Voice of truth


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Developed VS. Published

This is a subject that I want to hopefully clarify, because there seems to be some confusion here. I remember a while back, when Dishonored came out, people were refusing to buy Dishonored because it had Bethesda stamped on it. They, mostly PS3 owners, were angry because of Bethesda's debacle and mishandling of the PS3 version of TESV:Skyrim, resulting in the PS3 version suffering stuttering frame rates and no DLC. I also remember when Skyrim came out and people were complaining, and boycotting, Skyrim because it was, inevitably, going to have bugs. The reason they predicted this was from looking at Bethesda's past work, however they quoted Fallout New Vegas as among that list. Finally I also remember when LA Noire came out and people were disappointed because it was so radically different from other Rockstar games that they wondered if Rockstar lost their edge.

I want to clarify this. Dishonored was developed by Arkane and Published by Bethesda. Fallout New Vegas was developed by Obsidian and published by Bethesda. La Noire was developed by Team Bondi and published by Rockstar. What does this mean?

Let me explain it this way. Arkane studios had this great idea for a game they called Dishonored, but they didn't have the money to make it. Games cost money to make, after all you have to buy computers to program, development kits, pay people, pay licenses ect. So Arkane studios didn't have the money to make their game so what do they do? They go to someone who does, i.e. the Publisher. In this case Bethesda. Bethesda says "Okay. We like your idea. We will pay you to make your game, but in return we want the rights to it." Essentially Bethesda buys everything that Arkane studios wants or needs for their game, and they pay the people working on the game.

Now what can happen, and we see this happen a lot with Call of Duty games, is that the Publisher (Bethesda, or in the case of Call of Duty; Activision) says "Okay we've paid you X amount of dollars. This was the amount that we promised to pay you when we signed the contract. This game now belongs to us and we are tired of paying out and not getting anything so we are going to release this game to the world. (Note this only sometimes happens, not every publisher is like this)So now the game is released onto the world.

Here is where another misconception happens. "The developer doesn't get paid from used sales." While this is true the developer barely gets paid from new sales. The developer get's paid, by the publisher, before the game is even released. The majority of new sales go straight to the publisher.

Anyways back to the original point. Now that the game is on the market the publisher is now hoping to recoup their money and gain a profit. To put it into a math formula where X is the amount the publisher paid the developer to make the game and Y is the amount of money they've made from sales. Z would be the total in deficit or profit. It would look something like this (-X+Y=Z). If Z is a positive number (meaning the publisher made more money selling the game than it cost them to publish the game) than it is more likely that we will see another game by that developer because the publisher is more likely to pay for that developer team to make another game. Where as -Z would mean that the publisher lost money (It cost more to publish the game than they made in sales) it is less likely we will see another game from that developer.

The point of this blog was to A) Explain the difference between a Developer and a Publisher and B) Educate. Think about a game before you buy it, or choose not to buy it. Just because Bethesda or Rockstar is on the box doesn't mean they made the game. Find out who actually made the game and make preconceptions based on the developers past works, not the Publishers. The Publisher has very little to do with the overall quality of the game.

Nicaragua4154d ago

The video is pretty poor and actually confuses developer and publisher at the end, the blog made perfect sense without the video.

I dunno if the video bit is made by you but you should lose it, its kinda crap.

lex-10204154d ago

I included it because it was short simple and to the point, but you're right its kinda terrible. I'll get rid of it.

Nicaragua4154d ago

Good call, dont forget about the last line of text in the blog that references the video.


Xbox Games Showcase 2024: 5 predictions for what we will see

The upcoming Xbox Games Showcase should be full of exciting announcements. Here is what John Hansen from GameSandwich thinks we will see.

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Lightning7711h ago

Percentages time

Gears 6: 95% very high chance it'll get announced. It'll be in engine trailer but no deep gameplay.

State Of Decay 3: 60% fair chance development was said to be rough development but now is going very smooth recently according to Jez Cordin. It's a fairly good chance they could show it off but don't be surprised if it no shows... Again...

Blade: 20% very small chance. It's still a few years away and they probably don't want to show it off this early.

Fable: 80% High chance. I believe we'll see another trailer from Fable with a 2025 release.

Perfect Dark: 80% High Chance: apparently they wanted to be shown off last year but Matt Booty blocked them. Development was going badly for a while but according to New report it's smoother now. Yeah high chance and it's time to show something.

Avowed 100% chance guaranteed. Gameplay released date and all.

Indiana Jones 100% chance guaranteed. New trailer gameplay and release date.

Stalker 2 100% chance guaranteed. New trailer Day one on gamepass.

Contraband: 70% good chance. The game is said to be up and running with lots of play tests. Confident they'll show gameplay. If not it's vaporware 1000%

South Of Midnight: 80% High chance. There was a rumor it was releasing this year I'm actually expecting gameplay actually.

Clockwork Revolution: 50%. Maybe if it's a 2025 release then yeah they'll show off a new trailer. If not then it's a no show this time.

ABK gamepass stuff:100% New cod of course. Retro games crossing my fingers for remastered Tenchu games but I highly doubt it. One can hope I guess. These aren't all the games I missed some but wanted to hit the main stuff everyone's been waiting on.

helicoptergirl39m ago

Hope we hear about more about Playstation there lol, but I doubt they even dare utter that name at this showcase lest the steadfast faithful form a mob and burn the whole place down and "hold the line".

Hugodastrevas25m ago

"Here's all the studios we're buying look at these trailers"
Years later, shuts them all down.


Ninja Theory already working on next game per Jez Corden

The one and only Jez Corden of Windows Central has intimated today that Ninja Theory is working on their next title already, and it's not one previously announced

helicoptergirl7m ago

Good. I hope they ramp up their ambitions and make a bigger game with better gameplay and combat.


QubicGames' "20 for 20 Anniversary Bundle" is now available for PC via Steam

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