tie
-both consoles have killer exclusives(with ps3 having a slight edge)
-multiplats are beginning to look similar(with 360 having a slight edge)

5. XBL vs. PSN
I remember back in the day, when psn just sucked. Now it has really improved a lot. When you're on xbl, it just feels right. Anyone with live knows this "feeling". It just feels good. There's no lag comparing trophies/achievements, accepting friends requests, viewing your friends and their profiles, everything is seamless. The $50 price tag... many fanboys argue that psn has the useful features for free, and its great... psn gets the job done, but that $50 per year gives you a great experiences when dealing with the friends list.

the 360 wins this round
- better organized friends list
- better connected

Of course everyone has different opinions and feelings toward this matter. There's a lot more categories to talk about that either the ps3 of the 360 could've won. It all comes down to this, get whatever you feel is right, or get both. Both are great systems. In my opinion, the 360 feels good to use. The ps3 has amazing games.

ukilnme5384d ago (Edited 5384d ago )

Considering the categories used, this was a really good attempt to be fair and balanced. I know what you mean about the 60gb PS3 being a dust magnet. I also find that to be the case with my Elite. My house is not spotless but we keep it clean. Somehow the dust manages to find it's way to both my PS3 and 360. I think the dust is what killed my PS3. I'll be getting it fixed soon enough.

Edit: For those that don't know, Bruce beat the crap out of Chuck.

NMC20075384d ago

So, the 360 being Chuck Norris means it will beat out the PS3? Right?!
I mean...... not trying to be funny or nothing but Chuck is still with us and unfortunately Bruce isn't.
Just sayin, picture wise. :)

Halo3 MLG Pro5384d ago

True. But in the movie Bruce Lee wins. But of course that was long before Chuck Norris's balls turned into titanium. So I'm betting Chuck would win if they fought now.

Madgunner5384d ago

Chuck win against the fury?!? against the dragons roar!? no im sorry sir u need to rethink that for a sec

rockleex5381d ago

So that means Bruce is better. Lol.

JackBNimble5384d ago

Not a bad blog, I use the ps3 but i'm no 360 hater either.

So you use an intercooler do ya? Well this may keep your 360 from the big melt down but the problem with intercoolers are they tend to suck in the dust.Consoles are dust magnets to begin with so this may not be such a good idea considering dust also kills consoles.

Anyway best of luck .

potenquatro5384d ago (Edited 5384d ago )

The 360 design is horrilble. Possibly worst ever. Then they advertise it right side up, wich is the surest way to get RROD. I have a shiny 60gig model. The dust shows more. But when I wipe it I get less dust then 360. White sucks. It's doesn't show dust, and it shows dirt on the controller.

lh_swe5382d ago

But the biggest annoyance I have concerning the 360 is the noise mine makes, seriously sounds like a freaking jet engine, do you know any way of fixing this without having to pay over 60 bucks for it?

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