dark-hollow4421d ago

WOW! looks even better than battlefield 3 on pc!

Fishy Fingers4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )

Thats quite a claim to make based on a 2 minute video. But no doubt it'll look amazing, the previous games do (PC).

Let's hope the gameplay can match those visuals, because in my opinion, they fall short, especially Crysis 2.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34421d ago

Game looks amazing! I don't understand people complaining about the gameplay. If you mean the gameplay is more sophisticated than the other games out there, than yeah, I can agree. I don't know of another game where I can cook a grenade, apply maximum armour then jump into a crowd--ending in body's flying from what I cooked, lol.

davekaos4421d ago

Now lets hope its a full sandbox game just like the orignal Crysis and that it has full DX11 support

meetajhu4421d ago

Thanks to the power of current gen consoles this game looks the same as previous version.

Consoles manufactures and console gamers are the worst who will destory gaming.

torchic4421d ago

oh right. yeah.

let's see video game developers build a state-of-the-art engine for millions of dollars, and then spend tens, to even hundreds of millions of dollars to develop a video game. all this based on the cash made by selling their games exclusively to a very minute PC gaming population instead of a much larger console gaming population, who on top of that will buy the game for $15 more.

yeah let's see your beloved PC gaming developers do that.

hulk_bash19874421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )

Why do PC only gamers have to be so freaking pretentious? Jesus play on your platform of choice and STFU.

Anyways game is shaping up nicely, 2013 is still a ways away so we'll see. Looks great so far.

GamingPerson4421d ago

It looks like crysis 2 to me.

ATi_Elite4421d ago

Yeh I've been playing Battlefield 3 PC for a while now but thanks for the late info! Gheesh.

anyway Crysis 3 gameplay looks like Sht! More of the same crap from Crysis 2! Crytek has completely screwed up a great game that was Crysis! Seems that maybe they are trying to bring back the sandbox format but who knows!

As far as graphics.........Crysis 2 and 3 were dumbed down for the consoles cause the CryEngine 3 is far more capable than what has been shown so far.

Go Google Forged By Chaos and get a glimpse of the real power that the CryEngine 3 can produce when the PC is the lead platform and the game isn't even finished yet as they transitioned from CryEngine 2 to 3.

CryEngine 3 console is great for consoles but when compared CE2 PC to CE3 PC I'm not happy with Crysis 2 PC even with the DX11 patch cause they went away from Photo-realism and settled for fantasy graphics.

again the CryEngine 3 is capable but Crytek has just took the easy road instead of going all out like DICE and the Frostbite 2!

Bring back the Photo-realistic graphics, Sandbox, and multiple ways to play the game like Crysis and you'll have a winner and Oh yeh get out of New York!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4421d ago
Orpheus4421d ago

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this gameplay video is Choooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooolllllll

XBOX , PS3 boys don't worry you may have graphics like this in the next gen consoles but for this time ..... Crysis3 is meant for the PCs :D :D :D

Convas4421d ago

Do you feel better now that you got that out in the open?

LightofDarkness4421d ago

Ugh... the Ceph are boring enemies. A bow and arrow isn't going to do much against people with body armour, and it's NOT a stealth/instant kill. If you hit someone with an arrow, somehow managing to pierce the body armour these enemies apparently have, they're going to be alive for a pretty long time afterwards, more than long enough to shout out "hey, someone just shot me with an arrow from that general direction!" Or, you know, turn around and return fire themselves.

I liked Crysis 2, but this is looking like the same game with a bow and arrow so far. It's not a game I was willing to play again.

MrGunny944421d ago

Now just make it like Crysis 1 Sandbox... then add some secondary missions... and there you go a perfect game!

Crysis has the potential for it..

Orpheus4421d ago

The gameplay here looks as good or better than the CG/ prerendered videos of Crysis 2....

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EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

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OtterX174d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled174d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa174d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno173d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac173d ago (Edited 173d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast173d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial173d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!


EA has finally removed SecuROM from Crysis 3

Electronic Arts has released a new update for the PC version of Crysis 3 that removes its SecuROM protection system.

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The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn & more running in 8K/30fps on NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090

Bang4BuckPC Gamer tested Crysis 3, The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and Final Fantasy XV, with all of them running with 30fps in 8K.

Read Full Story >>
RazzerRedux1321d ago

Yep. Wait a couple of years and get this level of performance on a RTX 4070 or 4080 at a much lower price.

Killer73nova1321d ago

And wait a couple more years for rtx 5070 or 5080 at a much much lower price

Yung-T1321d ago (Edited 1321d ago )

That headline is a tad misleading.
The rig stated in that YouTube video is extremely high-end (ryzen 3950x oc, 32gb etc) and utilizing special water-cooling solutions, loops with pumps etc.

This rig easily costs 5k+ and a normal pc with a RTX 3090 wouldn't get close to these framerates or sustainable temperatures.

Aggesan1321d ago

Who has a "normal" pc with a RTX 3090?

Yung-T1321d ago (Edited 1321d ago )

There's still a difference between a high-end GPU+CPU and a custom-made water cooling system including a Waterloop&pumps etc though, it allows for much higher performance due to the better temperature management that would fry the GPU&CPU with normal builds.

lonewolf101321d ago

That's why people need to read the articles, most headlines are just to get you to click.

Rainbowcookie1321d ago

You would think yes, but honestly does it happen often 🤣 enough

I_am_Batman1321d ago (Edited 1321d ago )

Most of the threads of the 3950x were barely utilized and none of the games that were tested allocated more than ~12.5GB of system memory. Gaming at 8k is pretty much as GPU bound as you can get so you won't need a water cooled high-end CPU or 32GB of memory.

Psychotica1321d ago (Edited 1321d ago )

How does the cost of the PC make the headline misleading?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1321d ago
Father__Merrin1321d ago

Mega powerful video card but the games you can play on that card are all available elsewhere. I want to see compelling pc only goty material titles ASAP

Psychotica1321d ago

And where else can you run them in 8K or even in 4K with the same level of performance?

averagejoe261321d ago

Who cares? Nobody has 8k screens and the majority don't even have 4k screens.

This push for pointless high resolution is ruining progress. Give us better framerates, lighting, physics, etc. Stop wasting power on needles 8k.

lonewolf101321d ago


There are people with 8k monitors though.

Bender65021321d ago

And still we can't escape 30fps.

JCOLE131951321d ago

I mean given the fact the games are running at 8K it doesn’t surprise me...

MrDead1321d ago

DLSS 2.0 no doubt has a big part in this too, The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding run like a dream on my 3080, 4k ultra set to 60fps no drops or stutters and the system runs very quiet. Playing Borderlands 3 on badass settings, Red Dead or Division 2 on 4k ultra all run great (Red Dead has a few drops below 60fps) but my PC is working a lot harder on games that don't utilise DLSS, my room warms up nicely when playing those games.

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