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Why do gamers hate games?

Yes, I am being facetious in the title, but this is a trend I'm seeing more and more of with every new game reveal. People come out in full force to just totally tear these games apart, even if all they show is a little snippet of gameplay or literally just a picture of box art. At least wait until they actually show something significant or even better until people actually get their hands on it. What used to generate hype now seems to generate hate and criticism from a lot of people. Don't get me wrong constructive criticism is a very good thing as long as it is just that, constructive. We don't want them to sit on their laurels after all, and we always need to call them on BS, but that's a whole other thing entirely.

Destructive criticism and blind hate on the other hand can be counter-intuitive to the industry. Developers might be hesitant to show off a game out of fear of backlash, they might also not be as willing to take risks because of this as well. Personally, I want them to take risks. I love new IPs and AAA games, along with everything else in between. I don't want yearly watered-down versions of the same games because they know it's a safe horse to bet on or because they're afraid to try something new.

As gamers we should be happy right now, we're in a 'Golden Age' of gaming, so to speak. We've got shiny new consoles and a ton of new games on the horizon. E3 is right around the corner and there are going to be tons of new announcements for everyone. The variety is awesome, not every game is going to fit into every gamers playstyle and they need to learn to accept that. Not every single game is tailor-made to your individual needs, they never have been, never will be. If a game doesn't appeal to you cool, move on. Maybe drop a comment about certain aspects that don't appeal to you, but there's no need to just blindly bash a game or tear it apart just because it's not your type of game. I know internet anonymity allows people to act differently, but that's no reason for the lack of respect that's so prevalent right now (there's also room for that in a blog of its own).

Developers need our support, they're busting their asses for our amusement and entertainment and they deserve more respect than they've been getting lately. We need to lighten up a little bit and enjoy what's happening right now. We're gamers after all, shouldn't we be a little more playful?

DragonKnight3642d ago

Good blog overall, and I'll address the main point in a second, but I just had to bring this up...

"As gamers we should be happy right now, we're in a 'Golden Age' of gaming, so to speak."

Disagree. The Golden Age of Gaming was from the SNES to the end of PS2 era I'd say. That's because devs weren't afraid of taking risks, didn't hold anyone's hands in games, and we didn't have people trying to infect gaming with their social justice agendas everywhere.

These days it's all about corporate greed (Watch Dogs has 5, count 'em, 5 special editions and none of them offer the complete experience. Meaning, you'll have to buy all 5 to get the whole experience), milking the same ideas over and over but with better graphics, and social justice warriors everywhere.

Now, to address your overall theme of gamers hating games, depends on what you mean. If you're talking about fanboys of one system hating the games of another system, it's not really hate. It's the same kind of group mentality that exists in things like sports or sci-fi fandom.

If you're talking about people being overly critical of games in general, which you touched on in the blog, then you have publishers and the gaming media in general for making this kind of attitude acceptable. No one is more venomous when it comes to game criticism than the pseudo-journalists of the gaming media, and publishers promote the attitude of competition to insane degrees.

That said, the thing I personally hate are all the fashionista gamers who bicker over graphics, resolution, and framerate. I swear I'm just going to post the theme song to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy in every comparison or graphics article because when you see gamers arguing about which version of a game has better ambient occlusion then they may as well have their own diva theme to argue about dresses over while they do it. It's sad.

fenome3642d ago

Totally agree with you on the 'Golden Age' of gaming being SNES and PS2 days. I've just noticed a trend lately and wanted to post on it, I guess I should have put more thought in it. I just kind of threw it together after posting some comments.

I was about to touch on the console wars as being probably mainly why some people go out of their way to downplay or undermine some games because they have an 'agenda' or just out of jealousy. I decided against it because it's my first day off after a lot of overtime and I didn't want to spend all day on it, it just kind of 'popped in' and I felt the need to write about it :p

I should've just saved it until I could put more effort into it rather than submitting it right away.

I'll have to spend some more time and thought on my next one, I just had to get some things of my chest. I guess I'm jaded, I don't know. I just miss the fun of gaming, and being able to have an honest discussion about games without the BS (like this). I don't scrutinize pixels or study the frame rate. As long as it's fluid and I'm enjoying my time with it I don't care about anything else.

starchild3641d ago

Totally disagree. Been seriously gaming since the mid 80s on the NES and gaming has never been more diverse or offered more quality game experiences than it does now. The indie scene alone is as good as the SNES days.

This was a good blog and I agree fully with it.

DragonKnight3641d ago

@starchild: I've been gaming since the NES as well, and in my opinion you aren't paying attention to what's available today. Most games are clones of games that were successful or just sequels, in terms of AAA studios. The indie scene is actually just like the NES to PS2 days where devs took risks and there weren't so many people trying to call every game racist, sexist, misogynistic or anything like that.

uth113641d ago

Console wars doesn't explain the amount of hate Watchdogs got, for instance.

No matter how good the game looks, it got hated on because it 'doesn't look as good as the E3 preview', or 'doesn't look as good as GTA V', or not enough resolution or FPS.. This is before anyone even got to play the game.

Some of these gamers act like spoiled children.

DragonKnight3641d ago

uth11: Those are the fashionista gamers. Just mock them. They aren't worth brain cells. Everything they say is akin to someone who's critiquing an outfit.

mikeslemonade3641d ago

Saying something is golden age is nostalgia.

The only time it's not nostalgia was when 2D became 3D with Super Mario 64 and FF7. That would be the only time where you can definitively and argue that "jump" was big.

And back on topic people don't hate games, they're just being critics. And they sound like they hate it because they disagree with the other person's opinion.

NewMonday3640d ago

2 kinds of haters :

1) the standard troll passively hating anything on rival platforms, the reasoning is inserted later and continously shifting whenever debunked, would go full retard and double down on stupid instead of owning up and walking away

2) the selfish reclusive who only wants things his way and anything that doesn't match his particular taste is a failure, and if a game matches his taste anyone not liking it is a biasd troll

NewMonday3640d ago (Edited 3640d ago )

want to add more after reading the Battlefield:Hardline thread @NeoGaf..

3) auto dismissive hyperbolic "the sky is falling" knee jerkers

garrettbobbyferguson3640d ago


Watchdogs got that amount of "hate" because that is what Ubisoft was pushing. "THIS IS A NEXT GEN GAME FOR NEXT GEN CONSOLES, OUR GRAPHICS REQUIRE 8 GIGS OF RAM MINIMUM!"

And then you have the game coming out looking like it does; a glorified Grand Theft Auto look alike, with worse physics, boring simplified hacking, etc. Remember that original reveal video? How Ubisoft claimed it was running off of high end PCs? That's where part of the backlash came from.

Now what I don't understand is, if people want games so much, why not Nintendo? They're so far the only company these last two gens focusing on making games and not the next big thing, or cinematic 2deep4u movies. But they get hated on because they didn't release the world's most powerful console EVAR. But I digress from my point.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3640d ago
Darkstares3641d ago (Edited 3641d ago )

DragonKnight wrote,
"That's because devs weren't afraid of taking risks, didn't hold anyone's hands in games, and we didn't have people trying to infect gaming with their social justice agendas everywhere. "

They still take risks it's just that those AAA big budget games have gotten out of control as far as budgets go. Instead of a few guys making games back then you have hundreds. What some tend to forget unlike the days on the SNES is we have multiple platforms to play our games on now. One could spend an entire year just playing games on Steam for example that take many risks. There are lots of games on mobile too that take many risks. Marketing has pushed us to play those blockbusters instead and then we whine there is nothing to play in between. Even on consoles we still see risks like The Last of Us. Many also forget that during the SNES days software was limited. They spread out these games so that you were not over-burdened with software. This meant we also held onto games longer. Gaming nowadays is being recycled so fast because there are so many games now. Everywhere you look you have used games for sale and places like E-Bay. Think back during those SNES days and you were hard pressed to see a big selection of used games. We cherished those $50 titles back then too because that was a lot of money. Now it's not uncommon for people to buy 3 or 4 games in one month. That was unheard of then.

It is true, we've become very negative and I'm not sure why when there are more game studios than there were during the SNES days. We also have multiplayer that adds infinite replay value. DLC has also become common to help further the life and interest as games. But instead we see these things as negative because we think those days of the SNES were so good. That's is a fallacy, it's just us thinking back to our childhoods and those memories. Now that we've grown old we have become harder to please. We also have those who get way too involved in the politics of gaming. So instead of talking and playing games many argue about why this developer hates us or why this company hates us. We talk about these things all day long instead of simply playing games like we did as a child. It's no wonder those who partake in that on a daily basis have become pessimistic about the industry.

DragonKnight also wrote this earlier,
"georgeenoob doesn't care, he's too blinded by his Xbox/Microsoft fanboyism to not be culturally ignorant.
So georgeenoob, exactly which Xbox console has ever performed well in Japan? I ask because you're calling it "the King" which implies that it's going to outsell everything else. I don't know if you study history at all, but the Xbox brand has done worse in Japan than any other territory it's ever sold in. What makes you think the Japanese audience wants a tv box?"

So why would anyone get involved in this commentary? Is this the sporting nature of fanboys you were talking about that isn't hate, just simple rivalry? To me this is sad that grown adults act like this here. Going back and forth. When we were kids playing the SNES is was fun to tease those who maybe had a Sega system but adults still doing this decades later? How sad indeed.

DragonKnight3641d ago

Dude, you're what's sad. I'm sorry but it's true. You undermine yourself by acting like that which you're arguing against in your comment.

I mean, in order to come up with the second quote, you had to have the intent of making someone, in this case me but it could have been anyone, look bad in some way. In order to do that, you had to go into comment history and find a quote, subjective to your own sensibilities, to post in order to make someone look bad.

In that thread there were dozens of comments, and you specifically chose one. The reasoning behind that is pretty clear and just renders anything you have to say completely irrelevant as you are being what you claim to be disappointed by.

fenome3641d ago (Edited 3641d ago )

I think that with how much information we get through the internet people get into a weird mentality where they feel closer to the industry almost 'inside' it, I don't know, it's hard to put what I'm trying to say into words. A lot of people follow finacial reports now and know about people who've gotten hired and fired. Nobody followed that stuff before, everybody was like 'Cool, a new game!‘. We have access to so much more info than we used to back in the day, and I think that might be something that gives some people a false sense of entitlement.

I'm not gettin' involved in the rest of that, that's between you and DragonKnight. Bubbled out, gotta go. Play nice! Lmao

Darkstares3641d ago (Edited 3641d ago )

DragonKnight this blog is about hate and negativity and you were the first to respond. However much of what you first commented on is hypocritical. That's because you partake in social agendas here and this whole notion that rivalries between fanboys is like sports is hilarious. You've made it very personal with XBox fans and made it even more personal with Microsoft. Then you sidetrack the issue of how I used you as hate and negativity while ignoring much of what I said.

So don't comment on a thread about hate when you yourself are part of the problem unless you want to be accountable.

This is like your first comment here many years ago,


"Second, no MGS4 and FFXIII will not be jumping ship. The developers know their games, and if they say it's not possible, then you better bet your ass that it's not. Maybe not from the technical side of things, but MGS4 and FFXIII were designed for the PS3, down to the last pixel. FFXIII has bee stated to be for the PS3 because "the PS3 is the only system that can realize our dreams for the game.

After Halo, what does the 360 have? Nothing. At least not until Gears of War 2. And I know, all you xbots are going to cry with your Mass Effect, Bioshock etc.... garbage, but those won't sell on a Halo level."

I can pick you apart all day long but it's pointless because you don't think there is anything wrong with how you conduct yourself. You think they are the problem, not you.

You're just one example. You have XBox people like this too and Nintendo people. This was ok back in the SNES days because as mentioned by me, we were young. That was normal. Is this normal for adults to act like this now?

Many seem to hate each other, many seem to hate certain game developers and as we can see many seem to hate the companies who provide the hardware. The only way to stop the hate is to start enjoying this hobby more and focus less on all the politics behind this medium. Nintendo back during the SNES days were not nice people. They did not play nice with third party developers. Funny how we didn't seem to care about that back then.

fenome wrote,

"I think that with how much information we get through the internet people get into a weird mentality where they feel closer to the industry almost 'inside' it, I don't know, it's hard to put what I'm trying to say into words. A lot of people follow finacial reports now and know about people who've gotten hired and fired."

Yes, we call them armchair analysis. It's very easy to be critical from the comfort of your own home while putting no effort or resources into the creation of the hardware of software only to pick it apart from the inside out. That game only got a 7, it's terrible. Funny how we are so quick to turn on them aren't we? We also get sales reports thrown in our faces. The market will always correct itself but many of us have become too insular. We only think from our own bubble. The fact is there is no shortage of games for us to play but we live in a society of entitlement.

DragonKnight3641d ago

Ok Darkstares, this is my last reply to you because it's been painfully obvious what your attempt has been.

So I'm going to say two things.

The first is that you're sad. You haven't been part of the site for a month (unless this is a dupe account) and you're already stalking people's entire comment history, even going so far as to go years back to find a comment. I'm actually interested in the specific comment you've chosen actually, thank you for choosing it because now I get to watch something. Your commenting style is quite interesting too.

The second thing I'm going to state is that you're a hypocrite. I don't even need to elaborate, you just are.

And the final thing I'm going to say is an answer to this...

"So don't comment on a thread about hate when you yourself are part of the problem unless you want to be accountable."

Get over yourself. Anyone can comment anywhere on this site. You are not Judge Dredd, you are not the law, you do not make the rules, and you do not hold any right or responsibility to claim who will or will not be held accountable for something.

Good day sir.


Ogygian3641d ago

Lol the stalking is strong with this one XD

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3641d ago
kingdip903642d ago

I think a lot of it has to do with the business of video game journalism.

In a quest for clicks and ad revenue video game "journalists" build hype, sensationalize things and most often try and create controversy where none should exist.

Sometimes it is in the guise of social injustice, sometimes in the guise of from rate and graphics issues, sometimes it's legitimate but often times not. Everything is overblown just to turn a quick buck and since we as the consumer have had this crammed down our necks since the internet became so mainstream we to have begun seeing things in just as sensational a way (us meaning gamers in general not you or I personally).

Our moral outrage/competitive spirit is being fueled and then exploited to make money and we buy into it, the pseudo console wars that fanboys fight whenever there is a chance is proof of it. These divisions inspire very real passions and I'm sure are driving console sales higher.

starchild3641d ago

True, but our responsibility as gamers is still there. We aren't mindless puppets. Or at least we shouldn't be.

kingdip903641d ago

This is true of a lot of things not just gaming, we should be responsible for what we accept and believe and that is a perfectly logical deduction to make.

Unfortunately many people are emotional beings and news/opinion pieces often pull at the emotional core of a person and without thinking that person is ranting online in outrage over this that or the other.

If only everyone were logical ;) things would make much more sense.

Live long and prosper lol.

Ogygian3641d ago

When an unpopular argument is shown, we jump to attack it. When we do this, it gets lots of hits and blows up, prompting other such articles.
Non-gamers on tumblr then start agreeing with the social justice argument and commenting in favour.
Companies seem to look at the media+tumblr and apologise rather than have the guts to stand strong and tell the vocal minorities to observe their place (as people who are often neither the target market, nor people who would ever consider buying the product).

Thus we *are* responsible for this, but then in a way, so is the media. Perhaps we should start criticising the websites which encourage writers to publish social "justice" articles which only seem to make us upset in stronger force.

thorstein3641d ago

We don't have to approve their stories here, do we?

Maybe N4G should have a report for "clickbait." I often report it as "other."

I would love the overworked mods to delete the stories we report for this very reason. Give press and clicks to quality journalism that is well thought, well written and not fake.

Oh, and vote down those sites. It makes it harder for their site to get approvals.

kingdip903641d ago

I agree that would make n4g a better place but you run the risk of crying foul about freedom of speech blah blah blah.

Unfortunately n4g isn't seen by the whole internet and these guys are everywhere. Something needs to happen in journalism in its entirety that somehow brings the journalistic integrity that they used to be famous for.

GrandpaSnake3639d ago

I believe someones mature level can be gauged by the way they express themselves. Although many are very intelligent and very literate most can't grasp the idea of being wrong. Information is easy to attain on video games but it is becoming ever so difficult to figure out what the truth is. In order to be accurate in our opinion we sacrifice the emotions of others sometimes. A opinionated person who believes in their truth can be wrong.

I hate to hold peoples hand when it comes to information but if you want to prove a point you have to be very aware about everything! people might dislike other people going through their messages but that's the life we live in. I hate evil and people who intentionally go against good nature individuals but i love the opposite.

DCfan3641d ago

Good blog.
I also hate how some people count out any game thats not AAA, or make fun of it. Like whats happening with Drakengard 3

Roccetarius3641d ago (Edited 3641d ago )

Since publishers / independant developers take sales for granted, it only makes sense to hurt their bottom line. The Video Game Blogging isn't much better either, so they're not without blame.

Being able to see through lies is a great ability, which is why i'm saving a lot of money myself. There are very few developers on my good side, and one of them is obviously CDPR.

BillytheBarbarian3641d ago (Edited 3641d ago )

The problem comes from gamers who think their console of choice is elite and that the company loves them for helping bad mouthing the competition.

They don't care. They're just trying to sell.

Golden age died when Saturn and Ps1 came out.

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Report: Assassin's Creed Shadows to Require an Internet Connection Even If It's Single-Player Only

Assassin's Creed Shadows digital storefront pages are up, and it confirms the game will require an internet connection, and MTX.

kenpachi6h ago

Was sort of interested in this but if it's true it's an easy pass

jznrpg27m ago

It’s true for sure. Avatar game had online requirement

Terry_B5h ago

as usual..Don't Buy Ubisoft Games.

Skuletor2h ago

One thing that's messed up about this, is there will be people playing pirated versions of this without that restriction, while the paying customers will suffer. Just like how some games will have lower performance on PC due to DRM, while pirated copies don't.

Anyone that wants to say something like "Who doesn't have internet access in this day and age?" There's plenty reasons people won't always have access, such as living in rural areas with spotty coverage, for example.

banger881h ago

Three single-player games in a row they've done this with now. Those f***ers weren't kidding when they said gamers need to be comfortable with not owning their games. As a physical collector, and somebody who enjoys Ubisoft's open worlds, this is a nightmare scenario for me. Absolute scumbag company.

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Silly Mammo1h ago

Is that Laszlo Cravensworth aka Jackie Daytona, the human bartender?