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Rockstar's Table Tennis - Bringing It Back

It's been a long time since I played Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis (and I refuse to refer to it as anything more than TT or Table Tennis from this point on!), but I popped it in last night to play with a friend who still had it.  Neither of us had played the game in months, but we really enjoyed it when it was new and figured we'd go back to it for a match or two.

Well, it was late, so it only ended up being one match..... but it reminded us what we loved about the game and how awesome it was.  It was a hard fought match between England (Mark) and France (Luc) (classic rivalry, eh?) but in the end, France, led by my friend prevailed and squeezed out a narrow victory after a struggling comeback.

The matched ended 13 to 11 in favor of Luc after I botched an attempt by me to drop a backspin serve just over the net.  It was a disapointing way to lose, but I wasn't upset by it.  We both fought hard, we both took risks.  In the end, I lost, fair and square.

It reminded me what I loved about Table Tennis though.  It's a simple game to pick up.  The controls are very basic.  Heck, you could really play it with just 1 button and the control stick if you wanted to.  But there's so much depth to the play styles and there's a lot of strategy that develops over time as you volley the ball back and forth.  It's such a great adverserial game.

The game doesn't need a sequel.  It's by no means perfect.... but the things they could include in a sequel probably aren't worth the development effort for the audience.  A better multiplayer lobby would be the first thing.  Perhaps a better career mode (as it is, its just a series of longer tournaments on higher difficulties with no real "career"), though the focus of the game was never really on its single player.  It was a budget title when it was released.... a way for Rockstar to show off their game engine, but its a game that will always have a place in my collection.

I strongly recommend that anyone who hasn't played this game try it out.  It's old, sure... but its age has not affected its fun.  There are some definite nuances to it and the controls while simple, could stand to be a little tighter.  It's not for everyone, but if you like intense 1 vs 1 adverserial games, you'd probably get a kick out of this (note that it is only intense once you have mastered the basic concepts and can keep a volley going for more than a couple hits!).

BL4CKJOK3R5558d ago

I still play this game online send me a msg on xbox live if somebody wants to play this my tag is BL4CKJOK3R

Alymon5558d ago

Will do. I'm trying out World of Warcraft at the moment so I won't be on much during the week. But I'll add you and we can play sometime.

androctonvs5556d ago

i bought an xbox in january, and this was the first game i bought, along with gears 2 and fifa09. i've already owned fable 2 and sold it, gears 2 as well, and some other games, but this game is a keeper for the human x human gameplay.

SolidSnake935553d ago

It does need a sequel, so it can be on PS3 as well.

Alymon5553d ago

It would be nice to see it come to the PS3. I don't own one, but the more people who experience the game, the better.

I would like to see them refine the controls if they do another one. It can be a pain at times when your character doesn't move when you wanted him to or moves when you were trying to aim. But it's a minor annoyance.


Nintendo confirms its commitment to physical games

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Chocoburger12h ago

Of course, Nintendo has always preferred physical sales, especially since they skew to a younger audience, and kids want games for their birthdays and holidays. They go to the store and pick the game they want.

Since the Wii they have always been the last major publisher to support modern tech or concepts, and they will be the last to support physical if it ever goes away. Which I hope it doesn't.


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