
Bohemia slams OpFlash 2 marketing

Eurogamer writes: "Bohemia Interactive has instructed lawyers to protest directly to Codemasters about its "marketing tactics" for Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising.

In an extraordinary press release, the Czech-based developer of the original Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis slammed Codemasters for referring to its game as the "official sequel" when it says it owns the rights to the original game's content and Codemasters only owns the name."

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LightofDarkness5572d ago

OpFlash 2 vs. Arma II... we'll soon see where the real talent/game lies...

Honestly, I've never played either, but I'm intrigued by both games, as well as the intense fervour shared by it's quite zealous fan-dom. Which game would be best to try out first, ArmA or OpFlash?

XLiveGamer5572d ago (Edited 5572d ago )

Everybody here who likes one or both games send me a messages because later i wanna share my xboxlive gamertag with you and that way enjoy both games killing each other. What you can do here its buy both for your console of preferences because 1 its coming eaarly than the other so OF2 its this summer and ARMA im still looking for the release date . But in my opinion both games are great choices over any other FPS War game out there (If you can handle a real simutaion gameplay of course -excuses not allowed-) im buying it for both PC & 360 because i have friends on Xbox360 and no doubt PC copy its going to shine better than the consoles (Joystick anyone?)

Like i said buy both because at the end you are going to find out that you dont need another FPS war game for like 2 years unless they copy them and all you goin to to with those FPS Action games its rent them. Bye bye CoD, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six and any other FPS simulation wanna be poser out there! yes i say it! POSERS!

@ blindformthesun
Ok ¿Why and how an old 2000 game Operation Flashpoint (Cold War Crisis) who won a lot of awards and trophies "was lackluster at best" at that moment compared to the other FPS War games of that time ?

dragunrising5572d ago

Considering the fact that Operation Flashpoint was lackluster at best, Operation Flashpoint 2 I hope will distance itself from the original.

I agree, Arma II should be compared to OpFlash 2. My bets on Codemasters.

dragunrising5572d ago

I don't recall ever hearing a big fuss over OpFlash. Also, the Xbox port sucked; thats my experience with it. According to metacritic (PC), it wasn't a bad game (85%= pretty good) though it can't touch Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six. I should have defined "lackluster" to the Xbox port only.

XLiveGamer5572d ago (Edited 5572d ago )

OF was the same campaign game on the Xbox Edition (Elite)

The only bad thing about it was: NO MAP EDITOR & NO MODS
----------------------------- -------------------------------
Check the list of awards:

PC Gamer Game Of The Month
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Best of E3 2001
PC Games Game Of The Year Award 2001
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Gamers Pulse - 92%
PC Zone - 94%
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Tactical Games - 9.8/10
Gamespot UK - 98%

You don't believe me? well... go here> http://operationflashpoint....

Check this comments back in the days :

"With multiplayer, a full editor, and a growing user community, this is a game that every fan of military shooters should have. It looks great, plays great, and most of all feels right." Computer Games Magazine - 9.0

"The excellent implementation of combat among an army, combined with the large variety of gameplay and an excellent campaign story make this game truly shine." Gamer's Pulse - 9.2

"Provides hours and hours of fun gameplay that will have you staying up way too late and ignoring your spouse. This is one of the most enjoyable first/third person shooters to come along in a long time." Gamezilla! - 9.2
----------------------------- -------------------------------

I don't buy a game because everybody its buying it and its whats hot right now i buy them because of their content. A lot of people ignored this game... well almost the entire world went behind Ghost Recon & Battlefield (Not bad games in their category -Action Games Hollywood Style-) and since then no even a single game out there yet have achieved him "A.R.M.A." have.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5572d ago
zoneofenders5572d ago


opflash2 will probaly turn out to be a COD sort of stuff...

GVON5572d ago

Arma 2 here,op2 could turn out good but I'd rather own Arma

ASSASSYN 36o5572d ago

You have no idea what you are talking about if you think Operation Flashpoint would turn out anywhere near cod. Especially if you factor in the scale of Operation flashpoint.

DragonWarrior465345572d ago

Arma 2 for the pc, and operation flashpoint for the 360. You can lose with that strategy.

DragonWarrior465345572d ago

Operation flash point is not always a one shot one kill. It can take up to 3 bullets to actually kill someone unless you using a sniper rifle. Why did I get a disagree? I said Arma for the pc, and operation flaspoint for the 360 and you cant go wrong with that. How was I wrong about that statement?

Carbide75572d ago

No, this game is not going to be like another Call of Duty, this is harcore military simulation at it's best, think one shot one kill, think if you get shot in the legs you'll have to crawl to a medic, if you have an RPG you'll have to assemble it on site and then arm it before firing, think real life tactics and lifelike enemy AI.
The game's got over 200 square kilometers of open world terrain, around 50 usable vehicles, naval, land and airborne. Around 70 weapons, all faithfully animated to match their real life counterparts.
And online isn't a joke either, it's got all the usual goodies plus 4 player co-op, oh yeah. This is one of my most anticipated games of the year. And before you go around "I think it's gonna be like another COD", do some research.

ASSASSYN 36o5572d ago

Exactly. I don't see how people run around assuming anything about this game without reading 10% of the features. Just a little bit of reading about the op flashpoint series would tell you the game is far from being CoD.

zoneofenders5572d ago

I played OFP till last year. so many mods,addons one of the best military simulation game till date.
ARMA improved nothing but graphic at cost of hardware requirement...

and the fact that OFP2 will appear on both PS3 and XBOX360 is by no means good news.

free2game3655572d ago

The thing is I see OF2 being a more polished experience, but a lot less realistic and more geared towards casual players, I doubt that ArmA 2 will have the polish, but probably more realism, and undoubtedly better editing tools.


Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising – The FPS I’ve Needed

Twinfinite's Henry McMunn revisits Codemaster's military simulator and realises it was actually really great all along.

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DanielGearSolid3753d ago


Play Red River next... Tell us if it's worth it!

porkChop3753d ago

Dragon Rising wasn't bad, but it had a lot of questionable design choices. Red River was just horrible in every aspect, huge step down from DR.

BALLARD323753d ago

Yup, Dragon Rising had some potential, but it was way too restricted from what I remember. Red River was indeed horrible. Wish I hadn't wasted the money on that one.

djplonker3753d ago

Ugh I just remembered this game and it makes me want to me sick in a bowler hat and drown myself in it....

The only good thing about this game was borderlands was out a week later!

Elwenil3753d ago (Edited 3753d ago )

Dragon Rising was a really great idea but with Codemaster's typically shoddy execution of anything not racing related. Their poor handling of the criticism, bugs and outright lies on the packaging was eerily similar to EA's BF4 flustercluck. The game was a breath of fresh air in many ways and was really the only truly tactical, open map shooter of it's kind on consoles. Anyone who played the original Flashpoint or ARMA games would feel pretty comfortable with Dragon Rising. It's just a pity Codemasters dropped the ball completely on the online portion, allowed several annoying bugs to remain to this day and lied about features in the game and later charged for these promised features as DLC. With the way they handled the whole situation, Codemasters earned the first spot on my ever expanding list of developers that I refuse to buy anything from them. Again, much like BF4, you can easily see the awesome game it could have been and yet it's still totally out of reach.


Hidden gems of the generation (Part I: First Person Shooters)

There are games wich shine with light. However, not all games have the same opportunity to receive support from their editors.

This results in remarkable games, even outstanding, which have been forgotten or, unfortunately, were never known by the mass audience. Even their reviews, do not capture the true quality of the title, since most anticipated games, are unfortunately better received in the newsroom.

Part I: Hidden gems in First Person Shooters

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Screw "realism" in video games

"I’m tired of the need for more 'realism' in games. I don’t want to hear about how realistic Call of Duty is while you’re cowering behind cover watching the red Kool-Aid disappear from your screen. I don’t care if Battlefield 3’s bullet drop somehow makes it a better shooter. Does it really matter if you play Forza Motorsport, Gran Turismo, or Need for Speed? They all look and feel fantastic; why does it matter if one is more realistic?

"You want to see a realistic game? Go play Operation Flashpoint on the hardest difficulty. After you’ve gotten out of the fetal position, tell me how enjoyable it was. Unless you happen to be a masochist, I’m going to bet you didn’t have a very good time. That’s realistic.

"We use video games as an escape, just like movies, literature, and music. They tell us stories, let us make our own, or let us live out an experience. I can’t drive a race car (heck, I don’t even have a license), but that doesn’t stop me from playing Need for Speed. The cor...

Batzi4355d ago

Exactly. I love the fact that you can jump and shoot with a .50 cal sniper rifle in COD. That adds to the fun whereas realism reduces the fun and makes the gameplay boring. Games aren't suppose to be realistic, we as human beings are very limited when it comes to abilities and powers and such and having game designers implementing what we fantasize the most in terms of technology and surreal action in video games make us people happy cause we get to experience our own "world", the world of fantasies and joy in those games which brightens our imagination and give us something to think about. If I wanted realism, I would rather stick to the life outside of home and drive a real car instead of playing GT5/Forza for instance. Realism ruins the fun, fun is surreal or simply like our folks at Epic Games call it, Unreal.

SeekDev4355d ago

Some people would like the opportunity to "be" a soldier, so to speak, but without having to risk their life to do it. In that sense, realism in games is wanted. Some people would like to hop around in a land full of giant mushrooms and clouds you can stand on, and that's where "unreal" games come in. There's a place for all types of gamers in this world.

WeTheBelievers4355d ago

Doesn't an escape from one reality into another make all the more magic though?

StreetsofRage4355d ago

Operation Flashpoint on hard is BOMB! I loved it! Intense! One of the few games that was genuinely hard and not just cheap like playing COD on veteran.

TheColbertinator4354d ago

Most of my favorite games this gen are unrealistic

Valkyria Chronicles

Tales of Graces F

Disgaea 4

Atelier Meruru

Mass Effect 1

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