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The missing pieces of the ps3 puzzle

So update 2.4 brought along some much needed functions to the Ps3, but its still far from complete. This list is a list of firmwire(only) changes they could make, and a list of firmwire(only) things they could add.

1. Ability to access xmb in ps2 and ps1 games.
This one would only be needed for messeging, and for the ability to create new ps1/ps2 memory cards.

2. Trophie support from all PSN and PS3 titles.
This one would make the PSN alot more complete. Right now all trophies are are how good you are in SSHD.

3. In-game Voice Chat
I like text messeging better, but some people would love to be able to chat it up while playing a game.

4. Game invites
This one would allow a user to send a user an invite to the game hes playing simply by sending a simple yes or no question messege.

5. Voice Messaging
Let me explain this one. I was playing my friends xbox and one of his friends left him a voice messege, I thought that was a pretty neat idea.

6. Better iPod/iPhone service
In order to get music off an iPod I have to hunt down a special folder inside of the iPod, why cant I just open it up and go to "music"?

7. Ability to open up Internet browser in game
This one is sorta just an extra little thing that would make ps3 that much better. This would allow you to be able and go onto gamefaqs or what not, and get some help on the game your playing.

8. Screen Grabs/Movie recording in all games
This one was brought up a while ago in some cat game(dont know name). It looked pretty functional, to bad cat game isn't really something you would need that in, but... oh well.

9. Ability to charge controllers while ps3 is in standby
    This one explains itself. We really dont need the power of nuclear fusion to charge our controllers.


From this point on these will add alot more to the ps3 then some simple changes.

1. A new part to the XMB "Office"
    Ill explain all the functions in the office part of the xmb
    a. Text files
         With the already added printer functionality, it would be great to have a program that allowed you to type and save files.
    b. PsPaint
        I think this really explains itself, I thought that it would be fun to have.
    c. Calender
        Maybe keep birthdays, release dates for games, other important dates on here. Who knows.
    d. Voice recorder
         This one allows you to record sound files and save them to your HDD. You could reverse them, add echo, increase volume, increase speed, and even use the voice changer.

Thats pretty much all I think the ps3 really needs, firmwire wise. I couldn't really think of anything else they would need to do in an update. Feel free to add me to your F-list PSN: LuciferEx.

Hagaf225791d ago

2. Trophie support from all PSN and PS3 titles.---(spelled trophy)not gunna happen, its not on Sony but the developers and most don't realize that going back and spending a week to month make a patch for trophies would increase sales, but they won't go back, gaming is an industry of moving forward. But Uncharted is going to get bought again by me when it gets the patch, should have never traded it in after I beat it the first time...
4. Game invites -- pretty sure this is a developer of the game not Sony, I mean they have invites for the same game, and the game can see who's online so the dev would just have to allow you the ability to do it. Look at Battlefield Bad Company, I can send invites to any one who is online but with Call of Duty they have to be playing Call of Duty, so its on the game developer
6. Better iPod/iPhone service- Not gunna happen, that's just a brand thing, sony isn't going to support apple nor viceversa.
7. Ability to open up Internet browser in game- not nessecary, plus ps3 doesn't have the ram for that extra service, buy a laptop sit it next to your couch and have it up while you play- problem solved.

Isaac5791d ago

They just need to optimize the OS to make it work better. Sure, PS3 will not be able to do everything, but so far it is the console that does it best, and no console will ever do it better anyway since console resources are better spent on games, not non-game features. I do expect to game and browse the web at the same time on the same screen once TV services, Remote play and gaming merge into one device with the aid of cloud computing, but that is a long way off.

mattkelly19915791d ago (Edited 5791d ago )

2. I was just saying that it is a missing piece
4. yah, but now it is on both(the developer and sony). For example, Resistence had in-game messeging before 2.4.
6.Xbox360 has it
Wii has it
Why can't Sony and Apple play nice when Apple and Microsoft can. In my opinion Microsoft should be against apple WAY more then Sony.
7.When you open up in-game Xmb, it pauses the game, GREATLY reducing the RAM taken by the game, with that extra RAM you could indeed open up the browser and surf it while the game is paused. When you go back to the game, the page could be cached to the HDD making switching from game to browser a quick and simple operation reducing the ram taken to a mear fraction of a percent.

Isaac5790d ago

"When you open up in-game Xmb, it pauses the game, GREATLY reducing the RAM taken by the game, with that extra RAM you could indeed open up the browser and surf it while the game is paused. When you go back to the game, the page could be cached to the HDD making switching from game to browser a quick and simple operation reducing the ram taken to a mear fraction of a percent."

That is wrong on many levels, I suggest you do your research before making claims on a technical level.

mattkelly19915790d ago (Edited 5790d ago )

Im the one who agreed with you. You win, it just seems like it can be done.

Isaac5790d ago

However, I am not sure if you can store on the HDD all info available on the RAM and then switch back to the game that quick, but anyway it might be a good idea so bubbles for you.

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purple10113h ago(Edited 13h ago)

such a shame, its my fav console by far. it was way better than ps1, problem was ps2 was due to come out, a year or so later, and many just waited for that, especially after the flop that was the Saturn,. (even though it way okay, it didn't sell well,).

ps1 did sell well, a lot of those fans waited for ps2. thus, the downfall of Dreamcast,,

Chocoburger43m ago

I bought a DreamPi to play both Dreamcast and Saturn online! So far I'm only played with two people online with Saturn, and I need to spend more time with the Dreamcast community in order to play with them. I miss ChuChu Rocket online, good times!