
Did Valve Help Make PS3's Orange Box Suck?

Ripten's Dan Landis writes:

"In a recent interview at E3, Valve Software's Erik Johnson stated that the PS3 port of The Orange Box was done "mostly" by EA. So if it was only "mostly" done by EA, does that mean that Valve actually had a hand in making a game they consistently denied being a part of? Why does that even matter?

The only reason this could be a big deal is because Gabe Newell has always been down on the PS3, even going so far as to call it "a waste of everyone's time." Valve has always denied having a hand in the PS3 port, placing all of the blame for The Orange Box's issues squarely on EA's shoulders..."

The writer goes on to discuss why he thinks Valve was not actually involved and that this is all the result of angry fanboys.

Twizlex5767d ago

I hope people read the whole thing before making stupid comments...

cp685767d ago

Read the entire article before posting, which is generally what fanboys do. Read, then comment.

Nostradavis5767d ago (Edited 5767d ago )

If they read it the fanboys would actually realize this has nothing to do with Sony or the PS3 and everything to do with a publisher not taking the time to make a proper port!!!

MonkeyMan5767d ago

Could you give me a summary of this, I don't like to read stuff.

gambare5767d ago

It say :

Valve is too lazy to learn a different architecture from the PC standard.

spunnups5767d ago

because the PS3 gamers were stiffed with a half ass product, While Valve is being so stubborn and lazy they failed to make a quality product, thus bringing in more money. It's a lose lose situation for everyone. The orange box is a handful of great games, too bad us PS3 owners had to be stuck with such a bad port. It's not he PS3's fault, it's EA's and Valves.

deeznuts5767d ago

1. Twinkies.
2. PC
3. Twinkies.
4. 360.
5. Twinkies.

That is the order of Gabe Newell's priorities.

Tarasque5766d ago

Well if i was valve i would be the same way, unless sony was going to feed me money for my expense's. It is just to costly to learn new tech nowaday's and then make a game for a machine where it might not sell well at all is a big gamble. And a gamble they do not want to take.

solidt125766d ago

Here is a link to the new game Gabe is featured in "Fat Princess"


+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5766d ago
ElementX5767d ago

You mean there's more to the story than the title and snippet?

Twizlex5767d ago

Believe it or not, most people never read more than that. Then they make stupid comments that make them look like complete morons to the people that actually do read the whole thing. That's the problem with the ADHD-riddled youth of today.

Sheddi5767d ago

ohh...my...god! that cant be !

VaNdAl5766d ago

Gabe Newell: DirectX 10 for Vista was a http://www.heise.de/english... Newell Explains Why Valve Hates The mac http://kotaku.com/gaming/pl... Newell: Half-Life 2 on Xbox Was a http://www.gamedaily.com/ar... Newell: Xbox 360 Makes My Life Worse http://news.teamxbox.com/xb... head honcho and former Microsoft employee isn’t happy

unamed085767d ago

Great editing ripten! By the way, if anybody hasn't seen this then make sure to do so right now! It;s on badjoystick, and talks Gabe Newell

whoknew5767d ago

He's right, it is the fault of angry fanboys. their the cause of all the worlds problems.

Global warming? - Yep, fanboys did it. High gas prices? Yep, fanboys again. LOL.

Damn stupid fanboys!

Kami5766d ago (Edited 5766d ago )

"OMFG! he has 3 chins" lolololol

ape0075767d ago

how the hell you want your game to suck

such ridiculous article

valve just do like infinity ward

Twizlex5767d ago

You need reading comprehension lessons.

Nostradavis5767d ago

Stop picking on the ape. Lets see you swing from a tree Twiz.

Twizlex5767d ago

N4G needs a more advanced contributor test, or a separate process for approving stories. All the people reporting this story need to go back to school, or maybe they're still in school. Freaking nazi morons.

Nostradavis5767d ago

If they read it the fanboys would actually realize this has nothing to do with Sony or the PS3 and everything to do with a publisher not taking the time to make a proper port!!!

TheColbertinator5767d ago

Wish I could help that guy lose a couple of pounds.I mean he is my one of my favorite PC programmers but...oof he needs Wii fit or something.

Mr Fancy Pants5767d ago

what is the point of this article? we should start to make random theories because an editors said that one person from valve said that EA did "most" of the game?

i know valve it's proclaiming that they have nothing to to with the port but man it's their game! it's not like EA was going to start it from scratch... so in fact EA did most if not it wouldn't be a valve game don't you think.

BTW you should stop posting crap Twizlex

GameDev5767d ago

valve orange box and EA, who is the ass ranger the moderates this site??

first you ban me from the gamer zone for "attacking" fellow n4g'ers.

i make it a point to not attack anyone and now you ban me for "fanboy comments"????

go eat a d!ck you douchebag, go ahead and ban me, it'll stop me from coming to this sh!t site run by xbots.

Twizlex5766d ago (Edited 5766d ago )

You're a f*cking idiot, Mr Fancy Pants. The article says the same thing you say, and you'd know that if you actually read it instead of just reading the snippet on n4g.

GameDev, this site is certainly NOT run by Xbots. There are significantly more Sony Fanboys here. I have no problem getting anti-Xbox articles approved, but it takes a miracle to get anti-Sony articles approved. But I agree with you - this site is run by asses that don't even understand the rules they're supposed to be enforcing.

tplarkin75766d ago

N4G has become a cesspool of fanboy gossip. Something needs to be done. I'm sure they make enough money to hire a moderator with final say on articles.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5766d ago
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Classic Valve Titles Now in Enhanced Xbox 360 Backward Compatibility Collection

The Xbox One Backward Compatible versions of Xbox 360 titles Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, The Orange Box, and Portal are now enhanced for Xbox One X, Microsoft announced.

Read Full Story >>
lxeasy2025d ago

Nothing but great memories with all these games! Playing Left for dead series during the college years with friends was the best.

Skull5212025d ago

Love to see titles coming to BC with enhancements. Would love even more to see Half Life 3.

gangsta_red2025d ago

To not have another Left 4 Dead is straight up criminal.


So many memories of throwing my controller with Portal lol.

2023d ago
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How Valve released five of its greatest games in a single day

The year is 2007. Console owners tap their fingers in barely contained impatience. For years they have been starved of Valve's delicious, full-bodied courses, forced to watch from the bleachers as Valve mixes a unique blend of kinetic first-person with extraordinary tech. Besides a brief dalliance with the original Xbox and the PlayStation 2 - which produce pale imitations of its best work - Valve has remained faithful to the PC.

And then, in a flash, five of them arrive at once; neatly packaged morsels for a new generation reared on Microsoft's & later Sony's consoles. Five games, all in one orange box. Valve serves the PC too, for it is October 18 - a day of celebration - and everyone should feast.

Read Full Story >>
2pacalypsenow2390d ago

Man 2007 was a great year for gaming.

OpenGL2389d ago

Valve didn't really "release" 5 of its greatest games in a single day, Half-Life 2 came out 3 years before The Orange Box. In no other context do we talk about a port being the "release" of a game.

2389d ago
Fist4achin2389d ago

The orange box was an excellent release. I don't think Valve will do much beyond online only games now.

AuraAbjure2389d ago

Thanks for making the source 2 game engine valve it's legit.


Valve reflects on The Orange Box, ten years later

Robin Walker discusses the impact of Portal, Team Fortress 2 and more.

pwnsause_returns2398d ago

shut up valve....give me HL3....

FallenAngel19842397d ago

Back when Valve made a lot of great titles

-Foxtrot2396d ago

Little cheeky to talk about it when you know we're still waiting for Half Life 3...the Orange Box included Episode 2 and is still left unfinished story wise to this day.

At this rate we better get a second Orange Box. Half Life 3, Half Life Remake (Black Mesa Mod), TF3 or L4D3 and the HL spin offs like Blue Shift.

Reefskye2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

Don't know what valve are going to do with Half Life after Mike Laidlaw posted the short version of Episode 3 in August and changed the names and genders.