
Rumour: Pandora’s Tower Heading To America?

Rumour has it Gamestop will be having it as an exclusive…

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Titanz4438d ago

I just hope that it puts up respectable numbers, so future cock-blocking on software won't happen.

sknygy4438d ago

oh my goodness, just realised it comes out in 2 days here in Europe!

Instigator4437d ago

Damn, and I still haven't finished The Last Story.

Hopefully good news for American Wii owners, though.

WiiWareWave4437d ago

I hope this is true because the Wii needs more RPG's and this would help. ;)
I'm currently having a great time playing Xenoblade. :D


Operation Rainfall: 10 Years On

It has been 10 years since Xenoblade arrived in the US, we look back at how the game almost never showed up if not for a group of dedicated fans.

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ZeekQuattro791d ago

I wish The Last Story would make a comeback.I played it years before I got around to Xenoblade. Mainly because of the scalping going on because of Xeno's limited run. It took me a few tries to get into it but once I did I couldn't put it down. A Wii hidden gem for sure.

pietro1212790d ago

As much as I love Xenoblade, Last Story was the better game IMO. I wish Nintendo would remaster or simply port the game onto the Switch.

porkChop791d ago

Xenoblade went on to be a really successful franchise too.

pietro1212791d ago

I wish the Last Story get a Switch remaster or remake. That game deserves a second chance


The Wii is 15, so here’s 15 Wii games that deserve Switch ports or sequels

For the Wii’s 15th birthday, here’s a list of 15 Wii games that deserve ports or sequels.

Knightofelemia1181d ago

I know it's not a Wii title but it can be played on the Wii I want the Metroid Prime games on the Switch I have never played them.

darthv721181d ago

I wouldnt mind seeing a conduit compilation on the switch.

Yi-Long1180d ago

Would like to see MadWorld getting a proper new release.