
Pocket Gamer: Spellsword Review

Pocket Gamer: Retro-looking 2D platformers are all the rage on the App Store nowadays, and while there are plenty of chip-tuned, pixelated leapers to choose from most of them have enough new ideas that they're not reaching saturation point.

Spellsword plays around with the Super Crate Box template, throwing in collectible cards, RPG-style equipment, and an irreverent sense of humour that pokes fun at popular culture and the game itself.

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AR: Spellsword Review

AR: For those who are all about swords, and magic spells cast from swords, then Spellsword, Everplay and Fire Fruit Forge’s arena-based action-RPG brought to Android by Miniclip, is worth seeing.

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Mobile Game Bargains: August 17, 2012

John Bedford (Modojo): We've got all the App Store gaming price-drops you need to know about for the weekend.


Mobile Game Bargains: July 9, 2012

John Bedford (Modojo): Modojo rounds up the best of the price-drops for Monday 9th July.