
Tech-Gaming | Kid Icarus Uprising Review

While Miyamoto may get the majority of attention, Uprising reinforces Sakurai-san’s contributions to the Nintendo mystique.

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sharpsword4449d ago

It's been a while since I've seen a A- from them.

Might have to pick this one up.

RaptorMan4449d ago

Anyone who gives this game less than a 8/10 doesn't have a heart.

CharmingMan4449d ago

I would have liked to see a REAL sequel to Kid Icarus, but this gives me hope.

yabhero4449d ago

I'm not sure a 2D platformer would have done so well in this day in age. Imagine Kid Icarus as a 3D platformer like Super Mario Galaxy. Or imagine it on WiiU like God of War Nitnendo.


CaptainN4449d ago (Edited 4449d ago )

????? The sequel was for the Game Boy called Myths and Monsters and if you actually play this game you would know that it is a direct sequel as well, as they mention many things from the first game....including that its been over 20 years since Medusa was around !! Also, it brings back all the bosses from the first game so I really don't understand what would constitute a sequel to you.

As for the game itself...its a great game. Anyone who may be on the fence, deff go and get this. Its really fun, has a very good multiplayer mode, tons of things to collect, good graphics, and funny voice acting. The controls are hard to adjust to in the begining, but once you get used to them you see why they are the way they are. Deff one of the best games on 3DS !!!

yabhero4449d ago

I didn't get a single hand cramp, and I played for 6 hours straight without the stand. Seriously I don't get what the big deal is. maybe its just because I'm used to a DS.

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804d ago Replies(1)
leahcim804d ago

I have to agree.
This game blowed my mind away at its time,
It was so epic in that little screen was pure magic. A real portable AAA game!

yuukiliu804d ago

one of my fave games on the 3ds, where the hell is my switch sequel????