
Pocket-Lint: Creative director says Kinect: Star Wars is good enough for true fans

Pocket-Lint: Before Avatar, 3D never really mattered. It was the moment when people started backing the technology for its merits, not just its gimmicks. Now 3D is everywhere, in virtually every TV and built into games on both the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Kinect still feels like it's stuck in the before time: it hasn’t had its Avatar moment. While there have been incredible sales numbers, there has yet to be a title truly worthy of critical acclaim.

Kudo Tsunoda, Microsoft’s creative director of Kinect, begs to differ. Kinect: Star Wars, he says, is going to be the hardware’s breakthrough moment.

"So many people love star wars." says Tsunoda. "There are things that happen in the Star Wars movies that people have always wanted to do."

“It’s super hard to fulfil that Jedi fantasy when you're using the force by pushing a button or moving a lightsaber using an analogue stick. I think that’s why Kinect: Star Wars resonates with so many people and why it's such an exciting title for Kinect as well.

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cynosure4414d ago

Before anybody says anything he has an eye condition that makes his eyes very sensitive to light
He doesn't wear glasses all the time to try and look cool

360GamerFG4414d ago

That doesn't change the fact that Kinect Star Wars is an absolute embarrassment.

cynosure4414d ago

I agree
It annoys me seeing ignorant people though.Thats why i made the comment
Surprised it charted in Japan.Didnt expect it

morganfell4414d ago (Edited 4414d ago )

Fairly shallow and insulting psychology to imply if you do not like this game then you are not a true Star Wars fan.

Also, this is 2012, and the first true HD era. I am not in the business of supporting "good enough". Games should not be made like they were built for a government contract.

BattleAxe4414d ago (Edited 4414d ago )

Don't worry about it people, Kudos is a noob. He sits around playing Kinect games all day long, so he would have to be the last person who I'd ask to find out what games are good.

SandwichHammock4414d ago

yeah, the eye condition is called a "coke habit". /j *hears Corey Heart in the background*

Peculiar as I've seen many interviews with this guy in brightly lit rooms with no glasses. But hey, whatever floats people's boats.

On Topic:
Yeah, wanting to do a bunch of things from the Star Wars universe, like busting out a dance number to "I wanna be Han Solo"? The thing is apparently selling. I think it was number 1 in the UK, but damn is it awful.

cynosure4414d ago

Post up the interviews of him in brightly lit rooms and i will stand corrected
You shouldn't slander him making drug charges without proof

Elwenil4414d ago




Lots of vids out there with no sunglasses, most of which seem to be more brightly lit than a lot of the times he is wearing them.

I'm not saying anything one way or the other but the lack of consistency does seem to suggest shenanigans.

--Onilink--4414d ago (Edited 4414d ago )

Of course.... What star wars fan hasnt always dreamed of a mediocre copy of a dance game in their star wars memories....

Everyone knows:
han solo dancing > epic story and lightsaber duels

GamingPerson4414d ago (Edited 4414d ago )

no one plays shooters on console anymore! They play air tennis!

Spydiggity4414d ago

everything is good enough for "true fans." "true fans" liked the star wars prequels. all "true fan" means is that you will make excuses for something no matter how bad it is.

metsgaming4414d ago

So the true fans are 5 year olds who like to dance? Well if you say so ....

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Kinect Star Wars (2012): A Journey Through the Galaxy with Motion Controls

Kinect Star Wars, a groundbreaking game released in April 2012 for the Xbox 360, utilized the Kinect motion-sensing peripheral to plunge players into the heart of the Star Wars universe.

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ApocalypseShadow417d ago

One of the worst things to happen to Star Wars was it being exclusive to Kinect when PS Move could have been a better version because of "buttons" per Kevin with better tracking. And the controller looking like a light saber hilt. Or, had an actual light saber game similar to the dojo in Vader Immortal.

But the miming lies on the Microsoft E3 stage was icing on the cake of this garage. Wasn't even live gameplay. Just bad acting. Nothing ground breaking about this travesty.


Star Wars is Best Suited for AA Gaming, Not AAA

WTMG's Leo Faria: "This piece wasn’t meant to say that Star Wars‘ gaming future is ruined forever, nor that there isn’t a chance for a good AAA Star Wars game to come out in the near future. I need to reiterate that, yes, I’m looking forward to Jedi Fallen Order. Then again, as a massive Star Wars fan, like most of you I miss the days when we would get loads of titles a year, each one focused on one specific feature of the franchise. I’d rather have a slew of smaller Star Wars games being released every year, some good and some not as good, than one big generic title being released every two years. These are always at the risk of being criticized due to typical AAA practices like expensive season passes, cut content, or microtransactions. Had Disney allowed for anyone, especially mid-range developers and publishers, to bring their creative and risk-free ideas to life, I’m sure fans would have rejoiced. And Disney’s pockets would most certainly fill up faster than nowadays."

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1749d ago Replies(1)

The Wiseau Awards - Kinect Star Wars (Xbox 360)

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Kinect Star Wars gave me the opportunity to witness Darth Vader and the Emperor dancing to Deadmau5's "Ghosts n' Stuff" like a couple of teenage ravers on ecstasy. That's the best thing I never thought I'd ever see in my life."

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Jinger2202d ago

lol I remember this. Almost as much of an embarrassment as the Star Wars Holiday Special

Barbauer2202d ago

I'm Han Solo, I'm Han Solo