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Fanboys- Why you shouldn't care

A Yahtzee quote:

“Fanboys are… perplexing. Sure, there are franchises that I really enjoy. But I’d never pretend they were perfect or scream the house down if they made any attempt to evolve. They’re people with so little going on in their own lives that they latch onto the things they enjoy and place them on unfathomable pedestals because it’s the only thing they can find to be passionate about.

I suspect that this is what happens when an entire civilization has too much time on their hands. That’s the problem – modern society has no real struggle, so importance gets misplaced. Sixty years ago we’d just fool them all into going to get shot by Germans.”

In my second blog, I will talk about fanboys- and why you should honestly ignore them.

It's a waste of time-Seriously, think of what you are doing for a second. Just for a sec. You are arguing over the internet about what toy that lets you press buttons to move imaginary objects onscreen is the best around. Some unfortunate soulds wind up like this guy (who is joking, but for sake of example):

Seriously, a girlfriend walks in to see you doing this, you know what her reaction will be?


It makes you depressed- Seriously, when you enjoy a purchase, it isn't fun to come on the internet and listen to people badmouth it. You'll come away feeling sad and depressed, and feel like you're in the league of every other asshole whenever you turn on your console.

They won't listen to you- They don't care about your opinion, so you shouldn't care about them.

It's exclusive to the internet- Those who argue like this in real life have very little friends and bad social skills. Talking in real life about it will result in an intelligent discussion, due to the fact that you are directly communicating with a living being instead of blocks of text.

The masses really don't care- See above post

Hope you enjoyed. I'm planning on quitting N4G in a while, unless things let up.

miasma5297d ago

Why wait? If it is bothering you so bad, leave now. Don't whine about it in a blog then hang around to see what happens.

Otherwise, turn a mature cheek, look past it, and move on with life...

danthaman155297d ago

I made it as an honset list of reasons to not care, but sorry if it sounds like whining. Yeah, I'm gonna leave. Peace out y'all!

HolyOrangeCows5297d ago

They don't budge, can't hear, and don't leave their room :P

It's best to get a good laugh at their expense and move on.

5294d ago

The retro-like comedic puzzle adventure "ELON" is coming to PC via Steam this year (2024)

"The US-based indie games developer Aleth Labs today announced with great joy and thrill that their retro-like comedic puzzle adventure "ELON,  is coming to PC via Steam this year (2024)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


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Biomutant Switch Review - An All Right Port | COGconnected

Biomutant comes to the Nintendo Switch. A decent port, but nothing groundbreaking.

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spicelicka1h ago

At least it's not an Alt right port!

Haha right??....or Alt right?