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Why I chose Xbox One

Ever since Sony announced the PS4, the decision on which nex-gen console to choose had been plaguing me. Like many, I was a PS2 owner who switched to Xbox when Halo 1 arrived on the scene and later purchased a 360 when that came out.

I was always happy with my 360, but occasionally I'd look over to the Sony camp and become a little envious at all the Naughty Dog action going on over there. The PS3 was always more powerful and towards the middle/end of the generation it really showed. Sony were also doing some great things with free games on their PS+ service. But, I am and always (most probably) will be a massive Halo fan, so I was still waiting patiently for Microsoft to make their announcement, and then they did...

I won't go over the miscommunication and marketing cock-up that was the Xbox One announcement but I will say that I, like many, was disappointed. Microsoft, having ignored the gamers that made their Xbox brand what it is clearly needed to make games their main focus at E3, and they did, but there was still plenty of backlash due to the DRM and pricing debacle. Now, personally DRM isn't an issue of me, I was planning to go all digital anyway and my internet connection is more than capable of checking in every day, however, I did sympathise with those who wanted to trade in their games and wanted to stay offline (or had no choice). Pricing higher, of course, never helps and the name sucks too.

Microsoft listened, did a 180, and that was all fine. But then came the specifications battle.

It was a huge dissapointment to see that the X1 was less powerful than the PS4. Having spent the last generation with a less powerful console I was now faced with the same situation. If I wanted to stick with Microsoft for games such as Halo, I would have to suck it up and pay more for a less powerful system.

So why did I do it?

I tried hard, but I just couldn't get excited about any of the PS4 games. On the other hand the same could not be said for the Xbox One games. And isn't that what is most important?

I won't explain my reasons for not liking the PS4 games as people seem to take it very personally, almost like they had developed the games themselves, and I appreciate that people are out there enjoying them, and that's great for them. But, they just didn't spark an interest in me. On the other hand, the X1 games did, and it had and always will have Halo on the horizon, which as I said I am a huge fan of. And of course Titanfall was also on the horizon.

I still waited a couple of months after launch before buying the console, but now that I have it, I've been enjoying the games and I am happy with my choice. Of course, every day I log into N4G I get reminded of the difference in power between the two systems (there's always a new article which somehow seems to generate the most comments!!), but I honestly don't care anymore. If I have to play the multi-plats at a lower res and framerate than the Sony equivalent then so be it. I made my choice based on the exclusive games that I wanted to play.

The reason I wrote this blog post is because many people don't seem to understand why there are people who are buying the X1. If you step back and look at it, its the more expensive and less powerful console, and I fully understand and am I aware of that. But, I wanted to play MS exclusives like Halo, and the lure of the more powerful console just wasn't quite enough to take me over to the Sony camp.

I will add one last note...

Microsoft are having to chase Sony this generation. With that in mind, you "might" see Microsoft making the bolder moves to get people on board. That is no bad thing for X1 owners and even for PS4 owners. For example, "if" MS dropped the price of downloadable games at launch to less than retail to entice gamers over to their system, you could imagine Sony having to do the same thing. Competition is a win win for us all.

DragonKnight3753d ago

I have 2 things to say about your blog.

Firstly, though people will not agree with or understand why anyone would buy the Xbox One (myself included admittedly), in the end one person's purchase decisions are their own to make and do not require justification to anyone but themselves. And yes, that includes married men who are afraid of their wives. Lol. Don't feel like you need to justify or explain your purchase. Buy what you feel is going to give you the most bang for your buck in the long term.

Which brings me to number 2. Buying any console on the basis of their launch games is, in my opinion, one of the most foolish mistakes any early adopter can make.

Without going into the track record of both Sony and MS when it comes to exclusive games and first party support, you have to remember that console generations are indeed marathons and not sprints.

Every Playstation console in existence has proven that you can never judge a console's game support based on the launch titles. Every Playstation console to date has not had a stellar launch in terms of games, but that's never what the Playstation brand is defined as, or remembered for. That rule applies to all consoles. One could have a stellar launch but the platform holder slacks. One could have a terrible launch but the platform holder becomes aggressive in trying to support it and gain support from others.

Endurance is the key.

deepio3753d ago

We can only really look into the next couple of years as far as upcoming games are concerned, beyond that is anybody's guess. And as far as games announced so far, I prefer Microsoft's lineup. But, I do realise Sony has the better track record as far as longevity is concerned. That is why I wrote what I did at the end. Microsoft having to chase Sony may change things this time around.

I agree with you when you say buy what you feel is going to give you the best bang for your buck though.

Gazondaily3752d ago

I've got both and whilst the PS4 is going to be my main console of choice (because of superior multiplats and faster installs etc) the decision to pick one or the other isn't as one-sided as many on here will lead you to believe.

The games; ultimately that's what matters. People try to downplay the importance of Halo and say 'oh another Halo' but to eager fans like you and I, IT IS Halo.

Then Titanfall. People claim its not an X1 exclusive but magically become PC gamers all of a sudden? Also they say its available on the Xbox 360. Hold on, why did people buy the likes of Assassin's Creed and Battlefield 4 on PS4's and X1's? Resolution is important but not when Titanfall is concerned eh? Oh it is because the PC version is superior...oh it isn't because the 360 game will be the same anyway. Insecurities...

I kind of understand how you feel about Sony exclusives; my friend is in the same boat. He isn't really a fan of uncharted, infamous or killzone, and yet, he mostly gamed on the PS3 until Halo 4 came out and I got him to play that (and anniversary).

Some people simply don't get it (look at cheetah's comment below). They seem to want to validate their choice by berating yours. It isn't as black and white as that.

Also, let me just say this; as an X1 fan, you should also be excited by MS being on the defensive against Sony. Whatever their motivations, they will want to win back the market and THAT fight, will result in greater experiences for you.

We're already seeing the benefits are we not? How long was Rare relegated to Kinect shovelware? Now we've seen the brilliant Killer Instinct game and hearing MS talk about reviving the older much-awaited games like Banjo, Conker etc.

Adopting a take on DragonKnight's quote below, having a bad launch doesn't necessarily mean you will have a bad gen.

starchild3751d ago

Well said, both of you. I don't even own an XB1, but I get tired of seeing XB1 owners get bashed on this site. I owned a gaming PC, PS3 and 360 last generation and I remember constantly getting bashed for owning a 360 or liking it at all, even though I preferred the PS3 as far as consoles go and said so many times.

Even though the PC is my favorite platform, I recognize that there are great gaming experiences to be had on all the platforms. There are legitimate reasons to game on, even to favor, certain gaming platforms over others. We don't all like the same kinds of games, nor have the same needs in a platform.

cheetah3753d ago ShowReplies(1)
s45gr323752d ago

I know with xbox one you have to pay $60.00 to play online but do you have to subscribe to a music service like the PS4 music service in order to listen to your songs and when does Microsoft plans to release their cloud computing technology service and it will most likely be chargeable huh. I don't know I still prefer PC gaming for its freedom.

xHeavYx3752d ago

The PS4 doesn't have MP3 capabilities yet, it will come on a future update

BitbyDeath3753d ago

Games aside, I really just do not trust MS enough to purchase their console. They look like they just want to profit no matter who/what gets hurt in the process.

Yes, everyone wants to make a profit but how you go about this is key and this is where I believe MS falls short, they are just too cut-throat IMO.

An example of this is the parity clause forcing devs to work in their favour only instead of an equal opportunity.

Sure they 180'd most of their Xbone problems away but in the meantime

1. They still tried to implement not one but many anti-consumer policies
2. They still hold onto even crazier patents like charging you per user to watch a movie in your own living room.

How anyone can support this evil corporation is beyond me.

stuna13753d ago

Bitby I ask myself that question quite often! But then this is when we have to have a little faith in our fellow man, that they will see past the B.S and make a conscientious choice! Some learn from past misteps, while others are destined to repeat them.

Sony have made some damning mistakes in the past, but it was the supporter, media, and yes the other competitors that pulled Sony's head out of their asz, and now Microsoft needs that same procedure performed on them! Whether anyone want to admit it Nintendo needs a swift kick in the asz.

starchild3751d ago

Lol most of that is in your head. I bet you've never even read "the parity clause". I have, and it doesn't mean what you and the rest of the fanboys have taken it to mean.

It never said that games couldn't be better-looking on another platform. In fact, there were quite a few games that looked better on the PS3 which further shows that graphical parity isn't what it was about.

It was about being feature complete.

In any case, there were plenty of examples of games that had extra content on the PS3, so Microsoft's policy didn't seem to apply to extra/exclusive content either.

People like you twist meanings, apply negative labels ("anti-consumer", etc), omit facts, and somehow overlook the very same sorts of things when Sony does them. And you do all of this because you WANT to believe that Microsoft is this evil corporation and that Sony is the savior of gaming.

I could claim that Sony's omission of a simple music player in the PS4 is anti-consumer. People could, likewise, claim that Steam, with it's DRM and lack of options to resell games, is anti-consumer. Nevertheless, many people, including myself, love Steam.

The term "anti-consumer" can easily be thrown at anything a company does that we personally don't like, but that would be a misuse of the term. Companies offer different products and services and we can choose to buy them or not.

Companies don't 'owe' you the particular product or service you desire any more than you 'owe' them your money.

If I build a chair and you decide it is hideously ugly, that doesn't mean that I am being anti-consumer. I simply used my best judgement to create something I thought would appeal to buyers and in your particular case it didn't. No harm, no foul. You can go on your merry way and find yourself a chair that does appeal to you, and I can go find a buyer that appreciates my chair.

What WOULD be anti-consumer is if I forcibly kidnapped all the other chair-makers and held a gun to your head in order to make you buy my chair.

I personally almost never use the term "anti-consumer" because it is associated with a kind of naive sense of entitlement found in a lot of people today that I strongly disagree with.

Lukejrl3749d ago

Buy using drm in imbalanced ways is very anti consumer. To take a product and that usually allowed the consumer to have a great amount of control over and proceed to limit it is anti consumer. For instance if I buy a ford vehicle I can alter it. But the game companies have tried making altering a purchased games console illegal. They haven't succeeded but they very much want as much control as possible.

stuna13753d ago

All I can say is good for you! I d on't really think anyone is mad or angry that someone chooses the Xbox1 over the PS4 persay! I think the issue comes when those who do make that choice, proceed to spead misinformation about what the Xbox1 really does better than it's competitors.

Prime example would be; there's no difference from 720p upscaled to 1080p and 1080p native resolution, or 30 fps is just as good as 60 fps. Constantly harping on a situation only to be constantly proven wrong is just setting a person up for disappointment imo, wait for speculation to become fact is a better option.

Going by the present state of this so called "Console War", all we have is all three sides slinging mud! In hopes that in the end one side will come out cleaner than the other two side.

I do have a question for you though!? Why did you wait to buy a PS3 if there were games on it that appealed to you? One thing I've learned in my years of gaming is if there is something out there that I want, nothing or, no one is going to prevent me from getting it even if it's on a system I don't have.

I poke fun on the blogs, but I also point out things that I feel others should take a closer look at! Even if they don't agree with my assessment of things. As the saying goes "Sometimes you have to agree to diagree!"

deepio3753d ago

I did want a PS3, but it would have meant having two consoles at the same time, since I still wanted to play certain games on the 360. And that meant getting that idea past my wife!

At some point I may get a Sony TV so I can play some of the classics on PS Now though. I can mask that one quite easily at least.

staticdash223753d ago (Edited 3753d ago )

"Prime example would be; there's no difference from 720p upscaled to 1080p and 1080p native resolution, or 30 fps is just as good as 60 fps"

See, this is what I have a problem with. I have no problem with people liking a console of their choice, but this right here is spreading FUD, and false info. 60fps IS in fact better than 30fps, even a locked 30. Higher framerates help reduce controller latency, increase response time, allow smoother animations, among things of those lines. All of those are increased benefits over 30fps which most of those games often dip into the 20s. I would rather have an unlocked fps than stick with 30fps.

You may be fine with 720p and that's ok, but it is not on the same level as 1080p. I find it odd that microsoft says welcome to the next generation, calling the Xbox One, "the console of the future". Wait, so progressing technology means 720p will stil be a standard? I thought next gen was about stepping into the future of gaming and embracing modern trends of entertainment, music, and gaming? You can't seriously call your product a next generational gaming machine and it's not pushing the boundaries and standards of what came before it. If that's the case, then why isn't our society still using monophones?

With 1080p, you get more pixels on the screen and that allows developers to add in more objects to the game or allows you to see more things at once while you play. Everything looks sharper, and details like cloth, and facial structures on characters become more pronounced. It's better than 720p, not to mention that blurry mess we get into those games.

Again, I have no problem with anyone liking Xbox One, but its wrong imo for people to spread the notion that 720p 30fps is ACCEPTABLE in the year 2014. The benefits to higher framerates are already being shown. The advantages of 1080p 60fps far outweigh 720p 30fps. Just look at forza 5, looks great, killzone looks great, etc.

stuna13753d ago (Edited 3753d ago )

Speading fud is it? Prime example was Dead Rising 3 locked at 30 fps? How about Ryse was the fps locked at 30 fps? And if what has been plaster all over NG4 the past couple of day is accurate Tomb Raider DV is also suffering drops below 30 fps. So again how is fud being spread?

I'm sure most could tolerate drops bellow 60 fps better than they could drops below 30 fps. The things is I just mention 3 games, but come on we all know there's more.

And you're using Forza 5 as a basis for your arguement!? Here's something; go take a good, long, hard look at Forza 5 then come back and tell mme what you see.

staticdash223753d ago


I think we're done here. The mere fact that you tried to swing the notion that dead rising 3 is a locked 30fps, just shows that ou're trying to spread FUD.

This sure doesn't look like a locked 30fps.

Forza 5:

I think we're done here. OWNED.

stuna13753d ago

Static that just proves you didn't read either of my post! I said none of the 3 had locked frame rates! Now who was "OWNED" again!

MysticStrummer3753d ago (Edited 3753d ago )

"there's no difference from 720p upscaled to 1080p and 1080p native resolution, or 30 fps is just as good as 60 fps."

Did you mean this was a prime example of denial…? I have no problem with anyone buying whatever they want, but the above statement is just silly. Some games don't require 60fps, and it's certainly not uncommon to drop res in the name of onscreen action or effects, but we're not talking about design choices, we're talking about one version of a multi plat performing better than the other that's on a more expensive console. Again, buy what you want, but stop with statements like that.

AceofStaves3753d ago

It's great to read a blog by someone who's made the best console choice for themselves based on their own preferences and needs. In the end, that's all that matters.

May you enjoy your XB1 for years to come. :)

dedicatedtogamers3753d ago

Glad you're enjoying your new console! I'm jealous, as the only 8th gen systems I currently own are 3DS and Vita, and I'll probably end up getting a Wii-U before I get a PS4. Microsoft kinda lost me mid-2008 when my 360 died, but there's no denying if you're a fan of their franchises, they always deliver on that front.

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