
Opinion: Why Did Max Payne 3 Come out the Same Day as Diablo III?

On some level Max Payne 3 shares a lot in common with Diablo III. Both are the third games released in their respective franchises. Max Payne is back after a nine year hiatus, Diablo after 11. But why on Earth were these games released on the same day?

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dangert124403d ago

Because publishers can do as they wish and the pussy footing we are used to is useless...with certain games its about names, other hype and others advertising very little has to do with quality anymore

Echo3074403d ago

That, and it's not like these games are even remotely competing with one another. One is a PC/Mac-exclusive slash and loot game that tons of PC gamers have been waiting on.

The other is a third-person shooter that will see 95% of its sales come from console versions.

nCoGn33t04403d ago

Exactly....it's sad that the author wasn't bright enough to figure that out for themselves, before wasting the bandwidth on this pointless article. :o

chaldo4403d ago

i dont think 95% of the sales are from consoles. You gotta know that there are a lot of pre-orders for the PC version. Plus, max payne 1 and 2 were a lot better and easier to play on PC so a lot of old fans will be getting it for PC.

Echo3074403d ago (Edited 4403d ago )


I've done a fair amount of research on multi-platform sales, and the big games that launch on Xbox, PS3, and PC, usually only see 5-10% of all sales come from the PC version.

Granted, I'm at the mercy of others for my info but I believe it. There's a lot of evidence out there that supports the PC version always selling substantially less. The PC crowd and console crowd just play different games, and most of the time when a game launches on consoles and PC, it's a game that was made for consoles and was ported to PC, so a lot of traditional PC gamers end up shunning it.

I'm sure it will sell ok on PC, but I'd stake good money the consoles will be responsible for 90-95% of all sales, especially since they're coming out 2 weeks before the PC version.

KaBaW4402d ago (Edited 4402d ago )

Just wondering, how is it that they are not competing?
If you walk in the store with $60 to buy just one game; they not competing?
Obviously they are nothing alike, but if you enjoy both genres, then..

Echo3074402d ago (Edited 4402d ago )

That is way too general of an example. That's like saying that Max Payne 3 and the newest Nintendo DS game are competing with each other just because they're sold in the same store.

Whatever competition these two games have against one another ends with the fact that they are both video games. Other than that, they're two completely different types of games, available on different platforms, and traditionally played by different kinds of gamers.

Will there be gamers that want to buy and play both? Of course. But in the grand scheme of things, one game is not going to substantially affect the sales of the other game.

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Spinal4402d ago

Well i didnt pick up Max Payne 3 on my 360 cause of Diablo 3. I will certainly play mp3 later in the year tho. Yet if mp3 came out a month ago i would have purchased it day one. Same with my other friends. We are all now deep into D3 and loving every sec.

GraveLord4403d ago

Diablo III is PC-only so I don't really think many people had to choose.

Pandamobile4403d ago

That and the PC release of Max Payne 3 was delayed by 2 weeks.

I don't think they're really going toe to toe right now. They're very different genres and games.

Titanz4403d ago

It's obvious that they have confidence in their software, and a lot of consumers know about the quality of their titles.

BringingTheThunder4403d ago

not on the same platforms, capitalize on midnight launches, different genres.

GamingPerson4403d ago

hmmm it didn't on pc.. It comes in two weeks!

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The Greatest Video Game Comeback Stories in Gaming History

Who says a dud game can't have a video game comeback?

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Dirty_Lemons126d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein126d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff2183126d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


Max Payne 3 gets an amazing Sam Lake Mod

Modder ‘alexsavvy’ has released a must-have mod for Max Payne 3 that is a love letter to all fans of the original game.

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Iceball2000315d ago

Holy cow that’s well done. Hoping for a Max Payne 1-3?remake/remaster.

RaidenBlack315d ago

Remedy is remaking Max Payne 1 & 2


10 Best Games to Complete 100%

GF365: "These are our picks for the ten best games to complete 100%. This list includes good games that don't feel like chores to complete."

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Knushwood Butt340d ago

I got 80% trophy completion on Ragnarok but left a few of the battles. Will come back to it one day.

Miraak82 340d ago

Dragon Quest 11 is my top pick

RpgSama340d ago

Dragon Quest XI was such an AMAZING game, I had a blast from the very beginning all the way to the very end, it actually got better the more you played, full of surprises as well.

Another game that I enjoyed from the very beginning all the way to the end of the 100% completion was Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Really, really, really fun game with a great heartfelt story.

badz149340d ago (Edited 340d ago )

Where is Horizon Zero Dawn?? where is Ghost of Tsushima?? I just got my Platinum on HZD and is now trying to finish the Frozen Wild expansion. so much care and love went into that game and it really shows. I especially adore the lore and have sunk many hours listening to the logs and reading journals. the back story is great and the gameplay is awesome. can't wait to replay on the hardest difficulty on NG+. next in my list would be to finish GoTsushima

Tacoboto340d ago

Ghost was fantastic especially after Iki Island and the PS5 upgrade. 100%'d that, Horizon Forbidden West (not ZD), GoW (not yet Ragnarok), Spider-Man, and R&C: Rift Apart.

Each one absolutely worth it.

Aloymetal340d ago (Edited 340d ago )

100% I would like to add to you list RDR2, amazing as well and the perks from getting the Legend Of The East outfit is awesome.
Sekiro as well, have to play twice to get it but it's worth it!

Demetrius340d ago

I agree I'm on my 2nd playthroughs of both horizon forbidden West(zero dawn I played also) ghost of Tsushima except I'm replaying it on PS5 this time, the iki island expansion is amazing

ClayRules2012340d ago

Yeah, GoT was already an AMAZING game on PS4, but playing it on PS5, along with that expansion, just even better.

Elda340d ago

I just started my copy of GOW:R, enjoying it so far.

DefenderOfDoom2340d ago (Edited 340d ago )

Okay the title of article should be top 10 , 3rd person games to complete 100 percent. Nine 3rd person games and 1 racing game on this list .

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