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Battlefield Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Beginner's Guide

So you’re new to the Battlefield franchise, you’ve just picked up Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and now you want to join in on the online fun but you can’t have fun because you die seconds after you respawn. It’s safe to say you are a noob in a veteran’s world and the veterans aren’t cutting you any slack instead they are feeding on you to inflate their own kill/death ratio. It’s pretty frustrating to say the least but don’t throw down your controller and say, “Screw it” but let me give you some strategy pointers on how to improve and get your kill/death ratio above the 1.0 mark. Therefore this strategy guide is for new players to the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer mode. In other words this is for players who have no upgrades (or hardly any) and need help getting off the ground.

Pre-Battle: Determine Your Class and Game Mode

First thing you should ask yourself is, “What kind of player am I?” Are you someone who likes to go right into the heat of battle or are you someone who likes to sit back and play more methodically? Depending on your answer you will want to choose either the “Assault”, “Engineer”, or “Medic” class if you are aggressive or “Recon” (sniper) if you want to be away for the action. Once you gain experience you will be able to switch between classes at will and have success with each but I would advise new players to decide on what kind of player they are and pick one class to begin with. I say this because if you focus on one class that you really like you will gain experience faster and rank up faster which will lead to weapons and attributes upgrades to help you out along the way. Ranking up as quickly as possible is important because it will put you on more even footing with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 veterans.

So we’ve determined that the first thing you need to do is pick your class. You can do this by looking through the “Weapons & Gadgets” menu to determine which class you think has the best weapons to suit you. Alternatively, you could actually try each class in game. However, I’d recommend abstaining from going directly into the game but instead looking through the menu (it’ll help keep your kill/death ratio in check). With that in mind I want to present to you a quick guide to each class.

- Assault Class: For Aggressive Gamers — This class arguably has the best guns of any class. As the name of the class implies, you will be an assault soldier and will be expected to be on the front lines of your team’s attack. Your main weapon will be an assault rifle and as you rank up assault rifles will have near top tier ammo capacity and ammo damage. The one drawback of assault rifles are that they are rapid firing and you need to constantly have it in mind to reload after firing. To begin with your assault rifle will also have a grenade launcher attachment which is good for destroying the cover of your enemies. As you rank up you can add shotgun and smoke grenade attachments. For your secondary weapons (as a new gamer) you will have the same handguns selectable for all classes. Additionally, you can resupply your squad mates and team mates with ammunition (you can use this for yourself also).

· Engineer Class: For Aggressive Gamers — This class is meant for people who want an extremely rapid firing automatic sub-machine gun and the ability to destroy heavy vehicles (tanks, vehicles, etc.). Another key feature to this class is the ability to repair vehicles for teammates. If you partner up with a buddy this can be extremely valuable if one of you operates the tank and then you jump out to repair your tank as it amasses damage. Much like the “Assault” class you have a small clip size and bullets go very quickly, so be sure to always be ready to reload. Additionally, weapons for this class have the least ammo damage of any class but the extremely fast firing rate does help balance things out. As with all of the other classes your secondary weapon will be a handgun of some sort. The best feature of this class, to me personally, is the ability to destroy tanks with your rocket launcher or after you rank up a bit, land mines. It’s a great, balanced class that offers several ways to defeat your enemies which is why it’s so popular among multiplayer gamers.

· Medic Class: For Aggressive Gamers — This class is meant for people who want to use heavy machine guns and have the ability to heal teammates. One of the best benefits of this class is that you are given the choice of some great primary weapons right on par with the “Assault” class but with greater ammo capacity (“Assault” class around 30 bullets, “Medic” around 100). Also the ability to throw out “med packs” to injured teammates and to use heart pedals to revive dead teammates is a great way to score points, help your team, and rank up quickly. Sadly this class lacks any kind of weapon to take down heavy vehicles and as always your secondary weapon will be a handgun.

· Recon (Sniper) Class: For Strategic Gamers—Alright so a lot of veteran Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer veterans may hate you for this (they want you in the action), but the “Recon” class has its merits. This mode gives you an extremely strong slow loading (usually 1 shot per reload) sniper rifle. As you rank up you will earn better scopes and even a sniper rifle with a large clip size with semi-automatic fire. The best thing about this class is that you can provide backup for your attacking teammates. Initially you will have “motion detectors” that can shout out enemy locations to your teammates, C4 that you can place on heavy vehicles (great for tanks but you have to physically place them on the tank or vehicle), and you can shout out enemy positions using the “select” button on the PS3 or the “back” button for the 360. Then as always your secondary weapon will be a hand gun. So although veteran gamers may complain this is a great way to play for strategic gamers and if you concentrate on helping your teammates and not just improving your kill/death ratio most veteran players will accept you.

Also I want to point out that each class will come with one grenade that you can use and a knife for stabbing your enemy for an instant kill (usually) in close quarters combat.
Alright so now that you have your class figured out it’s time to start figuring out your next clue to success, your favorite game mode. Now I know this may be controversial to some but you really should jump into all the multiplayer modes and get your feet wet. The first thing you want to do is find the game modes you like best and which ones you feel you would be best at. It could be Conquest (aka capture the flag), Rush (destroy/protect crates), Onslaught (take on a bunch of enemies), Squad Deathmatch (4 teams of 4on4 combat trying to reach 50 kills) or Squad Rush (just like regular rush but with less players). So go through and find the best mode or modes for you. Now try and come to a quick decision because you don’t want to amass a huge negative kill/death ratio.

In-Game Strategy

Alright so you have your class and favorite game mode/s figured out, now it’s time to get into an actual game. Once you have chosen a level (usually you do so randomly as a new gamer) you will be greeted with your weapon selection screen, so pick your favorite weapon combination, and get into the game. Now if you have friends you can choose to be in a squad with them (you can do this at the “Play with Friends” section at the main multiplayer screen) or if you’ve joined a clan online you can do the same. A key feature to success in Bad Company 2 multiplayer is team work and having a great squad is a great advantage to have. If you have a dependable squad each one of you can select particular classes to help each other out and can also communicate via headset. It’s great having an “Assault” soldier, “Medic”, and “Engineer” leading the charge, driving and repairing heavy equipment, healing teammates, and a “Recon” guy backing them up. It takes the multiplayer to a whole new level but to be honest for most new Bad Company 2 multiplayer gamers you will be in a squad with people you don’t know and it may be a great squad or a terrible one. So let’s prepare you for what you can do to keep yourself alive and be a good squad mate and teammate.

Once you have entered a game and realized that for the most part you will be going at it alone (aka your squad could care less about team play) you need to learn how to fend for yourself and still be useful to your team overall. First off play to your chosen gameplay style, if you are an aggressive class, attack, and if you are a “Recon”, cover your teammates’ back. Additionally, no matter what class you are always attempt to complete your objective, whether it’s protecting or destroying crates, capturing flags, etc. Even if your squad mates aren’t helping you, you should still help them. You are probably wondering, “Why?” and the simple answer is that it’s still best for you statistically and reputation wise. You get an increased amount of points (vs. regular teammates) for helping your squad, from helping them on a kill to say giving them a “med pack” or repairing their vehicle. At the same time your other teammates will be watching you and your gameplay style. If they notice you are helpful to others they’ll tend to help you right back. Also keep in mind that some of your squad mates and team mates may be new as well and don’t know the ropes yet so always be conscious of trying to help.

So now let’s move on to some strategies that will help you improve as well as help your teammates. As soon as you load into a level press and hold down the “Select” button on the PS3 or “Back” button on the 360 to see the scoreboard. If you are joining an existing game you can see the best players on your team, see if your squad members are among them, and get information on how good the opposing team is by checking their scores (this all won’t matter much if you join a fresh game). One tip to take advantage of from this is, if your squad isn’t playing together other members of the team may be. So if you see a group of players sticking together try and stick with them and help them out in whatever way you can. You could even try to join their squad and leave yours if a spot is open (simply hit the “Start” button and then use the “Squad” options). You may have to play through the level a bit to find these players but the initial scoreboard information should really help point them out. The next tip I have is when you load into a level get familiar with it and learn what it has to offer. There could be great vantage points for firing, there could be great places to hide (mostly for “Recon” class), and just general overall advantages to learn. As you learn different levels you’ll quickly realize which are your favorite and those you are most successful at which will help you become a better player as you can play that level at any time by choosing it at the multiplayer game load screen. Also remember when you are attacking an objective to take the road less traveled and don’t just run right down the middle of the map to get to your objective the quickest because most of the time the enemy will be waiting. Try to think of yourself as a real soldier and be sneaky as well as using well thought out decisions. Use the coverage system in the game to your advantage by using it for cover but also on the offensive remember that coverage can be destroyed and enemies can be killed even through walls. Another trick I have used is that if you see an enemy or group of enemies, throw a grenade in a direction opposite of where you are. Once this has their attention you can attack them and a lot of the time this works heavily in your favor. One other sneaky trick to remember is that if you are using the “Assault” or “Medic” class you can use your own ammunition resupplies and “med-packs” to help yourself. Just remember to try your best to work with teammates and if all else fails just be sneaky and deadly.

After the Game and Planning

So after you have completed a match be sure to look at your progress, gauge how well you think you did, and think of ways you can improve. Also go back to your “Weapons and Gadgets” screen as well as your post-game screen to see how you are progressing to your next level and how you are doing in regards to medals, pins, and upgrading your weapons. Once you are at the main multiplayer screen go to “My Stats” to see everything about you, as well as what you need to do to upgrade your weapons and earn certain medals and pins. The great thing about upgrading weapons and earning medals and pins is that they come with points that help you rank up so be sure to pay attention how to earn these things and it will help you expedite your ascension to greatness.

So there you have it, my quick strategies of how to quickly become a competitor in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer. I want to point out that this is the first in a series of strategy guides that I will be doing for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer and the next will focus on tips for experienced Battlefield: Bad Company 2 players.

SeanRL5045d ago (Edited 5045d ago )

It's a little late for this.

Also, can play aggressively or not with every class and be successful.

pileofwit5045d ago

Yeah, as I said you can play aggressively or be more timid and have success. The point is to attack objectives and help teammates more than anything, which you can do aggressively or as a recon sitting back pointing out enemies,etc then sneaking around only to pop out and set a charge or capture a flag (then if you are defending a flag or crate find a good position and pick people off). Also I said I thought new players should pick one class instead of trying every class and sort of ease themselves into playing each class. I'm just trying to give new players new ideas.

Also yeah I know it's a while since release but there will always be new players especially when they are releasing things like the "Ultimate" pack.

Thanks for the comment though. :)

dkgshiz5044d ago

I cant recall how many times I got knifed in the back from someone who spawned 4 feet behind me.

Aggesan5043d ago

Nice text, but the intruduction was not so good imo. The whole -how to get youd k/d-ratio above 1.0 is bad, 'cause a good player in BFBC2 shouldn't care about that. Of course you're gonna make less kills as a medic than as assult, but that's not the point. The point is to make your team win and be an asset to the group, NOT to get the best possible k/d-ratio.

pileofwit5043d ago (Edited 5043d ago )

Yeah you are actually dead on especially after I went on to talk about being unselfish over selfish (aka help teammates first). Point taken and I'll keep that in mind when doing any other writing. I don't claim to be a writer so any tips are great. Can you edit blog posts after they have been submitted and it be legal? If so I want to make the edits you are saying.

Also "dkgshiz" yeah you have a point too, spawning can get weird in the game but usually since people can pick where they want to spawn it's better than random spawning. However I have been some places in different games before and a guy spawn right in front of me lol.

Also one point I totally forgot about until playing this game the other day is a tip about shooting as a recon from a long distance...shoot slightly above the head for an instant kill. If you shoot right at the head the bullet will drop not getting you the instant kill. That and also be sure to fire in bursts.

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I've been waiting for this as well ever since it was announced. I think it was supposed to come out way earlier, but at long last!

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