Loving LIfe


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So I finally bought an episode of Qore...

Yeah, at this point I'm Killzone 2 crazy and so this month's episode being about KZ2, and the fact that I've been curious as to what Qore is all prompted me to splurge and purchase an episode.

First of all the layout was just perfect. This is a Sony produced show so I would expect nothing less. I was, however, a bit disappointed that the show wasn't shot in HD. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm certain I was watching a standard definition show. Nevertheless, I wasn't disappointed in this area and would only like a show broadcast in HD. 

The host was both articulate and charismatic. I forget her name, but I did find her charming. She asked good questions, let the person answering speak without interrupting, and...well...she's not exactly hard on the eyes. My complaint regarding the host is that I don't think she's a "hardcore gamer." Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she plays games. I just don't think she is what we would call a hardcore gamer. Why? Okay, she goes to the Keynote II arcade featuring Street Fighter everything. Now I'd seen the 1up guys visit this locale in an episode of The 1up Show so I knew what to expect but I stuck around to see a little bit more Street Fighter IV goodness. Then it happened. She said something that any hardcore gamer just can't forgive. They sat her down in front of a Street Fighter cabinet and she stated "I don't know what I'm doing." What the bleep?!?! If you don't know how to play Street Fighter something is wrong. And no I was not expecting her to get on there and start handing out lessons. I didn't expect her to not get pwn'ed. I'm sure I'd get my you know what handed to me by some of those guys. But to say you don't even know the controls is just straight up crazy. I then began to wonder if she even played games....or at least "hardcore games."

From this I get to my other complaints. No first hand feedback on games. I'd like to see her play a portion of some of these games and tell us her thoughts on the controls. Yes I know I can get this anywhere but I paid good money for this thing, why can't I get it from the host of Qore? Why not have a world exclusive first time play through of a level, a segment, or whatever on Qore?

And this is a Sony produced show. How about some exclusive access to some key people at Sony? Or better yet, give us a look at what some Sony in-house studios are up to. A Sony show should not have the same amount of info as a typical videogame podcast.

Maybe I'm wrong and in other episodes this is not the case, but in the latest episode there were no shots of the host playing games (other than SFIV) and it made me wonder if it was because she didn't know how to play games. Perhaps I'm jumping to conclusions but one has to wonder at this point...no?

Last, the segments are too short. I'm sure they shoot a bunch of footage. Why not give us more? I don't want junk footage mind you, but at least have a segment as long as the 1up show, if not longer. Again, this isn't a free interactive mag so give me my money's worth. I love the layout. I like that I can go straight to Killzone 2 if I want or wherever. But maybe add a different chapter called "getting there is not so much fun" or whatever and include some things that occurred during her travels. Perhaps some funny video of her traveling to these locales, purchasing game paraphernalia, or whatever. Maybe add in a co-host or some additional personalities to help with this. Just flesh out the show a bit more whether it be with the aforementioned first hand feedback on the game and/or by taking the viewer through these spots with us and giving us a laugh here and there.

So yeah, Qore was good, I got a Fear 2 demo coming to me sometime this month, and I got to see more Killzone 2 footage but nothing I hadn't seen already. I don't regret purchasing it but I don't see myself rushing to purchase the next episode unless there's info on a game I know I'm getting on day one ala Killzone 2.

thisguywithhair5602d ago

I can't even think of a word to describe you right now. You are sitting way too high up on a pedestal for your own good and the worst part seems to be that you have built that pedestal yourself.

You watch shows like this in order to get informed about games, see games that are in production, and see a hot host or hostess. I am sorry that Qore does not live up to your lofty standards, but then again what does?

You spent money on something that turned out to be a disappointment, so what? If I wrote a blog nit-picking everything I didn't like about every disappointment I ever bought I wouldn't be here right now because I would still be writing about my N64 adventures.

I know you have high expectations and expect everyone involved in video game information to be as hard-core as you but you really must grow up. Not everyone can meet your standards, especially when you don't even have consistent ones.

Lifendz5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

I'm not on a pedestal at all. Are you related to someone involved with producing Qore? I just gave my opinion on how they could improve the show and what my thoughts on it were. At no point did I say the show was a disappointment to me. In fact, I said I enjoyed it and just felt they could flesh it out more. You act like I said the show sucked or something.

Szarky5601d ago (Edited 5601d ago )

thisdouchewithhair obviously took it personally. I bought Qore for the first time seeing how much I liked the free December issue. However there is definately lots of room to make the show better. One example: You went to Amsterdam and you mean to tell me all you have is 5 minutes of footage? They paid for her flight and her time working there. Why not show some footage of some people at the studio working on character models or level design or something. Just pop open something cool onto your monitor, give a short explanation how it's so technically advanced and boom... you have another 30-60 seconds of footage. Go around the studio, talk to workers or just show off the studio. Hell even like Lifendz said show us some game paraphernalia you found or bought. Just make it a bit longer. Killzone 2 is one of the biggest games for Sony so far on this console and you couldn't make the episode a bit more special?

On that note, I'll probably buy another episode because I still like it. It could just be a lot better. If they made it better or more exclusive or longer I would pay double what they charge now.

minusman265600d ago

I purchase a whole year of Qore. I think its fine as it is. I like it alot. I hope they continue to improve on it because it could be something special.


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spicelicka12m ago

At least it's not an Alt right port!

Haha right??....or Alt right?