
Wtf Gamers? Thats A Bit Harsh Pax East

Kuma Wrote: I have been reading a lot of comments about Jessica Nigri getting banned from Pax East and honestly she should not have gotten the heat for that. The people that are sponsoring her should have read the policy and got the punishment but instead Jessica gets hit with the permanent ban which is too high of a punishment. I have been reading all the heat and how some defending and some agreeing, but honestly this has been going on for years with the female part of cosplaying gets the most controversy. This is Kuma and I am going to tackle this situation and maybe educate you on the problems at hand.

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Army_of_Darkness4433d ago ShowReplies(1)
WeskerChildReborned4433d ago

I saw her from KassemG's channel and it's just stupid that she's being banned.

Britainz-Fin3st4433d ago (Edited 4433d ago )

I read she was not banned.
But she was actualy asked to change into more suitable clothing, not leave?

PirateThom4433d ago (Edited 4433d ago )

According to the post on the PA website. Last year, a lot of people complained about "booth babes", this year a lot of people are complaining about her being "banned".

She wasn't banned though, they also had a school bus and was told she could stay in costume on the bus, but had to wear more suitable clothing on the show floor.

There was no big deal here.

FlashXIII4433d ago

Nothing wrong with that imho, that outfit belongs at a porn convention not a gaming one.

DA_SHREDDER4433d ago Show
Hicken4433d ago

I think the big deal isn't so much that she was or wasn't banned. I think it's more the reaction to the rumor that she got banned. "Serves her right" seems petty, at best.

Here's one problem: she's cosplaying the character in the game. There are no complaints about what Juliet Starling has on; only about what the similarly dressed Jessica Nigiri is wearing. Both are on prominent display on the convention floor, so why is one acceptable and not the other? And before you go, "Well, one's real and the other isn't," that excuse wouldn't fly if both were, say, topless, or completely nude.

The other part of the issue is, as stated before, the response to her being "banned." While some argue that since she broke the rules the ban is legitimate, it wouldn't even have made sense then, since she was, ostensibly, banned for being a "booth babe," while STILL being allowed to attend in normal clothing; additionally, other less provocatively clad women still attend other booths with no repercussions. What, then, is their definition of a "booth babe?"

To me, it stinks of immaturity: that people would complain about someone cosplaying a "sexy" character in a similarly "sexy" way, and that people would be happy she got "banned" over her clothing. It bothers me to think that gamers are, potentially, sending the message that they can handle video games better than real life, in a sense.

It reminds me of that typical depiction of the Japanese otaku who's only attracted to imaginary characters; dealing with flesh and blood is a challenge for them on a psychological level.

LightofDarkness4433d ago


"just a big gay issue if you ask me. Too many gays in the gayming industry. They are jealous of the attention they aren't gaming. BTW, what happened to Gaymer from the tester? What he do fall in love and quit his job in gay san fran? Feels like an episode of an MTV reality show"

What the HELL is wrong with you? Feeling a little insecure, are we? Your sad little tirade directed at me certainly reinforces that notion. I also find it funny that your post actually confirms my suspicions that you actually think like that. But hey, you just keep trying, maybe someday you can fill in the void left by your missing chromosomes with delusions of grandeur.

It is truly sickening that people like you still exist. Gay-bashing? Really?

And while my sex life is really none of your business, I can safely say that I've had hotter, frequently. But you hold out hope, now. Maybe some day she'll come by your house and dress up like your favourite videogame character (maybe Tidus OMG) and you'll have all kinds of fun together.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4433d ago
Britainz-Fin3st4433d ago

Hicken. what about places with a dress code?
I cant go to a club with trainers, how is this any different?

Where as i love looking at sexy women in skimpy clothes i do NOT think it is wrong she was asked to change.

my understanding of a booth babe is a female who is deliberately wearing skimpy clothing purely to attract attention to her, therefore atrracting attention to her area/booth??? If she was dressed casualy she wouldnt be considered a booth babe.

I dont think there was any wrong doing here.

LightofDarkness4433d ago (Edited 4433d ago )

She's not banned. So mountain=/=molehill.

Also, to everyone who's fervently defending her and telling us all about her updates on twitter etc., just know this: she's not going to sleep with you. She doesn't even know or care about who you are or the fact that you're White knighting on her behalf. So just relax, and let this trivial piece of non-event go away.

TekoIie4433d ago ShowReplies(1)
SavageKuma4433d ago

Dude I am mostly attacking the fact that there was a problem to begin with, that it even escalated that far for her to change her attire to begin with. The game is already revealing enough and she is the mascot getting paid, way beyond just a booth babe because some of them are just there for the convention and no nothing about the game at all. She knows and makes her own costumes which is very talented I might add. There were other revealing cosplayers out there I might add especially the dude standing next to her as Mayor Hagard from Final Fight. If she is not banned then great, but the company should of been addressed to handle it not her in general because you putting her in the middle of her job and Pax.


EVOLVE Evacuation Gameplay With Cosplay Great Jessica Nigri

In a recent match, Gareth of Skewed and Reviewed was paired with Jessica Nigri, Cosplay great and sadly things did not go well for the team after a promising start.

Garethvk3394d ago

Did not help her from those boulders being thrown her way.

killacal133394d ago

you wish you had those in your hand though

3393d ago
xer03393d ago (Edited 3393d ago )

Indeed - she's hot.
Nothing wrong with making the most from your assets :)

At least she's doesn't disgust me like gamer gate hypocrites (Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian).

Yi-Long3393d ago

Those 'stress balls' would probably tense me up though...

Gamer19823393d ago

Indeed she's less about the games and more about ruining the image of the gamer girl. All about the income with her and not about enjoying games. She's proof money does corrupt..

Soulscare3393d ago

Indeed. "Jessica Nigri' is just a character really. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't even like games at all and it's just part of her persona. Still, at least she doesn't act like she's the queen of games or pretend to know that she knows more than she does (like 90% of Gamergate) let her get on with it, if people want to prove their sexual frustration by giving her attention then whatever, no harm done.

LightDiego3393d ago

And she is not the only one...

Zero-One3393d ago

Don't you mean "sex sells"?

Dirtnapstor3393d ago

I think the thumbnail pic got a bigger response than the video, yes?
People need to chill out. She takes good care of herself and it shows. Negative comments towards an individual of great appeal come from complainers who could never meet the same standard. Ever. Don't like it, hit the gym and stop comparing yourself to others.

DragonKnight3393d ago

"Indeed she's less about the games and more about ruining the image of the gamer girl."

This comment and the agrees that follow it show an immense amount of the purest ignorance that has ever been shown on the internet. Clearly the only aspect of her that you know or care to know is her cosplay.

Pogmathoin3393d ago (Edited 3393d ago )

She seems to be smart about using her image to make a good financial success of her life..... Kudos to her.... Also people, click the link too....

Men discussing push up bras below.... My god what has this site come to 😂

ZombieKiller3393d ago

@Gamer1982: The front aftermarket body kit on her said that about her already!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3393d ago
HammadTheBeast3393d ago

When did she ever become a "cosplay great"? We all know its not the costumes she's famous for.

kparks3393d ago

Why the hell do women with perfectly fine tits go and make them disgustingly huge? Stupid!

IrisHeart3393d ago

She was an A cup before actually. Different nose 2.

DragonKnight3393d ago

@IrisHeart: Sure she was, and sure it was.

JBaby3433393d ago

Disgustingly huge??? Those are a D at best. Average cup size for American women is a C. She is slightly above average. I'm a boob guy though so it doesn't get fun for me until DD. F is even better.

DragonKnight3393d ago

They aren't fake, she uses push up bras. In fact most women with larger chests have to use them, but even without that most cosplayers use them as well.

kparks3393d ago

Your out of ur mind if you think there real!

DragonKnight3393d ago

I know they're real. It's easy to tell if you pay attention. She's also said, several times, herself that they're real. Oh but I guess she's lying every time right?

DragonKnight3393d ago

@DemonChicken: The reddit pictures are already irrelevant as if you're trying to make the claim that she tripled her bra size then the reddit pictures don't show that as they are similar in size.

The other post you showed has 3 different pictures showing 3 different sizes, especially the middle picture in comparison with the final picture.

This kind of discussion is bordering on creepy though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3393d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3393d ago
CocoWolfie3394d ago

uh, nice thumbnail choice. is this article worthy tho? XD

Garethvk3394d ago

Its a video of gameplay with someone who N4G has a category on so I would say if she is considered enough to have her own category and it is gameplay from a recent release, then yes.

Crazay3394d ago

Good lawd....The things I would do to that.

Crazay3394d ago

You think the disagree I got was from an angry feminist gamer?

derrickgott0073394d ago (Edited 3394d ago )

Can she do anything without her tits hanging out?

Crazay3394d ago

why would you want her to?

SilentNegotiator3393d ago (Edited 3393d ago )

Would she have a career in video games media if she didn't?

killacal133393d ago

OMG, it is just tits man, do you want her to be a pro gamer for you to consider her work?

Tdmd3393d ago

I know, right?! People here are so serious, self-righteous and easily offended. And it will rain disagrees on me now. ¬¬

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3393d ago
Grave3393d ago

Only thing I noticed was the ridiculously long load time.

Garethvk3393d ago

Servers are getting swamped for this and we are moving them to the faster ones this weekend as well.

thereapersson3393d ago

Long load....

pun intended?

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Cosplay Wednesday – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s Dovahkiin

Bet you’d never say that a Dragonborn would be pretty, huh? The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is full of manly men doing manly men things, but Jessica Nigri turns the tables with the first-ever female Dovahkiin.

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Jessica Nigri Cosplays as Mad Moxxi from Borderlands

Anyone who has played through the campy post-apocalyptic first person shooter Borderlands will have been entranced by the alluring hostess Mad Moxxi. The steampunk style mixed with foxy curves was a winning combo, and when thrown on the queen of cosplay it's my favourite character she's modeled.

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Ezz20133847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

Mad sexxi from Bordergasem

Reverent3847d ago

Coming from the guy who calls himself Quagmire lol.

RBlue_Desire3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )


Boy, she is really hot.

annus3847d ago

Isn't this months old? Or did she dress up again?

rodiabloalmeida3847d ago

Yes, its very very old, from months ago.

Lazybutt3847d ago

I have a "special" rifle for her ;)

insomnium23847d ago

With special bullet I recon. Ones that will cause swelling in her belly and lots of pain after 10 months or so.

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