
Wii U less powerful than PS3, Xbox 360, developers say

Nintendo's upcoming Wii U console may generate full HD graphics, but it's not up to the graphics power of the Xbox 360 or the PS3, according to developers familiar with the hardware who spoke on a condition of anonymity to GamesIndustry International.

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GraveLord4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

It will be roughly on par. Whether its a little lower or a little over, doesn't matter.

I guess I made some enemies so that explains the disagrees.

Akuma-4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

Nintendo have already unveiled the console so the secrecy that creates speculations is a bit silly. The system will be releasing later on in 2012 so Nintendo should just preview the launch games now .

I will get the wii u since I Like video games a lot but I'm waiting for the next xbox and ps4

Abash4417d ago

Then I guess the tech demos at E3 2011 must have been phonier and a bigger sham than Kinect's Milo

Angainor74417d ago

@ Abash however will not surpass the fiasco with ps3 tech demos in 2005...

Emilio_Estevez4417d ago


Said tech demos were of PS3/360 footage

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34417d ago

Those weren't quotes from devs, they were the words of the janitor's, lol.

ABizzel14417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

If this is true, and it cost over $299, I'm not buying the Wii U until:

1) The price drops to a more reasonable $199 - $299


2) There is a large enough library of games for me to even consider the purchase.

The Wii has a huge library of games, and of them I only truly want 5 - 10 and it's been out for going on 6 years. If the Wii U falls in the same steps as the Wii did, this may be the first time I ever pass on a Nintendo console, and stick with PlayStation and Xbox.

I'm not going to pay for another console that cost more than the ones I have, and is only graphically on par with them meaning most of it's games will be the same 3rd party releases. I love Zelda to death, but that alone will not make me buy a Nintendo console.

ProjectVulcan4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

The mysterious source, who could not be named, or identified in the slightest or even hinted who he/she has worked for or what experience they have or what organisation they are in.

Yawn. This could be totally fabricated for hits for all we know.

Lets just wait until we know the finalised specs.

shackdaddy4417d ago

@DrStabwounds He was talking about the japanese garden, Zelda demo, and Tokyo demo which were on the wiiu. Tech demo =\= game footage.

sikbeta4416d ago

S*** doesn't make sense, why using the equivalent of 8 years old tech to begin with it!? are they crazy!

Spydiggity4416d ago (Edited 4416d ago )

Akuma, your comment ("I will get the wii u since I Like video games a lot but I'm waiting for the next xbox and ps4") makes absolutely no sense.

if you're getting the wii u, then you aren't waiting. if you're gonna negate a sentence within the same sentence, then just omit it.

as for the Wii U: looks like nintendo will be jump starting the next generation...by being a generation behind. brilliant. I'll still buy it though, cuz i'm sure there will be plenty of idiots ready to pay 3x on ebay.

NewMonday4416d ago (Edited 4416d ago )

"There aren't as many shaders, it's not as capable. Sure, some things are better, mostly as a result of it being a more modern design. But overall the Wii U just can't quite keep up."

a big mistake for Nintendo to become the last of the current generation. they should have become the 1st of the next.

as it is mostly HC Nintendo fans will get this, owners of a 360 or PS3 will not, especially that the next gen will launch in 2013, just 1 year after the WiiU

meganick4416d ago

This would be really bad for Nintendo if it ends up being true.
If in fact the cost of including the tablet controller forces Nintendo to reduce the Wii U's power below PS3 and 360, then I would encourage Nintendo to sell the tablet controller separately and instead package the Wii U with a cheaper alternative so they can afford to boost the system's power level above PS3 and 360.

andibandit4416d ago


i was wondering if you've seen any



gaffyh4416d ago

If it is not more powerful, even slightly, what is the point? This is a console that is supposed to attract core gamers, which won't happen if the PS3 and 360 still have better looking and playing games.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4416d ago
LOGICWINS4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

@Grave Lord- Whats with your disagrees? Your right. It doesn't matter.

The DS wasn't more powerful than the PSP, yet who won that battle?

The Wii wasn't nearly as powerful as the PS3/360, yet the Wii is currently in more homes than the PS3/360.

Nintendo is simply repeating what they've been doing for the past couple of years.

firelogic4417d ago

Sure the wii is in more homes than the ps360 but that doesn't mean anything to someone who actually likes to play games instead of whine about things outside of their control on gaming boards.

The wii has the worst game library I've ever seen. If you take out the handful of first party titles, what does it have? Nothing.

You say power doesn't matter? Well neither do sales (to a gamer).

Tommykrem4417d ago

Yeah, but the DS was more powerful than... well it would have been, hadd the gameboy SP had competition. Power does matter to a lot of people, and I to me it sounds strange that they're not trying to at least up the current generation with all the technological advances we've had the last five years, but maybe it's not THAT a big a deal, and it'll be all right anyway.

mcstorm4417d ago

Logic i agree with you here. People keep talking about power and i dont know why every gen from the psx to this gen the lest powerful console has sold the most. Its been the same in the handheld market too.

Yes its nice having amazing graphics but that is not what makes a game good. I remember waiting for rise of the robots to come out on my amiga 32 as it was going to be the best looking game ever but when i got the game it was a mess.

To me its all about enjoyment i play a game because of how it makes me feel when im playing it not because it looks amazing.

Look at the best selling games this gen mario kart mario galaxy halo 3 cod ect they are not the best looking games but they play well and that is what makes people buy them.

It has always been this way and always will be just because a console has better looking games than the other consoles dose not mean it is the best selling.

I cant wait to get my hands on a wiiu as it looks an interesting console but i also think next gen will be an interesting one as nintendo sony and ms are going in different directions and to me that is a good thing as it gives a reason to own all 3 home consoles and both handheld as they offer different experiences.

portugamer4416d ago

All the people I know bought a Wii.many have modded, and never played it again. Many left it untouched.

Just like the iPhone, people were buying wii s because... Well, everybody was buying a Wii, without knowing why. The result is millions of plastic boxes, people lost the cables, nunchuks, etc.

Nintendo may release a console with a Motorola 68000, like the one used on the genesis/megadrive, as long as they make:
- monster game
- pokemon game
- Zelda game
- Mario kart game
- super Mario milky way game

Japanese will run like flies, and will buy the console, 10 pokemon games(green carpet blue jacket version, super plastic titanium pink steel version, ultra nanotextured poly silver uranium platted version, green fusion hyper mobile magnesium copper version, master yellow white dotted siliconed gold version, miso-carbon-dust free auto guided armored super blu orbit version, incredible sushitator shortunit mega cold light lime extended version).

With these 5 games, and a few other remakes of the remakes of the remakes of the great brain developer game, where you learn how to cook an egg, using a over powered nunchuk, Nintendo already sold 10 million Wii u, in japan, in a couple of months.

Then, you will buy a nice white cable, that your cat ate, the cable will only cost 39$, a friendly price, for U and WII.

I know its good for all the consumers, if there are many manufacturers, so the prices fall down and we have more content.

But since Nintendo keep betting on their chance, with underpowered consoles, with a couple of nice games, and thousands of remakes, milked over and over, since they don't try to innovate with new franchises, and prefer releasing new marios over and over, all they want is release a cheap console, where they can make millions day one, well, honestly, if they sell badly and. Lose billions, they will get what they deserve.

We're in 2012, 3d is here, 4k is coming, people have full hd TVs and nice broadband connections, and mister nintendo, all he wants is manufacture a console, with old hardware, that will cost them 100$ max, so they can make 150 or 200$ cash, on every sold console, without caring about quality or hd or tech or whatever.

I saw a Wii u game, where one guy was bolding a new gamepad, and 2 other were playing with normal pads, they had to kill each other, in a small arena. Once again, you have 3 color gradients on the screen, 3 flat textures, awful mees, all that at 1080p?

Wow, that's a perfect use of a 1080p capable device? Or its was just one of the 1000 games that will all look the same, with the same color schemes, the same textures, or no textures at all, only gradients, big faces with big eyes,etc etc, served 30 times in 3 years.

Well, Nintendo, as the time goes buy, I'm even less interested in your products. Your politics remind me apple, which I hate. Milk,milk,milk.

Iwould like to see an uncharted like game, a great gt5.like game, etc.
But instead, we will have many games,where we don't control nothing, and just move the nunchuk to perform something.
If I play a tennis game, I want to MOVE my character, and I want to bit the ball as I want. If all I can do is moving my arm, its not fun.

/sarcastic mode on

While people play with the Wii, the moves create some fresh waves, and dust goes away from the Kinect.
While people play with Kinect, the dust goes away from the Wii.
And the PlayStation move, you will say?

Well, when people play with the move, the flies and mosquitoes inside the Wii and x360 are attracted by the move's glowing ball ;)


Wii U. Another system will bite the dust ?

Freshnikes4416d ago

Logicfails is a troll !!! I seen this guy troll mad articles! And what does winning and losing have to do with real gamers, that are on n4g. Not casuals that bought the wii for their grandma grandpa and grandson lol. Dude this is a gaming website for gamers! And most real gamers own a Xbox or ps3 and won't pay for wii u or wii a or wii z! They will wait for the next gen console!!! Stop trolling wii f will sell to casuals like every other Nintendo product!! But this is a gaming site! Take ur trolling to toys'r us site or Walmart! U troll

sikbeta4416d ago

News for you, tablets is OK, but Apple has the hearts and minds of the casuals right now, this will just make the general public compare Wii-U with I-devices and by that pretty much pointing out that tablet is not as innovative as the wii-mote and motion-controls

ziggurcat4416d ago

don't kid yourself, logic, graphics do matter, and having a more powerful system means better, more versatile games.

the wii was also in many more homes than the X360/PS3 because it was considerably cheaper, and catered more towards the casual market.

and you're right - nintendo is certainly repeating what they've done: remaining a full step behind the competition in terms of tech. they're about 7 years too late getting into the HD market and they'll be another 7 years too late once the next PS and xbox are out.

i guess the good thing is that at least nintendo enthusiasts will be able to play something that's higher than 480p...


The comment about the weakest console selling the best is not true...the dreamcast says hi.

What it breaks down to is when the console comes out, low price point, marketing, consumer perception and strong exclusives...and that could be games or services.

Wii had marketing and a favorible consumer perception due to the promise of unique gameplay.

3DS is doing extremely well due to the 3D, low price point and a handful of strong first party exclusives.

PS2 did well because marketing, favorible consumer percetion due to strong ties to success of the PS1 and an insane gaming library. Marketing campaign was ahead of all of it's competition.

360 is doing well in NA due to crazy high marketing campaign. XBL coupled with a headset with each console sold builds a community and in NA social applications are huge.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4416d ago
VanillaBear4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

"Whether its a little lower or a little over, doesn't matter."

Well yeah it does

It's a NEXT gen console, it's supposed to be more powerful then current consoles. Whether or not it's more powerful then the PS4/Nextbox is another story

I'd rather they focus on a powerful console then gimmicks again, Nintendo have got to stop living in the past, the casual audience days are coming to an end....thats what happens with that audience, once the "wow" is gone they loose interest.

LOGICWINS4417d ago

"It's a NEXT gen console, it's supposed to be more powerful then current consoles."

Your right, the Wii U is more powerful than the Wii...just like the Wii was twice as powerful than the Gamecube.

VanillaBear4417d ago

You know what I mean LOGIC, I meant more powerful then the consoles in the last gen. For example the Gamecube was more powerful then the N64 and the PS1, the N64/PS1 were more powerful then the SNES and the Sega Megadrive.

Whats the point of a new generation of consoles if one of them feel more like a small upgrade and barley touch the powerful consoles of the gen beforehand. Were supposed to be moving forward, not staying behind because were cheap.

CaptainMarvelQ84417d ago

Next gen doesn't have to be about graphics and powerhouse specs.Interactivity and creativity is also key

Why is the Wii consider as current gen then when it has almost PS2-like graphics? Because of the introduction of motion based gaming.

Now I don't really support motion controls or even want them to be part of Next gens gaming,but just trying to say that Next gen doesn't necessarily mean update in graphics.

Hell,I'd even consider the current generation a step backwards,games are becoming less focused on the actual gameplay and story and more focused on graphics that only dazzle the eye.

Pacman3214417d ago

I agree with Logic here, the WiiU does not have to have better graphics to be successful. Nintendo have always been about innovation, and I'm sure WiiU will be just as or even more successful than the Wii.

NiKK_4194416d ago

Graphics aren't the only difference that you can achieve with more powerful internals. Physics are improved, AI is improved. The hardware changes EVERYTHING. You can have more advanced motion tracking because the CPU is what processes the algorithms required to do the tracking. It's not only about graphics, it's about what the developers can do with the added power.

It's all about being futureproof and I don't think the Wii U will be futureproof at all.

VanillaBear4416d ago

May I just point out because of some of the comments above mentioning Graphics......erm........when did I mention Graphics

I just said it needed to be more powerful then current consoles.

Nothing about just graphics

AJBACK2FRAG4416d ago

Some of the things you say may ring true but keep in mind Nintendo is in first place. Lol miles past the competition. Why? Because they make the best games in the world.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4416d ago
dark-hollow4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

I love how every negative wii u rumor is taken as a fact.
Especially when Nintendo ADMITTED their mistake by making the wii behind the pack which leads to less third party support.

"condition of anonymity to GamesIndustry International"

In other words, bullshit.

AWBrawler4416d ago

Yeah, Everyone seems too eager to accept the negative but none of the positive on Wii U. Heck even the very early build of Killer alien Freaks by Ubisoft, showed that the graphics are better than some 360 games.

But again I don't care about graphics, and even if d if if by some strange miracle it's weaker than 360/PS3, I'll just use that to be a douche online and troll all the doomsayers when it sells like hotcakes. :-)

BattleTorn4417d ago

I think I figured out why GraveLord got so many disagrees.

I think people thought he was saying the hardwares power "doesnt matter"

When I presumed he meant that whether it's a little more, or a little less powerful than last gen "doesn't matter" since that is very underpowered for next-gen, either way.

Sano644416d ago

I call bull on this one. Make the claim without hiding behind anonymity so people will take you seriously

bayport4416d ago

I don't believe this article to be true.

OmegaSlayer4416d ago

I would LOL so much if it is true.
For now I just shrug and say it's a silly rumor.

Blackdeath_6634416d ago

lolz what have you been smoking and what delusional world do you live in. nintendo are playing catch up and they are quite far behind. by the time intendo become "on par" with the ps3 and xbox360 the ps4 and 720 will have already been released.

gedapeleda4416d ago

What sony does nintendon't.

4416d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4416d ago
Akuma-4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

I know they are waiting for e3 but Nintendo should just show games and do previews of the wii u now

I don't think the specs matters a lot to the fans of Nintendo but its a bit of a let down for the specs to be close to this gen hd consoles.

LOGICWINS4417d ago

Obvs. Why would Nintendo waste R&D money to make the Wii U more powerful than the PS3/360 when they know that their fanbase doesn't care? If a gaming machine's success relied solely on power, then you'd see gamers lining up in Times Square every year to buy a new graphics card for their PC.

SephirothX214417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

I agree with you. The Wii U's power won't be a huge factor but its controller, like the Wii's, will be the making or breaking of it.

hano4417d ago

I think the strategy is even more important than that.

Any console Nintendo sells at this point will find its market.
The key for Nintendo this time, is to not alienate 3rd party developers and its hardcore base. And listen to the demands of its fans, including strong multiplayer support...etc.

GenHero4417d ago

they are trying to get 3rd party support. how are they suppose to achieve that with something weaker than current gen?

firelogic4417d ago

Exactly. Developers are going to be making games for the next ps/xbox. WiiU is already dead in the water in terms of 3rd party support.

*Waits while ppl throw out games that are being ported to wiiu*

And when even those ports don't sell (which they clearly won't), 3rd party support will dry up again for quality titles.

yabhero4417d ago

Waste R&D money? PS3 and 360 are so old, Nintendo could make a console with 200 hundred dollar in specs plus 150 in more for a total of 350 that is 4.8 times more powerful than PS3.

dark-hollow4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

God forbid Nintendo for making ONE CONSOLE! Only one console in HISTORY that is very weak and now they are known for weak hardware?

Don't tell Me about Ds& 3ds!
Those are handheld, a market which doesn't necessarley aim for ultimate power.

Nintendo said that the problem with the wii is that its very weak that ps3/360 games can't scale back to run on it and thus the weak third party support.

It doesn't matter if the wii u is the weakest of the next Gen as long as the gap between the other two consoles is not big.
Much like the gap between ps2 & the Xbox.

SleazyChimp4416d ago

1) The first xbox was far more powerful than the Ps2.

2) Have you seen the Samaritan video? That's what the next Box/Ps4 are gonna be like. It makes Uncharted and Gears look like a Wii game. If the Wiiu can't beat those two games now, what chance does have against the future?

ClimateKaren4416d ago

That works both ways. Nintendo made one console with wacky controllers and now everybody acts like they're the mothers of innovation.

As you say, it won't necessarily make a big difference if the Wii-U is only the weakest of the next gen by a small margin. If it's the weakest of THIS gen though, then Nintendo will be in the same sinking boat they are in with the Wii at the moment.

limewax4416d ago

Sorry but next gen games are not going to look like Samaritan, that is at least another gen away. If we were to get games that looked like Samaritan the dev costs along with costs of consoles would be through the roof.

Samaritan at the times was running on 9Gb of VRAM, Apparently it could be optimised to fit onto 3. That was running on 3 cards with a value of $600 dollars each, that is not what next gen will be, Nor will it be 1 card with 3Gb of ram.

We will be lucky if we even get 1.5Gb of VRAM

ChickenOfTheCaveMan4416d ago (Edited 4416d ago )

Maybe because they say they would reach back to core gamers, but they won't be able to that with a new console with 6 years old graphics.

-Mario Galaxy 3, 4, 5
-Mario quidditch or some other sports they didn't do yet(don't know, maybe they already did quidditch)
-A couple of 20 years remakes(fingers crossed for Dr Chaos :P)

You know, core gamers' games!!

Drekken4416d ago

So basically Nintendo has doomed us to be held to this gen console graphics on multiplat games. THANKS NINTENDO!!!!

PS3 has dealt with it all this gen with the 360 to some degree. Granted the 360 is a lot closer in power than the WiiU is going to be to the next xbox/ps. DVD has been a big factor.

So now here comes Nintendo ruining the excitement for next gen by holding us back.

ClimateKaren4416d ago

If their fanbase didn't care then why would they make a new console at all? You've been championing the idea of not-caring about hardware throughout this thread, and the whole time conveniently ignoring the fact that Nintendo have been forced to come out with a new console first because their hardware is dated. They've been making sure to let gamers know that they care about what we want now (crawling back to us, the game-buyers, as I see it), and making sure that we all know it's HD.

You can sit here and talk about how hardware doesn't matter until you're blue in the face, but Nintendo has already made it clear that they don't exactly feel the same way. And so has the entire game industry, otherwise we'd all be playing our 8-bit consoles still.

BlaqMagiq244416d ago

Fanbase? What fanbase? You mean the 2% that still exists that's made up of people's mom and grandparents? Oh yeah that's real successful. Yes, people do care about power nowadays and if the Wii U doesn't have it how will that attract people? The tablet controller is a new innovation, but so was the Wii itself when it came out and how many people still play it today? 2% like I said. Nintendo is constantly losing money because no one except Nintendo themselves wants to make games on an underpowered console which is why it has a lackluster library, which it turn, turns away customers. Yeah Nintendo needs to spend that extra money to catch up with the times.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4416d ago
PixL4417d ago

I'm not surprised, nor interested.

Show all comments (217)

How Many More Victims, Like Garry's Mod, Will Nintendo's Hurtful Crusade Create?

Hanzala from eXputer: "As Nintendo takes out 20 years' worth of stuff from Garry's Mod, I watch in shock, thinking why it continues to hurt and discourage its fans."

RiseNShine2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

The irony that some of the most disgusting business practices come from companies like Disney or Nintendo, i can't even begin to understand what terrible damage was Garrys Mod making to Nintendo bottom line, imho they're getting pretty nervous about where they're heading in the future, handhelds are no longer something exclusive to Nintendo, from Steam Deck to many others, now you can play the latest games and pay a fraction of the price on Steam sales, so it's up to their exclusives, which just on their own would make hard to justify purchasing a closed overpriced hardware with outrageous price policies (Super Mario Odyssey is still 60 euro 6 years later!), and as a home console they're always underperforming compared to Sony or Xbox.

gold_drake2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

i cam guarantee you, that their exclusives alone is what drives switch sales. they sell in the 10s of millions of copies.

nintendo created their franchises to be sort of nostalgia driven, exclusive only on nintendo.

people will always buy the pkmn games as they always bring in new younger fans amd is family friendly

mario kart, the same thing, mario games in general.

zelda games are system sellers. animal crossing for the casual gamers.

nintendo doesnt need third vame devs essentially. they made sure with the switch and the limitations that they looked more to pc ps and xbox.

its sad, but nintendo is more than fine with what they're doing. they positioned themselves to appeal to the more casual gamers.

but to your point, im not sure why they're doing this rly.

Inverno2d ago

Look at how they handled Nintendo games being streamed or uploaded on YouTube in the past. They killed Yuzu and Citra even when they had nothing to do with ToTK being leaked, not to mention it was basically unplayable on emulation the week it was leaked. Smash Bros tournament, that was fairly recent. They shut down their online services without any care for purchases made. I bought a switch after skipping their last 2 consoles and handhelds but I don't plan on buying anything Nintendo in the future. They take things to the extremes, they legitimately hate their fans. They're honestly right up there with the likes of Acti, EA, and Ubi, only difference is that they disguise themselves as being family friendly all the while being shady.


Nintendo's Massacre Of The 3DS And Wii U Is Finally Complete, Regrettably

Hanzala from eXputer: "The cruel hammer of Nintendo has fallen. Farewell, 3DS and Wii U, you surely brightened my life and many others; you won't be forgotten."


Xbox's Preservation Step Sets A Much-Needed Example, Especially For Nintendo

Hanzla from eXputer inquires: "If Xbox can care about preserving its games and legacy, what exactly is wrong with Nintendo, trying to kill game preservation single-handedly?"

purple10122d ago

Ahh yes the good old game preservation of saving all your games to a removable hhd on the Xbox 360, taking it round your mates house, setting up multiple tvs to
Be met with “save data corrupted, please re download”

Or how about removing 360 games
From the store
, download them now or else, and, better hope to god that save data doesn’t corrupt, or it’s lost for ever

Nice one ☝️

Zeref22d ago

It's better than what Nintendo and Playstation is doing. It might not be perfect but at least they are TRYING. Unlike the others.

DarXyde22d ago

Trying? Take off the blinders for a moment, mate.

1. A failure to preserve games is just that: a failure to preserve games. Don't try to sugarcoat it: NO ONE is doing it properly. Better than awful is nothing to write home about.

2. At the time of this comment, isn't it the case that you need an internet connection to play Xbox games even if you buy physical discs that are hardly in circulation anymore? I don't have a Series X and I can't verify, but I think that is correct. I'm fairly certain you can at least play PS5 games at version 1.0 (not much of a win really when many games require day one patches). I think Microsoft's all digital, licensing approach is by far more aggressive than anyone else's. They really try to push you to game pass where you lose your entire library by umm.... Skipping a month of payments.

I don't think anyone is doing it right whatsoever. Don't get me started on Nintendo, who goes after anyone looking to preserve their games better than they ever would with extreme litigation.

Don't be a simp for any of these companies. Get it together.

PhillyDonJawn22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

@DarX never speak on Xbox again. You lost all credibility with your internet connection comment. Smh you have 0 clue and misinformed yet speaking on something you don't no squat about.

Einhander197222d ago

What has Sony done exactly? You guys keep deflecting to Sony but I am not actually seeing any results, and ai am certain nothing that you can come up with even comes close to what Microsoft has done and what they have tried and failed to do, like tie all your disks to your account on xbone.

Microsoft removed their whole indie section when they moved to the xbone because they were going to only allow games on the service that came from a publisher, id@xbox started after xbone launched and it only exists because Sony embraced indie and Microsoft was forced to cancel their plans and reverse course.

And every single game that was part of games for windows live including disk games (I have gta 4 on disk that won't work) so hundreds of games that use that DRM no longer work unless the company themselves patched it out which of course very few did.

MrBaskerville22d ago

Not trying. Tried. they killed of the backcomp program years ago. They set something up again, but sounds like it's more of an attempt to save the current library on whatever they are planning next. With luck they save everything and more, but let's see. I could see them killing off parts of the OG xbox and 360 libraries. Can't imagine that they would allow us to play Forza 5-7 in the future.

With that said, I do like what they've done and really wish they could have done more.

shinoff218321d ago


So killing off physical media is trying what exactly. Ms don't really give a fk if you think they do your kidding yourself.

Profchaos21d ago

They are not trying this team is established for forward compatability the team is. It interested in preserving Xbox or 360 games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 21d ago
isarai22d ago

Is that why Hellblade 2 is digital only?

Zeref22d ago

Just because it's digital only doesn't mean you can't preserve it. Just put it on an external and you have the exact same functionality of what a disc does.

MrNinosan22d ago

Guess you're trolling, but if you actually think that's how it works, I'd recommend buying some braincells.

mkis00721d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Volitile vs nonvolitile data. A disc will not corrupt either. A drive can be corrupted.

Einhander197222d ago

This is just a scammy PR move to distract from the fact they are going digital only and trying to push streaming and subscriptions only.

No gaming company has pushed harder to remove ownership than Microsoft.

Without discs there is no preservation, preservation can't be done by the rights holders it can only be done by the consumers, anything else is a lie.

22d ago Replies(3)
Einhander197222d ago

Anyone remember xblig which Microsoft removed their whole 360 indie section removing hundreds of games from people?

22d ago
22d ago
Zeref22d ago

Do you know you can put your games on an external and preserve them that way? There are no benefits to discs. ZERO. Idk why some of you are still obsessed with them.

DarXyde22d ago

Because games like Persona 5 exist. It's STILL V1.00. On Playstation, that's a win because 1.00 is installed on the disc—no need to download anything.

If a game does not require any updates, it's all on the disc.

Extremely low bar in the modern era, of course. It's not much of a win by any stretch.

But for now, physical media does have a purpose, at least on Playstation.

Einhander197222d ago

That is factually not how game licensing works, try plugging your hard drive into someone else xbox, It's not going to work, and it won't work if the licensing servers ever go down.

Einhander197222d ago

Anyone remember games for windows live.

I have around a dozen games, some on Steam itself that will not work because Microsoft shut off the licensing servers.

BehindTheRows22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

I do. I STILL have games (Gears of War being the big one) I cannot access because Games for Windows LIVE is total garbage and no one has held Microsoft accountable.

Zeref22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

You don't have an Xbox apparently. Because you can 100 percent plug in your external and play games from it on any Xbox console lol. You just have to be logged in to prove ownership.

Chevalier22d ago

"You don't have an Xbox apparently. Because you can 100 percent plug in your external and play games from it on any Xbox console lol. You just have to be logged in to prove ownership."

Damn how many times do people got to explain your idiocy to you? You can take a copy of Persona 5 like someone used as an example and play that game on ANY console WITHOUT logging in which means I can lend the game to a friend without internet and they can play my game. Can you lend your hard drive to anyone without logging in for them to play? NOPE. That is a huge difference and if you think otherwise then sorry you're an idiot.

Tacoboto22d ago

"No gaming company has pushed harder to remove ownership than Microsoft."

Ubisoft is literally erasing games people bought from their libraries... My PS1-3 discs are useless on modern hardware. Nintendo's re-published and resold almost their entire Wii U library, and the eShop is completely dead with no BC mechanism in the Switch software. Microsoft publishes everything they make today day one on Steam and Xbox/Windows. Sony only brings to PC the titles they think you might want some years later and Nintendo won't even design a functional long-lasting joystick.

You're absolutely trolling and not serious if you think Microsoft today is the worst offender.

shinoff218321d ago

Yay steam

Not everyone fks with computers though. The disc is still the best way as a console player. Period.

Tacoboto21d ago

How do Sony and Nintendo feel about these discs from 2001-2013?

Don't be stupid, you know Xbox is the best at this today.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 21d ago
Hofstaderman22d ago

Nobody wants this. Sales or the lack of it in the case of XBOX is very telling. I wonder how the adorably all digital series X will fare. Adorably dismal perhaps?

crazyCoconuts22d ago

Only time will tell, but for from someone like me suspecting that Xbox is trying to gracefully exit the console market, that "forward compatibility" team is trying to get Xbox games playing on Windows PCs. I mean, it's nice that they're not planning on exiting with a "enjoy your games while the hardware still works" message, so that's nice. They still have a brand to protect via Microsoft so probably feel obligated to have a better exit strategy.

Xeofate22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

That is not their plan, their plan is to transfer users accounts to the cloud.

Phil Spencer himself said as much a few months back, plans could have changed but I think people are reading way too much into one statement where Phil said he would allow Epic on xbox because he wants to be able to sell xbox games directly on other platforms. Aka, instead of selling Sea of Thives through PSN he wants to have an xbox store to sell his games on PlayStation without giving PlayStation any money.

Again, it's extremely unlikely that Phil plans to put PC on xbox and licensing would prevent them from just giving out other publishers games purchased on xbox copies of thier games on PC, Microsoft does not own their games.

crazyCoconuts21d ago

The thing that doesn't align with the cloud strategy is the giving up on exclusives. You'd still need strong exclusives for cloud streaming - it's still a "platform" , just with a lower upfront hardware investment. I feel like they've learned what PS learned with PSNow long ago. We're not ready to stream games and it's only gonna lose them money to try at this point

FinalFantasyFanatic21d ago

I would love that, I'd buy up some of the Xbox games if they could run on PC, like the Rare Replay, Lost Odyssey and Dead or Alive Ultimate, probably a pipe dream though.

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