
Blu Ray is showing impressive gains

At the DisplaySearch conference held yesterday, attendees were treated to the latest information regarding the format war. Warner announced that '300' has sold over 250,000 copies on Blu-ray since it was released in July, twice as many as has sold on HD DVD. Sony also announced that the PS3 would soon be receiving a firmware upgrade to boost its Blu-ray interactivity functions.
On the whole, HD players have increased their market share, now at 5%, since August when it was only 1.3% of total DVD player sales. Additionally, HD players accounted for 27% of the revenue in the DVD player market. This trend is expected to continue through the upcoming holiday season.

nasim6087d ago (Edited 6087d ago )

It is estimated that around 200 000 ps3s were sold yesterday and around 100 000 copies of SPiderman 3 were dispatched during the purchases of PS3

source :- coming your way in 4 days time

CHARTTRACK,GFK and MCVUK are my sources --100% reliable

cuco336087d ago


They are infamous for banning and deleting anyone who says anything negative about BD. I've had a PS3 buddy post about his disappointment with BD 1.1 being delayed to end of this month and how no player on the market right now is 1.1 compliant. He then asked about 2.0 (which requires Ethernet port) and aside from PS3 what other BD stand alones are worth it. Next time he tried to log back in his account was banned and his post was blackholed.

Here's the article

"At the DisplaySearch conference held yesterday, attendees were treated to the latest information regarding the format war. Warner announced that '300' has sold over 250,000 copies on Blu-ray since it was released in July, twice as many as has sold on HD DVD. Sony also announced that the PS3 would soon be receiving a firmware upgrade to boost its Blu-ray interactivity functions.

On the whole, HD players have increased their market share, now at 5%, since August when it was only 1.3% of total DVD player sales. Additionally, HD players accounted for 27% of the revenue in the DVD player market. This trend is expected to continue through the upcoming holiday season."

The firmware upgrade they are talking about is not BD1.1 or BD2.0. It is fixing or adding additional PS3 support for BD-J (some BD titles had issues, this firmware fixes them). BD1.1 profile deadline for 'new' players is end of this month (10/31/07) and hence why Samsung and Denon already delayed their 1.1 complaint players. Only rumors are gong around about PS3 being 1.1 compliant. I do believe it will be 1.1 compliant ("finalized" BD-J, BD+, etc specs) but not so sure about 2.0 as 2.0 requires 1gb ram which the PS3 doesn't have.

Note that they mentioned 'HD players' but don't mention if it's BD or HD DVD stand alones OR if they include the PS3 as part of those figures. With data and statistics, one can spin anything any way.

BIadestarX6087d ago

Nasin sources = his hairy @$$.

fury6087d ago

There is a spelling mistake in the title of this story. It's not "Blu Ray" but "Blu-ray".
I didn't expect that from a PS3 and Blu-ray fanboy like you.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6087d ago
pilotpistolpete6087d ago

Nasim doesn't need sources, since everything he says only happens in his head

Antan6087d ago

Extra functionality for PS3 via firmware update! exellent.

THE_JUDGE6087d ago

and it has BD-J included in it!


With interactive feature and some more price cute, BR will be on even term with HDDVD.

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