
Isotx Announces Iron Grip: Warlord - Concept Images

Your country is being invaded by a massive army. This army doesn't care how many casualties it takes, because for every soldier that falls, five more take its place. You fight well, but even your own countrymen are turning against you, and defecting to the enemy. You are forced back to the city-states - immense fortresses that are immediately besieged by the enemy. Each rush must be repelled, each rush more violent and dangerous than the next. There is only one ending to this battle: you cannot survive, but you can force the enemy to commit an atrocity. An atrocity so total that they will lose all support, an atrocity so total that all your countrymen will be outraged and rise up, an atrocity so total that even the enemy soldiers will hate themselves as they move through the rubble that was your last stand.

This is the setting of Iron Grip: Warlord, the first commercial game from Isotx.

In an innovative blend of RTS and FPS gameplay, you will employ urban guerrilla tactics to fight off the hordes. You must protect your city at all costs, by building defense structures, setting traps, and taking the enemy on yourself. Based on the Quake 3 engine, this project is the latest offering in the Iron Grip Universe. Team Lead and Designer Vincent van Geel states that: "This game is all about casual fun: low system requirements, small filesize, and cool gameplay. We've taken the popular 'Art of Defense' genre, and put a whole new spin on it."


Iron Grip: Warlord New Screenshots

Check out these awesome new Iron Grip Warlord Screenshots. The first-person shooter combined with many real-time strategy elements, using the id Tech 3 game engine. Available exclusively on Microsoft Windows.

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The Cold Season: Iron Grip: Warlords

Nightmare Mode gives indie FPS/Tower Defense title Iron Grip: Warlords a playthrough and then writes about what makes the game so great: its atmosphere. Along the way they try to tell the story of the defense of some funnily named faux eastern European palace, show pictures of men holding guns, and there's probably even a little bit of crying.

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Neocrisis: New Iron Grip: Warlord Trailer

Neocrisis: This new trailer shows the Bunker Map.

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