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Fanboy Mindset on the Internet

Hey, guys, it's been a long while since I posted a blog comment on this site. My previous posts were about games and digital distribution and equality. This post is mostly about a disturbing trend I've observed on this site and how it has affected me as an individual. Firstly, I just want everyone to know that I am not a fanboy, but that I have become susceptible for fanboy arguments recently because I've become increasingly frustrated with certain people on this website, some of whom have decided to come back again and again under different profiles.

So this website is basically a bastion of argument between people who like Sony and people who like Microsoft, with the occasional appearance of people who are PC gamers and people who are Nintendo fans. Now, there's a difference between liking something in a healthy way and liking something in an unhealthy way. In my opinion, liking something in a healthy way generally means that you possess the ability to detach yourself from that thing you like, and have the ability to like other things in addition to that thing you like. Liking something in an unhealthy way means your devote your focus to that thing, you praise that thing unnecessarily and too often, you seldom talk about anything else, you criticize competing things or you pit other things against the thing you like and often ensure that what you like comes out to be the winner in any argument.

I'm talking about fanaticism. Winston Churchill described a fanatic as someone who can't change their mind and won't change the subject. By this definition, we can all be to an extent fanatical about someone or something. But the key modifier is the inability to change the subject. So, it's okay for someone to always like or believe one thing, but if they can't talk about anything other than that thing, then there's something wrong with them.

I have for as long as I've been a posting member of this site, been accused of being a fanboy for one console or the other, and recently have been accused of being a PC elitist. It's natural for people to compartmentalize - to place people into easily identifiable and understandable categories in order to know how to approach them. But some people on this site take that and run very far with it.

Here's a real example that just happened very recently (today) and compelled me to write this blog post. In an article titled "The Xbox 360 Will Die before the Xbox 720 Comes Out," a user that goes by the name of "yesmynameissumo" wrote:

"Remember how the PSPGo was a digital download only test? With PSP-3000s and other UMD models still on the market selling well (better)? Sony killed the Go, not the PSP. Huge difference in the comparison, which is also a little weak imo."

I replied to "yesmynameissumo" with a post that read:

"People don't like being treated as beta testers.
If the PSPGo was merely Sony's way of testing digital distribution then they shouldn't have priced it so high."

"yesmynameissumo" replied back with:

"360 owners were beta testers of hardware for almost 5yrs. People don't like what?"

Now, there's something very important to take away from this user's post. Firstly, he changed the subject, and secondly, he changed the subject to Microsoft and the Xbox 360. He decided not to say anything in direct response to my post, but rather to hurl a criticism at the Xbox 360. His way of defending Sony is to attack Microsoft and the Xbox 360. Isn't that strange? This is an example of fanboyism. Now, many might think, "but Kaveti, why do criticize Sony?" Good question. Why do I criticize Sony. My answer to that is this: I come to this website in between reading and doing homework (basically, it's my form of procrastination) and one thing that shocks me about the people on this site is just how brainwashed they all seem. And so, because I often see people praising every little thing Sony does and defending every move and every press release and every little thing, I find myself taking the opposing side. I don't mean to criticize Sony or the PS3.

I don't really care. Personally, I am sitting in front of my PS3 right now (it's set up below my TV) and my 360 is packed away in the closet with little chance of being opened again until Halo 4. But what people need to realize about me is that I am not, in any way shape or form a 360 fanboy or an MS fanboy. "yesmynameisssumo" assumes that I am a 360 fanboy, so he responded to my comment by attacking the 360.

The fanboys on this site seem to think, "either you're with us or you're with them." The truth is, I am against both of you. Now I use the term "against" very lightly here, because I don't really aim to attack fanboys every chance I get. It's not why I'm here. But I do find myself wasting an enormous time on people who are completely, utterly, hopelessly brainwashed.

And as I've mentioned before in comments, people tend to see what they want to see. Some people look at my username and automatically associate me with 360 fanboy because they recall a post where I criticized Sony. It's human nature. I'll give another example of something that was said today. In an article titled "Sony promised a 10 Year Life Cycle for the PS3," I wrote a comment that I didn't think Sony truly supported the PS2 for ten years because they shifted their software development to the PS3 in 7 years. Now, I got a lot of disagrees for that comment and quite a few replies from people saying that "support" means that Sony continues to sell the PS2. This is merely a difference of opinion on what "support" means. That aside, a user named "DragonKnight" commented to my second post saying:

"Please don't respond to kaveti. He just loves to go against the grain, I can't really recall a comment I've seen him make (no, I don't go through comment histories to prove points, that's sad) that is positive."

Now, I've got a problem with this. If a user is going to make a judgment about someone's character, why would that user then say that he refuses to check the comment history to prove his point? If you're going to make a claim, use evidence, please. Don't think you're above it. If people would check my comment history, they would see that I make plenty of negative comments about Microsoft and the Xbox 360, but because of confirmation bias, people tend to see only what confirms that preconceptions. So if people think I'm a 360 fanboy, then the information they remember best is posts I've made that are critical of Sony and the PS3, and they will tend to ignore and/or forget posts that I've made that are critical of the 360 and Microsoft. Just a few days ago I criticized Microsoft's customer service for trying to lure me into extending my XBL membership when the reason I called them was to cancel my membership. But PS3 fanboys tend to think that everyone other than them on this site must be either a 360 fanboy or a PC elitist. And it works the same way for the other types of fanboys (360 fanboys think everyone else is a PS3 fanboy or PC elitist, etc).

This explains why "yesmynameisssumo" responded to my comment about Sony with a negative comment about the 360. This user seems to think that I somehow would be affected by this comment. Well, in a sense he's right because his comment prompted me to write this blog post. But his reasoning is wrong.

I know that I'm not the only one who's bothered by this constant aggression on N4G. A person can't say something critical of a company without igniting the ire of some fanboy for some hunk of plastic. Now, so far I've really only made mention of PS3 fanboys and the reason for that is merely my perception of the site. I could very well be wrong, but I do believe N4G is by far home to more PS3 fanboys than 360 fanboys. And oftentimes when someone says how terrible the PS3 fanboys are, a PS3 fanboy will say, "You should have been here in 2007. The 360 fanboys were worse and now it's payback time."

Payback time, yes. Unfortunately, people like me are caught in the blindfire, and sometimes we become aggressive too. I lost a bubble yesterday or perhaps the day before when I entered a thread about Skyrim and said "Brand loyalty disgusts me" in response to a user who was calling for a boycott of Skyrim altogether simply because the PS3 version isn't up to scratch. And so I replied:

"If there are gamers that have both consoles then why would you promote a boycott of the game entirely? It runs well on the 360 and PC. Seems like a butthurt response. Brand loyalty disgusts me."

I got marked for trolling for that comment. The person who made the comment that Skyrim should be boycotted altogether got a multitude of agrees and reaffirmed by opinion that this website has more PS3 fan(boy)s than other kinds.

Here's another interesting tidbit. I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices when a seemingly unfamiliar user posts a comment that sounds so fanboyish, I decide to check the user's profile and see that they joined just a day ago or just a few hours ago and have posted maybe 25 comments in the last few hours. This situation occurred to me a couple of days ago when a user who goes by the name "TurretKiller" was marked down for trolling and he complained about it so I responded that he had only been a member for 2 days and was already making trouble.

Keep in mind that by this day he has joined 9 days ago. Now, he responded to my comment about him with this:

"I remember when you used to have 5 bubbles, how the mighty fall"

I sighed immediately upon reading this sentence because TurretKiller had either deliberately or unwittingly made it known to me and the rest of the users that he is indeed a multi-account user. I know this because I haven't had 5 bubbles for a very long time, since N4G renovated their site and decided to rest everyone back to 3 bubbles, I think (of course since then I've alternated between 3 bubbles and 4 and now down to 2).

I was very frustrated by this user and am very frustrated that there are many people on this site who create new accounts after being de-bubbled to 1 and then continue on trolling with their new accounts, acting as if they haven't done anything wrong.

A lot of people don't call attention to these "new" users, but whenever one of them says something extremely fanboyish, I make it a point to respond to their comment with "joined so and so days ago" or joined "so and so hours ago."

Fanboyism is something that really irks me, so much so that I find myself stooping to the level of these fanboys, and often this is an issue because I may come across as a fanboy in the process. If I say something negative about Sony, please don't assume that I give a damn about Microsoft or that I somehow want Sony to "fail", and vice versa. And please, to all the fanboys here: just stop being that way. This might be the only place where your existence is tolerated. I know the internet gives everyone a sense of anonymity, but that's not going to last, and everyone knows that in the back of their minds. Where will you go when that day comes?

Chaostar4506d ago

Aww, I was all set to read another whiny blog about losing a bubble or not having a submission approved but then you had to go and be all logical and insightful.

I understand the contrarian urge very well and have also been pulled into a few, less than savory, arguments. I lost my bubbles in an ill-advised attempt at humour that went a little against the N4G commandments.

We've all been on the barrel end of the 'attack is the best form of defence' response and, 9 times out of ten, it means you just won that argument.

I know the ignorance on display is sometimes overwhelming but it really is sometimes best to just let it slide. As for the ability to get your true opinion across without tempting a fanboy backlash, well, I'm not sure that's possible here to be honest.

DeeZee4505d ago

You seem intelligent, just ignore all the childish people on the site. The trick is to only comment on stories you really care about, that's what I do. Actually, I don't even read the comments for about 90% of the stuff here (including the ones for things I've written on my site). Because most of the time you'll just find yourself in a fight if you try to be fair and logical.

coolbeans4505d ago (Edited 4505d ago )

Certainly an exceptional read but I'm worried about specifically naming certain posters in blogs on this site. Normally, blogs seem to be exclusive to the poster's submission catalog (or it's highlighted if you follow that poster) on other gaming sites whereas they're on the front page on this site-until new ones come in.

Question: Are there written rules I may have missed regarding this?

lorianguy4505d ago (Edited 4505d ago )

Well put. Thanks for that interesting read :)

Fanboys are irritating little kids who defy logic to get their way. I even have an anatomy picture ;) (May have to zoom in)

mynameisEvil4505d ago (Edited 4505d ago )

For those of you wondering what the picture says (Took a bit of effort, even with my perfect vision)...

Brain: Devoid of any reason or critical thinking skills, very ape-like in size and shape.

Ears: Their finely tuned ears are capable of tuning out facts and others' opinions.

Heart: Upon study, we found no trace of a heart present, we think they run on sheer arrogancy!

Lungs: We found nothing but hot air and a lot of negativity.

Bowels: Full of Mountain Dew and Cheeto residue.

Hands: Covered in calluses and smelling of lotion. Weird!

(Pointing at dick-area) Empty: *blank space*

lorianguy4505d ago

Thanks for that :)

It was 3 times the size of that originally but I don't think N4G will allow it any bigger :/

mynameisEvil4505d ago ShowReplies(1)
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purple10115h ago(Edited 15h ago)

such a shame, its my fav console by far. it was way better than ps1, problem was ps2 was due to come out, a year or so later, and many just waited for that, especially after the flop that was the Saturn,. (even though it way okay, it didn't sell well,).

ps1 did sell well, a lot of those fans waited for ps2. thus, the downfall of Dreamcast,,

Chocoburger2h ago

I bought a DreamPi to play both Dreamcast and Saturn online! So far I'm only played with two people online with Saturn, and I need to spend more time with the Dreamcast community in order to play with them. I miss ChuChu Rocket online, good times!

Profchaos1h ago

P2P there's even Sega genisis games that still connect online based on this.

Hosted servers wasn't really something I saw regularly on non oc platforms until the 360 era.