
EGM Review: LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 – PS Vita

The Harry Potter franchise is beloved by millions of people around the world. Movies, books, and, of course, video games have all seen the boy with the lightning bolt scar enter their medium and be met with success for the most part. And so with such a popular franchise, it was only a matter of time before our dear Harry joined the ranks of Batman, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars and was LEGO-ized. But does the conclusion to the boy wizard’s saga hold its own in this unique universe, especially when ported over to the new PS Vita handheld?


Humble Bundle packs Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, LEGO Harry Potter, and more

Humble Bundle has a new bundle that packs a bunch of Lord of the Rings, LEGO Harry Potter, and other fantasy games.

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Father__Merrin647d ago

The new humble bundle set up isn't as good as what it used to be

SlothLordPootus646d ago

I cant believe an IGN owned company would allow Harry Potter games to be sold!


Amazon opens preorders for Lego Harry Potter Collection on PlayStation 4

Amazon is now taking preoreders for the Lego Harry Potter Collection on PS4.

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NukaCola2826d ago

Best Lego games next to Dimensions


New Leak Reveals That LEGO Harry Potter Remasters Might Be On Their Way

As captured by Twitter user Felipe Mesquita, a listing on a Brazilian ratings board could serve as proof that a remastered collection of the LEGO Harry Potter games could be on their way to the PlayStation 4. (And likely Xbox One as well.)

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WiiU-Dude2848d ago

I love remasters. The problem is I am NOT as keen on 7th gen being remasters to 8th. I guess it's because it's so easy for the most part. I want 5th to 6th gen remasters. THAT is when things get interesting. Taking an entirely 'ugly' game by today's standards, yet has great gameplay and ideas where a facelift would be incredibly appreciated. Imagine Super Mario 64 completely remastered like Ratchet and Clank for PS4. I would feel like I were in heaven!! So many N64, PS1, and Saturn games would be remarkable if remastered!

Primal Rex2847d ago

Probably been made to coincide with the 20th Anniversary of the first novel next year,easy money !!!

just_sayin2847d ago

Why??? So next gen are we gonna get remastered version of 8th gen games.

r3f1cul2847d ago

now lego games are getting remasters .... my goodness this shyte has gotten out of control ... waiting for the first remastered remaster when scorpio/neo launch ... gaming is turning into a joke on so many fronts now its sad :/ they remaster these games that dont even need remastered instead of doing the road less traveled like a system shock or ff7 true remasters/remakes that are actually deserved and interesting ...

SegaGamer2846d ago

Remastering Lego games......why ? Oh, of course, more money.