
GamerNode's Closure Review

Closure doesn’t stoop to unfair puzzling depths, but it’s not close-minded or comforting. It’s real. There are issues hidden in those shadows. There are questions and doubts that we concoct. The task is to live with those doubts and fears or find a way out. We have to craft and manipulate the light we’re given to illuminate an escape. We can’t live in the dark.

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Why Aren’t These PSN Games On The Vita Yet?

DualShockers' Masoud House writes:

"So some people hate the idea of porting games from the PlayStation Network to the Vita. There’s even been some fantastic debates over the idea of sharing or porting games to handhelds being the detriment of handheld growth, and a significant roadblock to establishing its identity as a viable platform. But with Sony’s insistence that the PlayStation brand will be something that can be played anywhere you go, there’s some games I think not only deserve to be ported over to the Vita, but perhaps could even excel better on the handheld than on home consoles."

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Megaton3769d ago

Sony doesn't care about Vita people.

WeAreLegion3769d ago ShowReplies(2)
Cajun Chicken3769d ago

I often wonder why Shatter hasn't been ported either.


Doing More With Less: Gaming's Best Examples of Minimalism

Hardcore Gamer: It's a style that may be in its infamacy, but has still managed to produce a host of incredible games. If you've never really explored this enticing sub-genre, or are looking for some additional examples of it, here is a sampling of some of the best minimalist titles available.

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darthv723922d ago

Back before we had seemingly limitless potential from current gen consoles, the systems had limitations that were very noticeable.

it was the creative talent behind the games that found ways to extend their project to pull features and imagery out of hardware that no one had even thought to use in such ways.

Finding ways around things like limited color pallet, fixed resolutions, sprite capabilities and lack of dedicated hardware acceleration for things like scaling and rotation....there were some amazing games created on systems like the master system, genesis, pc engine, nes....and it was all done by people who felt they could do the unthinkable with hardware that seemed incapable.

The old days of minimalism (to me) are the best examples.

Denton563922d ago

I see what you're saying darth, but to me minimalism is an intentional departure from technological innovations, whereas in your example those were developers who were working to get the most out of more limited technology (compared to today).


Gaming Trend Podcast 08//29//2013–Fantastic Arcade!

You may remember him as Mitch Kramer from Dazed and Confused. We know him simply as Wiley Wiggins, game enthusiast and indie developer. On this week's Gaming Trend Podcast, Mr. Wiggins joins Atlas and Matt to discuss Fantastic Arcade, an indie game festival in Austin, TX for which he serves as Creative Director.

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Knightshade3934d ago

Makes me wish I lived in or closer to Austin....