
New PlayStation Exclusive Title Revealed

UK publisher Ripstone have announced the upcoming release of their debut videogame, Pure Chess, which will be available for PlayStation consoles exclusively. Set to launch next week, Pure Chess will be available to download from the PlayStation Network throughout the UK this month.

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Akuma-4444d ago

Isn't it a normal occurrence where a new playstation exclusive is announced every 2 weeks or so?

RedDead4444d ago ShowReplies(12)
Grap4443d ago

grow up.. and may as well get a life or go play ur ps3

TekoIie4443d ago ShowReplies(3)
ritsuka6664443d ago Show
zeddy4443d ago

chess is good man. i used to think it was really complicated but my friend tought me it in 1 hour. once you get passed the initial learning curve it can be quite fun. i might just get this if its a reasonable price.

Thatguy-3104442d ago (Edited 4442d ago )

Are ppl seriously defending this exclusive? C'Mon its a chess game for god sake ! Don't even know why its reached 'hot news' status. Give me an uncharted, GOW or any other AAA exclusive and then ill defend it but this? Ppl seriously need to grow up. Out of a sudden chess became popular again -_- 'sigh'

SilentNegotiator4442d ago (Edited 4442d ago )

Chess doesn't need "defending" unless it's actually being attacked. And with plenty of troll comments like 1.1, there ARE going to be people defending chess.

In case you didn't notice, the subject of chess NEVER comes up on N4G, unless an article with a vague title like this comes around. So if people are praising chess seemingly out of no-where....it's because the subject of chess came out of no-where.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4442d ago
DarkSniper4444d ago ShowReplies(14)
Tallpaul774443d ago

Chess is a great game, more depth than you can imagine. I hope the game has some form of tutorial system.

Rainstorm814443d ago

Im hoping for cross platform play.... or buy one version and get the other free like hustle kings

TheDarkTyrant4437d ago

It's from the same developer who made Hustle Kings... and Since it's a PSN exclusive for both PS3 and Vita. I'm sure you will only need to buy it once to get both versions and Cross Platform will be included.

MasterCornholio4443d ago

If its like wizards chess where the pieces destroy each other that would be fun. However I would like to see a collection of classic board games on the Vita with support for online multiplayer. Would love to play monopoly, chess, Chinese checkers, making, dominoes etc on the go. Also using the AR feature of the Vita to spawn a chess board on your table sounds like a nice idea as well.


maniacmayhem4443d ago

Remember Battle Chess? They should make an HD version for that.

Foliage4443d ago (Edited 4443d ago )

I loved it. I downloaded an emulated version a few months back.

My first gaming experiences were Wolfenstein, Doom, Dopewars, Stunts, and Battle Chess in good ol' DOS.

Rainstorm814443d ago

They should make an all new battle chess for this day and age, that game got me into chess, well that and chessmaster

BitbyDeath4443d ago

I was just about to make a comment about the same game.
That was a great chess game, not that i'm into chess but it was always fun to watch the pieces battle it out on the board.

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Five of the best board games on Xbox One

James writes - "When family and friends come round, the drinks are flowing and the chat grows tiresome, it’s usually time to venture to the board game cupboard. Half the time is spent setting it up and packing it away, but there’s an even easier way to enjoy the world of board games at the press of a button... via the Xbox One."

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neil3632687d ago

Uno and Pure Chess are great. Very tempted by battleships.

2686d ago
vikingland12686d ago

I've never played any board games on a console, thanks for the suggestions.


Head down the Steampunk route with the latest Pure Chess DLC

Neil writes "There are all manner of piece sets and board types available to choose from in Pure Chess, but from today those options have just got a load sexier."

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Pure Chess Review (Xbox One) - XboxAddict

XBA says: Does this one deliver a checkmate or should you en passant on it? Rook no further!

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FullmetalRoyale2803d ago

This is basically checkers, right? Because I'm pretty dope at checkers.