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Grinds My Gears: Call of Duty and Other Over-Hyped Games

I remember how some people tore apart RSV2 and other games for being released only a year after their first one(which is wrong b/c RSV1 was 2 years ago).  Now, here comes Call of Duty 5, only a year after Cod4, and everyone is all over that...wtf? 

Maybe it's because a lot of people liked the first game more, or the extra hype, or the PC gamers.  But obviously, the game hasn't had too much development time, and it's not Madden or any other sports game, where minor tweaks will do it because most people that buy it just want upgraded rosters.

I for one would choose RSV over CoD because it's more team oriented, and you feel a real sense of accomplishment when you defeat the other team, rather just running around shooting and hoping your teammates get some kills and help the cause.  Graphics also don't make a game, so I'll admit its not the best looking game, but it's fun and that's all that matters.

COD4 players hyped the game up sooo much and when gamers start to hype games up, they start to rub off on casual gamers who go buy the game and will not let anything change their mind about how good/fun the game is. Honestly, CoD5 is shaping up to be a GTA4/Halo3, so hyped up that reviewers will have no choice but to throw out the 10's no matter if the single player is shoddy, or non existent(really they should make this game online only and sell it at $40). 

And it might not be super hyped right now, but it will start going up when it's release comes closer.  The game, from what little i read, is just putting parts from other games and adding it to the one from last year, like vehicles and such.  This stuff is not original but someone will say they do it better, someone might go on a limb and accidentally call it original.  Like what they did with COD4 and exp and unlockables...other games did that first, maybe not as good, but still no reason to say that it was the first to do it.

I think I just have a bias towards over hyped games, like COD, Halo, GTA - the only reason why i preorderd GTA4 was to keep EA from taking take two and i ended up getting one of the copies that kept me from playing any GTA4 disc so i gave up on the game.  Haze is another one, not as hyped, but i saw it as it was before it was shown, just another FPS. And I have a feeling that Killzone 2 might become the next Haze/Lair.  The biggest issue that i have with myself is the thought in the back of my head that Resistance 2 is gonna do something wrong, but Insomniac always has listened to their fans and fixed issues, so i don't feel too bad about That game.

I just think that games shouldn't be talked about until at least a demo is out, because we all just set ourselves up for disappointment. Sometimes I think games should not be announced, until a week or a few days before its release, to keep reviewers and everyone else's opinions honest and unbiased, well, not as biased as they are gonna be already

ry-guy5795d ago

I disagree a bit with what you are saying.

Call of Duty 4 was not overhyped. What really hyped up that game was its Beta release. No one, myself included, was really looking to pick-up this game until the raving reviews of the Beta came out. When I played Beta then I realized I had found a new addiction.

I also realize, and many other gamers who have long memories, that Call of Duty 5 is not something to get excited over. Call of Duty 2 was good, Call of Duty 3 blew. The only people overhyping are the publishers because they are trying to capitalize on Call of Duty 4's success. Can you blame them? I mean cripes, within a week of being announced I was all ready being bombarded with ads on ESPN! And the game (as far as I know) does not even have a release date yet! So the only people really getting excited are the publishers, no one else...

Truplaya5795d ago

Do you know that COD4 was made by infinity ward and COD5 is by Treyarch? It has taken 2 years to make since they completed COD3.

I cant see this one getting over hyped anyway. Not like other games i could mention like MGS4 (for me a massively over hyped interactive movie). *Waits for the flaming to begin coz fanboys cant accept other people have differing opinions* and I beleive GTA4 was over hyped.

To be honest the only games that get me really interested this gen are new IPs like BioShock, Crackdown and Gears. All these 'popular last gen so lets make a new one' games are over hyped. halo3, GTA4 and MGS4 to name a few.

ry-guy5795d ago

Oh my gosh where MGS4 and GTA4 overhyped.

I bit on GTA4 and I'm regretting it. I just could not get into the game. No matter how hard. It was always more frustrating than fun.

joeymoey5795d ago (Edited 5795d ago )

oh... my gawsh was COD4 overrated. At least the multiplayer end of it that is.

Amsterdaam5795d ago

People complained about RSV2 because it is basically the same game. It should have been an expansion, not a full price game.

COD4 and 5 are two completely different stories and timeframes.

NO_PUDding5795d ago

I agree about Killzone 2. It will compete with Halo 3, but that's hardly an achievement. It will just be plain 'meh'.

NintendoKid175795d ago

Yeah COD4 is over rated as of Halo and GTA4. Yeah I played them and they are okay games but fun but there not the best games ever created, ther are games out thats would kick Halo and GtA4 A@# any day

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Nintendo May Be Working On A Legend Of Zelda Game With Zelda As The Main Character

Nintendo may be working on a brand new Legend of Zelda game featuring Zelda as the main character, based on a new rumor.

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XiNatsuDragnel1d 5h ago

That'll be interesting because titular character for the game

Eonjay29m ago(Edited 28m ago)

The 'Legend of Link: Zelda's Awakening' has a nice ring to it.

-Foxtrot7h ago

It works

The cycle of hatred can't always be exactly the same

Maybe in one reincarnation the Hyrule family name their son Link in honour of Hylia's chosen hero and some village woman name their daughter Zelda in honour of Princess Zelda from the old tales of the lands past.

Vits7h ago

This rumor, or variants of it, appears pretty much every time there is a gap with a non-announced Zelda game in the works. So I would take it with a grain of salt."

That said, I have always wanted a game where you play as her. Not exactly a "Zelda game", mind you, I always see her making more sense in something like a city builder/management or strategy game.

ZeekQuattro46m ago

There's a rumor that another Zelda Musou game in the works. I'd sooner believe that one over this.

SimpleSlave18m ago

A character select screen would work just fine. If RPG developers, with far more complex gameplay everything, have been able to do this, why is Nintendo still dragging their feet?

This ain't Baldur's Gate nor Morrowind, so lets get to it already.

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Marvel Rivals: Closed Alpha Gameplay

Here is a look at the Closed Alpha for the game in action.

Redgrave1h ago

Keep in mind that regardless of your stance or interest in this, be it good or bad; the ToS agreement makes it so you can't leave negative reviews once accepted.

Garethvk31m ago(Edited 30m ago)

Hence why I posted video so people can watch and make up their own minds and I will reserve my final thoughts until the final build.


Star Citizen showcases the creation of the two brand-new animals coming to alpha 3.23

Land on any planet in Star Citizen currently and you’ll be greeted by things like weather patterns, flora, and very possibly a derelict or two. What you won’t find are any animals, however. That’s going to change with alpha 3.23’s release, as CIG has finally put together two animals to populate certain planets. That’s not quite three, but it’s more than one!

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savedsynner1h ago

People will have had entire careers by the time this game reaches Gold status.

SimpleSlave1h ago

Two brand-new animals? Fantastic. This game should be ready by the time the Vault Dwellers come out from their Vaults Two Hundred years after the Apocalypse.

Any minute now...