
“Monster Hunter Portable 3″ Vita Turns Up On GAME Norway

"Earlier in the year, the internet ran wild with Monster Hunter speculation after a PSLS tipster spotted “Monster Hunter Portable 3” for Vita on UK retailer Play.com. That same tipster has now found more proof that such a game or Norway’s GAME website." - PSLS

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D3stinySm4sher4424d ago

Aw, man. My roommate's been dying for a Monster Hunter game on Vita.

sinncross4424d ago

This was bound to happen. Probably for a reveal at E3, though they should have tried to get it for their PSV event not too long ago.

Oh well, at least it is coming for those who want to play it in English :)

Hisiru4423d ago (Edited 4423d ago )

Well... I played Monster Hunter 3 on Wii, PSP and 3DS, so I am not sure if this will sell like the other games, but yeah, it's good to see this game on vita.

I really want Monster Hunter 4 on Vita too.

dbjj120884424d ago

I think the entire Japanese market has been dying for MH on Vita.

ginsunuva4423d ago

But they already have MPH3rd on PsP and they have a Ps3 HD remaster of it too (which I just bought a copy of last week during my Tokyo vacation) Only japan gets those two though.

farhad2k84424d ago

They need to get this RIGHT. I feel that the VITA's success lies in the hand of this, and CoD. Sad, but true.

The game needs to have ONLINE 4 player co-op, or maybe even 6 player co-op modes to add a bit more spice?

Definitely got me excited.

Arnagrim4424d ago

Hoping for Vita Monster Hunter news soon as well as news on Type-0 localization/ confirmation of a Vita version.

Jio4424d ago

If it is real, I'm sick of all these ports. They should make a Monster Hunter for the Vita from the ground up, not a stupid port.

SIX4424d ago

This thing is like COD to the japanese market.

stormeagle64424d ago

More like it's CoD, crack, and Justin Beiber all rolled into one. For the Japanese market.

ISNeko4424d ago

When a MH comes out I will have no more excuse not to have a Vita.

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Forbes.com: Capcom Needs To Bring 'Monster Hunter' to North American PS3 and Xbox 360 Owners

By Erik Kain

Dear Capcom,

This is Confused Gamer.

I’m writing because this trailer for the Japanese Spring 2013 release of your game Monster Hunter 4 looks awesome. I don’t speak Japanese or live in Japan, so I won’t be able to play this game. Then again, I don’t have a 3DS or any other system for which a North American version of a Monster Hunter game has been released.

That’s because no North American release of any Monster Hunter game has made it to Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, the two consoles I own. This is peculiar, since these are two of the most widely-owned consoles in the world. Odder still, Capcom has a long relationship with Sony and a PS3 exclusive release of a brand new Monster Hunter game seems like a no-brainer for everyone involved.

Nitrowolf24347d ago (Edited 4347d ago )

Monster Hunter is coming to PS3, though it's a remaster PSP version. My question though, wtf happened to that. It's out in Japan I think
Sony needs to get this up on PSN with multi language. I mean they have the translation already from the normal PSP version.

PirateThom4347d ago (Edited 4347d ago )

SCEA and SCEE won't release it. Capcom won't follow proper publishing rules that are in place.

It doesn't have trophies and it doesn't use PSN, it connects to the internet using Ad-Hoc Party, specifically an updated Ad-Hoc Party uses that was never released outside of Japan, so it would require Sony to go back and fix a service hardly anyone uses for one game and it's not worth the effort as far as they're concerned.

It's a lazy PSP remaster, it's not like, say, the God of War games or Peace Walker.

xAlmostPro4347d ago

Capcom are greedy as hell. They don't care about a franchise or what stage it's at.. it starts on one console then another company will offer more money and so on, which is dumb because it just splits up the fanbase/franchise -_-

I don't see why the don't use logic and just make them.. multi platform, there's demand for it.

wwm0nkey4347d ago

I love how Capcom always tries to say that there isn't a western market for it when they havent even tried.

PirateThom4347d ago

I think the fact the main series is moving from consoles to a handheld sums the whole thing up. They don't care about the Western market when the game sells millions in Japan.

Bumeo4347d ago

I would say that the Main series IS portable..a large number of the series is portable..I'll list out how many exist and on what systems all regions to the best of my knowledge: ps2(3) psp(6) ds(1) iOS(1) wii(2) ps3(1) 360(1) pc(1) ..thats about the best I can do for know..I'm sure I'm missing some..

PirateThom4347d ago

Bumeo, a lot of the handheld titles were expansions and remakes of the main series.

Monster Hunter 1 and 2 on PS2.
Monster Hunter Tri on Wii.

Then, Monster Hunter 4 on 3DS.

Bumeo4347d ago

I think 6 US releases is a pretty good try lol

wwm0nkey4346d ago

Im talking about Console releases like PS3/360, not PSP games.

Ser4347d ago

Thank you, Forbes. Thank you.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING, CAPCOM? Stop releasing PSP ports and create a TRUE title for consoles. I've been waiting since the PS3's launch.

Bumeo4347d ago

The true title was Monster Hunter 1 on the ps2..it makes all the other games look like they are holding your hands through the game lol

Ser4346d ago

YES! It's still, to this day, my favorite MH title. Full Fatalis armor with the Eternal Annihilator!

NYC_Gamer4347d ago

Capcom is taking the more cheaper/profit route by releasing MH games on handhelds

WildStyles4347d ago

Great article.

I've been feeling this way for a while. Capcom's whole exclusivity with Monster Hunter on handhelds is so damn idiotic. They are limiting the overall potential of the franchise. They are holding back a franchise that could be even more popular than it already is. Imagine Monster Hunter on an hd console with Xbox Live/PSN online. It just makes to much sense.

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Snookies124395d ago

A remake of FFVII on the Vita would probably make it the fastest selling console of all time. Oh yeah, and Square would be swimming in money. But apparently they don't like to try and do something like that, because they're afraid they'll mess up the original. Not like it would matter, even if they failed we'd still have the PS1 version...

Hicken4394d ago

It's a win-win, and a lose-lose, if that's possible. Yeah, it'll sell, but NOBODY would be satisfied. Unless it was absolutely perfect, it'd just be a repeat of the reaction to XIII.

Snookies124394d ago (Edited 4394d ago )

I don't quite think so... As long as they keep everything the same from PS1, simply updating graphics of models and backgrounds, keep the battle system the same and everything. Just add some things on top of what's already in place. (Maybe new materia, some new monsters, a new place or two to explore. A new extra boss "Diamond weapon" would be awesome since that rumor about fighting it in the marshes always flew around back then.) They could stay away from voice acting (or get the same voice actors from Advent Children).

That's about all they'd have to do, though it would surely be 2 or more Vita chips I'm cool with that. They can't possibly mess it up if they go at it like that.

EDIT: Oh, and that whole thing where they stated we "wouldn't want to see Aerith being impaled by Sephiroth in HD". Yeah, I kinda would... That would be badass lol!

NastyLeftHook04395d ago

1. gran turismo
2. call of duty
3. battlefield 3
4. a new fallout game.
5. a new assassins creed.

Myst4395d ago

They showed Call of Duty at the keynote when they were first showcasing the Vita. Kind of makes me wonder what happened to it.

NastyLeftHook04395d ago

there probably showcasing it for e3 12

Myst4395d ago

Mm perhaps. I'm not really into CoD but I know it will help sell :)

Ascalon944395d ago

they already announced a Call of Duty and AC.

Knushwood Butt4395d ago

I'd replace 4 and 5 with something like a new Monster Hunter game (to satisfy Japan) and a Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker follow up (or similar), which I suspect is already in the works anyway.

MrMister4395d ago

Anyone who ever wanted those games, probably owns them on a console (considering that Vita is same price as a home console). I would much rather ave some new and original IP's for the Vita. One's that especially make use of the touch panel's and gyroscopes (to differentiate from the current games I already own on my pS3).

Treezy5044394d ago

Gran Turismo would actually serve the vita well sales wise.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4394d ago
Myst4395d ago

Yep Monster Hunter and maybe a new Dissidia game as well :)

Snookies124394d ago

Dissidia on Vita would be too amazing...

gtxgamer24395d ago

Monster Hunter, GTA, Final Fantasy, Midnight Club, a few MMO's, etc.

Yangus4395d ago

And exklusive Resident Evil...

Myst4395d ago

I know everyone hates it but something similar (not 1:1 copy) but very similar to Raccoon City on the Vita would be nice. A squad based zombie hold off game with a campaign, co-op and perhaps multiplayer modes? I'm not to keen on competitive especially in the sense of Raccoon City but I know some are. I'd really just like something like that with a character creator and various armaments. Maybe something akin to Killing Floor on the vita now that would be ideal :).

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