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PS3 Gamers: Where Are The RPG's?

    If your a fan of RPG's, or MMO's, you will most likely agree with this story.
If you like nothing more then to bash RPG's, you may as well turn around, this is for "my peoples" of the RPG and MMO genre.

So where are they?
Lets start at the very beginning, the launch of the PS3. At E3 06, we were pleasantly surprised to see so many games going at the launch for said console. What we didn't expect was a launch of about 3~5 "bearable" titles that most, we weren't even wishing for launch. 
Most peoples first thoughts were "Where the hell is Kill Zone 2???" or better yet "When can I expect Final Fantasy XIII???".

Well, to our dismay, these titles were only 2 of the list of 15~30 confirmed exclusives for the PS3 that never were, still in development, or never made it out side of Japan. Lets see what kind of list we have going here.

 "Angel Rings"
 "Monster Carnival"
 "Shirokishi(also known as White Knight Story)"
 "Angels Online"
 "My Summer Vacation 3"
 "Cross Edge"
 "Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice"
 "Eternal Sonata"
 "Final Fantasy XIII"
 "Final Fantasy Versus XIII"
 "The Last Remnant"
 "Star Ocean 4"
 "Tears to Tiara: Earth's Wreath"
 "Terra: Formations"
 "The Agency"

Well, these are just the ones I can pull out my memory. There are still more then this, and its not just the PS3 that is losing out on these, as about a 3rd of the ones mentioned are multi-platform titles. Of course some that are named (Eternal Sonata) have been out for the 360 for quite some time, and enjoyed thoroughly.

This doesnt mean its just the PS3, 360, or PC that is missing out on these, its everyone.
But this story is about the PS3, and its lack of RPG's. Its only made more apparent when you look at the library of games for the PS3, and all you can do really is name off the ones you DON'T want to play, as you have already played everything there is on the console(personal venture, your results may vary) .

We as RPG lovers tend to be stuck living in the past, thinking about the PSX or PS2 games of last generation. I will tell you a personal tidbit even, I was once an avid Ragnarok Online player(haven't played it 3 years. YAY ME~!), and still find the games mechanics quite pleasing to this day. As most people will tell you some game of the old generation had to be the "best RPG ever", these usually end up being games like Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Mana, Final Fantasy(place roman numeral here), Star Ocean(# here),
Phantasy Star I/II/Online, you finish the list.

The point is, we most times only need to have a game that tells a story that is out of this world to help remove the stresses of everyday life. Unfortunately, we are stuck waiting on our new story driven RPG's with a new coat of paint, and becoming more and more distant to playing  games. RPG's can make or break a fans console choice, or even there soul if all they get are crappy RPG rip offs.

All there is left to do, once again, is wait.
We grow tired, and wary, but as RPG players will know, we never give up till the game is done.

Alexander Roy5818d ago

Did you just list Versus XIII as an RPG? Last time I read about it, they said it was an action game. Elveon, AFAIR, was just announced for XBox360 and PC, i think.
Aside from that, good read. Nice to see another ex-RO player (I played, had fun, grew tired, made money from it, left). The "problem" is just that most (read: good) RPGs take a lot time to make. They need to do the story, which, if it lacks ruins the game, the fighting, which can also kill the game, and so on and I am not even talking about the high level of music there is in games like FFVIII (just my personal favourite).
I agree, we need more RPGs, especially after the PS2 was known for it's great library of them.

GutZ315818d ago

@ Alexander Roy

"Did you just list Versus XIII as an RPG? Last time I read about it, they said it was an action game."

Versus is still an RPG listed by square-enix, in a action RPG category, not sure what how close to a true RPG it will be, just know that it has the kingdom hearts developers working on its combat system.

"Elveon, AFAIR, was just announced for XBox360 and PC, i think."

Read this?

"There are still more then this, and its not just the PS3 that is losing out on these, as about a 3rd of the ones mentioned are multi-platform titles.Of course some that are named (Eternal Sonata) have been out for the 360 for quite some time, and enjoyed thoroughly."

Thanks for the reply other then that. :)

Alexander Roy5818d ago

Okay, you got me there, I admit it . Thanks for correcting me and not just flaming me to death, like some people would do.
---> Bubble for you

Surfman5818d ago

Versus its still a RPG, even if the battle system works differently. Mass Effect is listed as a RPG... and i think its pretty not RPG.

GutZ315818d ago

"Thanks for correcting me and not just flaming me to death, like some people would do. "

Lol, no worries. It would be counter productive to flame you, as that would make you NOT want to read what I have to say.Could lead to you building up a grudge, and possibly start bloging about how retarded my blogs are.
So in short, it can even be looked at as benefiting my self for not being an ass.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5818d ago
LinuxGuru5818d ago

Maybe.....they're still being made?

Ever thought that was a possibility?

GutZ315818d ago

Smart comment, almost to smart for N4G.

Tomdc5818d ago

I know the agency is coming out later this year I think... =) im hoping it wont be a subscription MMO tho cos in that case I'm not buying...

btw there was some news that said SOE is announcing something at E3!! Everquest 3 maybe? lol

Oh well lets hope that these upcoming ones that are taking so long are worth the wait! I'm desperately seeking kingdom hearts 3! The problem is this won't even be started untill final fantasy 13 verses is finished =(

jkhan5818d ago

We all know there quite a few quality RPG title, currently in the works for PS3. They will start coming out of the shell next year. I am hoping that we get White Knight Chronicles this year. By the way BioShock is also an Action RPG, so yeah PS3 is getting some RPG love in one way or another:P

Light Yagami5818d ago

Valkyria Chronicles is already out here in Japan. It's a pretty great game. The graphics are gorgeous. I believe it will come out in the States this fall. Give it time, and the RPGs will come.

PS360WII5818d ago

that's why handhelds are nice too :) RPGs are coming just takes too long :( and for the most part RPG fans (actually people who claim to be rpg fans) are only waiting for FF. Not saying there is anything wrong with that but there are so many more rpgs out there other than FF plus I feel Square Enix is kind of mixed up with what they want to do with the franchise :(

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