
Gamer Euphoria: Gregg Hasting’s Paintball 2 Review

Gamer Euphoria staff member Sean writes:

''Paintball games are far and few between due to the niche market they tend to target. Anyone who has played Paintball can describe the buzz you get when bombing through a course. Gregg Hasting’s Paintball 2 aims to replicate the thrills of its real life counterpart.

At its core, Gregg Hasting’s Paintball 2 plays exactly like any given first person shooter. The main difference being all the glitz and glam of modern day shooters have been removed and replaced with more humble surroundings. The core rules of paintball work well enough to be implemented into a video game and Gregg Hasting’s Paintball 2 shows this. Once your hit your out, however if you wish to be a dishonourable player the option to wipe off the paint splat in there. This option becomes open to the player via a mini game in which a well timed button press wipes clear the paint. Failing to time the button press however results in you being eliminated from the game, plus various penalties affecting the player’s team.''

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brettyd4389d ago

I loved the first one on xbox. I used to play a lot of paintball and that game was a blast, online at least, the single player was awful.

GamerEuphoria4389d ago

It is fun but only doses, it feels like the game had no polish put on it what so ever :(