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Should Resident Evil Go on Hiatus?

Resident Evil, the name speaks for itself and it's own place in the genre of horror video games. It was what spooked us and kept us up at night. It's creatures terrified us. It's atmosphere was claustrophobic and tense. So how fairs Resident Evil these days? Not well. I was originally contemplating on if I should cover Resident Evil in Beginning, Impact, and Future; however, I know exactly where I would go by the end of that blog in that the Resident Evil series has seen better days and is in dire need of help. Then I got to thinking about how abused Resident Evil has become. Allow me to elaborate as we take a look at one of the most cashed-in franchises around that needs severe restructuring.

Don't misunderstand me as someone who believes that Resident Evil is a series that should discontinue completely. No, that sort of thing is reserved for self-proclaimed video game journalists looking for hits. I love Resident Evil. It was the first horror franchise I had experienced in video games and continued to follow as it progressed. I explored the Spencer Mansion and defeated the Tyrant. I escaped Raccoon City by the seat of my pants. I destroyed what was arguably one of the most difficult and threatening creatures in video games. I ventured to reunite a brother and sister, while facing an old enemy. I took on the Los Illuminados and Las Plagas. I ended Wesker's plans. I faced a corrupt politician who...kept transforming into the most bizarre things imaginable and...okay, what happened?!

Yes, as you can see, I played everything from Resident Evil to Resident Evil 6. But seriously, what happened to this series? We had the original three games plus Resident Evil 0 and the amazing remake of the first game. Then the series progressed with the spectacular Resident Evil 4. With the HD releases of Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6, I can't help but think how incoherent they both were. Now, there is a lot of buzz online about Capcom preparing a seventh installment. Resident Evil being on the current consoles would be great. However, I really hope that's not true given the direction they have taken this series.

With the absence of key members like Shinji Mikami, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, and Hideki Kamiya, Resident Evil has strayed heavily from its survival horror roots in favor of action. It is blatantly noticeable in Resident Evil 5 that the game just isn't scary at all. Resident Evil 4 had me jump plenty of times with me being astonished over its well polished gameplay, but the follow-up just couldn't live up to the expectations. We knew we were playing as Chris again. We knew we were going to face Wesker. We knew we were going to be in a new setting with very fast creatures. What was in store for us? An action fest that didn't slow down one bit for us to soak in the atmosphere or even attempt to instill fear into us.

By all means, however, Resident Evil 5 isn't a bad game. It's functional, the graphics are really good, and I cannot list a single bug in the game. That still doesn't make up for the fact that the writing wasn't great nor was Wesker's sudden transformation from being a black market bio-weapons seller who is quite the egomaniac to a delusional warlord who wanted to cleanse the world. Wesker's death could have been better, too, admittedly. I had always known that once Wesker was out of the picture that the Resident Evil series would most likely end. Boy, was I proven wrong.

Enter Resident Evil 6 in 2012. There were promises of a "return to survival horror", while providing gamers with three separate campaigns to play through. Well, the survival horror promised was lackluster as was Leon's preposterously long campaign thanks to a character who refused to die. Seriously, who was Simmons? Why make him so integral to Resident Evil 6? The characters of The Family, Simmons, Carla, and Jake have no proper history in the series whatsoever. They are just dropped into the lore of Resident Evil with Capcom insisting that we accept them with open arms. Then again, that does seem to match up with the modus operandi of Capcom these days. It is as if Capcom just threw money at the project saying, "Hey, if Square Enix can force a sequel for Final Fantasy XIII because of its faults, then we can do the same for Resident Evil 5". A lot of good that did them as Resident Evil 6 got mixed reviews and landed on many gamers' worst and disappointing lists of 2012.

As if the poor state of this series' staple in video games isn't bad enough (and what got me to write up this blog), the infamous Paul W.S. Anderson recently commented on how he would "like to do another Resident Evil movie". Oh, that is just fantastic. Excuse me, while I go attempt to throw up what I had for dinner last Friday. What's that? Improbable you say? You are completely right and you can easily say that toward Anderson making another movie. Because we know how well those movies have been going, right?

What does it take for this guy to call it quits? The Resident Evil movie series is a complete and utter slap in the face to both the video games and to fans. Paul Anderson has taken Resident Evil and turned it into a 3D obsessed, action shoot 'em up franchise that is devoid of anything relating to its source material. This series is more reminiscent to Michael Bay making a Left 4 Dead movie that just happens to have Resident Evil characters starring in it. Yes, I just made that comparison and I hope to all that is holy that that does not happen.

If it comes to pass that they are producing a sixth movie, I hope that it is indeed the last one. This series has gone on for too long. Much like a friend who denies fault for something they are obviously wrong for, Anderson and apparently millions of movie goers keep supporting this series through sheer denial. Sure, some movie goers would go to see how bad it is, but there is a distinction about how something can be critically bad yet financially successful (like the Twilight Saga). In terms of Resident Evil's movie career, I don't put much stock into it due to how mishandled it all is.

To sum up my opinion of the current bill of health for Resident Evil as an overall franchise, I would diagnose it as in need of an immediate surgical operation. Not the kind that involves a spin-off in Raccoon City with corporate mercenaries because at that point it would be more so dead on arrival. Rather, I believe that Resident Evil is due for an overhaul. Keep the original characters, keep the virus, keep the Plagas, but return to what we love: survival horror. Actually introduce something that was previously mentioned as a major threat, like Ada Wong's mysterious organization or the supporter of terrorism known as Miguel Grande from Resident Evil: Degeneration. Bring back other loved and recognizable characters like Rebecca Chambers, Barry Burton, Carlos Oliveira, and even HUNK. Most importantly, stop trying to make Resident Evil appealing to everyone (a.k.a. The Call of Duty crowd). When you go for mass appeal, you lose focus on the project and that is clearly what has happened to this series overall. One could only hope that should Resident Evil make an appearance on the PS4, Wii U, and Xbox One that it be an actual horror experience that is memorable, while also having a sigh of relief that it gets out of the control of Paul Anderson and that one day it gets a movie it deserves.

AKissFromDaddy3735d ago

Too long. There are benefits to brevity. I read your sum up because it gets to your point.

You're right that Resident Evil needs a overhaul, however, I suggest that Resident Evil needs different developers too. Capcom keeps the IP, however allowing other established developers to create their version(s) of Resident Evil sounds excellent to me. For example, if Platinum Games, Visceral Games, Bioware, Ubisoft, or Bungie had an opportunity to develop their version of Resident Evil, the franchise would have a ridiculous resurgence.

Better to share high profits than to not earn any. What do you think?

randomass1713732d ago

The length was just fine considering that it was all used to make good points.

Personally, I'd like to see the franchise take a break or at least get a major overhaul too. Maybe gets some good remakes of RE0, RE, RE2, RE3 and RE:CV. What I would really like is for them to remake these games in HD and offer fans both the traditional fixed camera angles and the option to toggle between that and the newer RE4 style of gameplay. Now that would be something.

AKissFromDaddy3729d ago

"Maybe gets some good remakes of RE0, RE, RE2, RE3 and RE:CV."

In my opinion, I don't believe selling HD versions of older game will sell well, especially on the newest hardware. You definitely liked these games, but it's likely for nostalgia.

For example, my first game into the Resident Evil franchise is Resident Evil 5 and I loved it. Nevertheless, I hated Resident Evil 6 and Resident Evil Raccoon City. Anyways, I don't believe people, like myself, who started with RE5, will buy older HD Resident Evils with archaic game design. Unlike yourself and other genuine fans, that nostalgia won't available for me, let alone inspire me to make a purchase. Did I make any points?

However, I'd played a rebooted "RE0, RE, RE2, RE3 and RE:CV". I mean, not an HD remake, a complete reboot because the graphics would be appealing and story likely has room for improvement and alterations? What do you think?

"offer fans both the traditional fixed camera angles and the option to toggle between that and the newer RE4 style of gameplay."

Never played RE4 because I started with RE5, so that's the mechanics I personally understand. Nevertheless, I made my case for a franchise reboot above. What do you think?


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Developed by Free Lives (Broforce, Gorn, Terra Nil), Anger Foot is a lightning-fast hard bass blast of kicking doors and kicking ass. In this relentless first-person kicker you’ll crash through the caffeine-fueled fever dream of Shit City, putting the boot to a menacing menagerie of merciless gangsters.

Unleash the world's deadliest feet on a colorful cast of anthropomorphic enemies, clearing out slums, sewers, and skyscrapers as you grab new weapons, unlock new sneakers, and upgrade your powers in absurd and wonderful ways.

Kick and shoot your way to the exit as you leave behind a smoldering trail of shattered doors, broken bones, and crumpled energy drinks.


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darthv728h ago

well HOT DAMN.... they didnt forget about Quantum Break or Control after all. And like it took so long to see AW2 come to fruition, maybe this is a glimpse of hope that both control 2 and QB2 are something they are considering.

-Foxtrot7h ago

“ Sam Lake also announced physical Deluxe and Collector’s Editions for Alan Wake 2. Both versions will be available starting tomorrow, so make sure to get your orders in. Keep in mind, though, that the former will be priced at $80, while the latter will cost $200 and is dropping in November 2024 via Limited Run Games”

Physical huh. Gee whiz. Didn’t see that one coming…

Relientk776h ago(Edited 6h ago)

It's about damn time they announced the physical copy. I'll be picking this game up now

*edit: Just saw the price, when it's on sale I'll get it, not paying $80

Tacoboto5h ago

Lol, you get what you want and it's still not good enough.

Grandstanders be grandstanding, none of you were ever going to get AW2