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3dtv has fixed my eyes

When I was a kid I went to Alton Towers and saw a polarised 3d video- I found it amazing, intense and magical so when Avatar came out years later I was hyped.

However when I saw Avatar, although impressed with the film in general, the effects wents straight over my head. I discovered I was 'stereo-blind' and could not perceive 3d at all.

This was pretty gutting as I'd had such a great experience with it as a kid and had heard 3dtv was around the corner. I played with lots of anagyph 3d on youtube with no success to be certain.

I'm very long-sighted(+4/+6) have Astigmatism (oval-shaped eyeballs) and Amblyopia (lazy-eye)- so it was perhaps to be expected. When I went to my eye doctor and asked about it they laughed and said it would be pretty much impossible for me to percieve 3d. I persisted.

I practiced trying not ignoring my lazy eye and went from never using it to being able to summon double vision at any time but not quite line them up right. Tried some 3dtvs in a shop still no joy.

Anyway recently after some mild success with Anaglyph I decided to buy a 3dtv to practice watching 3d on as it wasn't much extra to get a tv with 3d than one without I went for a Samsung 40" D6100 for £595.

After just a weekend with this tv watching a couple of 3d blurays and healthy amount of Wipeout 3dHD on Ps3 and Batman in 3d on PC It is working incredibly well for me- whats more real life looks a LOT more 3d to me.

The point of this blog is just to let people know who have eyes like mine, who would like to see 3d effects that I strongly feel it is posslbe with no more than the four P's I use to get better at guitar- Practice, Patience, Perseverience and more Practice.

Don't give up- It is worth it, Batman Arkham Asylmn looks unbelieveably good in 3d!

Heres a decent Anaglyph (red/cyan glasses) 3d to test yourself with.


If you have a 3dtv use this one click the 3d button on the player, choose 'other options' then 'side to side' then press the 3d button on your tv remote and choose 'side to side'


Thanks for reading, please comment your experiences below!

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4636d ago

All i've ever gotten from anything in 3d is headaches, example the last 3d movie i saw was jackass 3d... i saw a mega headache after the first 30 minutes. 3D is just not for me, i've tried other movies before that but the same happens. I tried playing Killzone 3 and Cod Black ops in 3d as well but sadly same effect.

guitar_nerd_234635d ago

Fair I get a headache after a while too. I've noticed on some games Deus Ex:Human Revoltution the gameplay is in 3d and cutscenes 2d I was wondering if that was them trying to give you a break.

Chaostar4635d ago

Congratulations, that's amazing. There's so much hate for 3D around it's hard to imagine someone using it to create such a positive effect on their lives.

Thanks for proving that, even though the hate from people who feel neglected because they can't view/afford the technology is overly vocal, good things can come of it.

guitar_nerd_234635d ago

Thanks. I don't think it's for everyone but it's deffo for me :)

I don't think it is stupid expensive anymore people just down realise, you can get a LG 24" HDMI 1.4 3d screen for just over £200 now which is not far off what you'd expect a half decent normal monitor to cost of that size.

I don't think Sony helped their case by saying "heres a 'cheap' small one ...£500 pounds please" Although the two player one screen thing sounds cool but I don't see why they cant do that anyway with the left right split technique Youtube uses, I mean you have to sacrifice screen res for split screen anyway.


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