
NowGamer - Kinect Rush Review

NowGamer: It’s a measure of Kinect’s inadequacy as a piece of technology that developers are still struggling to piece together a mother tongue; a basic set of conventions upon which all interactions rest.

As gamers, we’re conditioned to equate jumping with a stab of the A button. To fumble the right analogue stick when looking to dodge or modify. To hammer B at the moment it all goes horribly, horribly wrong.

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Kinect Rush Review (ITF Gaming)

Developed by Asobo Studio and published by Microsoft, Kinect Rush allows you to jump into the world of The Incredibles, Ratatouille, UP, Toy Story and Cars; however, does this latest Disney/Pixar adventure live up to the standards of the magic we have experienced over the years from both studios? Let’s find out!

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OXCGN’s Kinect Rush Review- Rush to the shops?


"Let’s face it, a hardcore gamer doing a review of a Disney inspired Kinect game is like a hard-core metal rock fan reviewing popular young pop artist Justin Bieber’s latest album.

So we at OXCGN decided that it was more in keeping with the target market of Kinect Rush to get our guest ‘Kid Gamer’, a tween who held a game controller before he learned to walk, to do this review.

However, for a ‘real’ gamer this is the snack before the upcoming AAA title.

How does this attractive looking Kinect ‘snack’ fare with the ‘Kid Gamer’ tester? Does it take him to Disneyland, or a Kinect hell more like being trapped and strapped onto the It’s A Small World ride?"

BadCircuit4408d ago

I was surprised how much diversity there was with this game: Just the sort of thing Kinect is good for: fun and diverse games.

Eske4408d ago

Kinda neat. The animations actually look pretty well realized, which is pretty unusual for a movie license game.

Belgavion4408d ago

sounds better than the Disneyland Kinect game, which is just made up of a billion fetch quests

BadCircuit4408d ago

It's strange that they fell so closely together in release really.


Review Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure | 4News.it

The magic of Disney-Pixar video games!
Xbox 360 version tested.

Microsoft Studios has opened Disneyland Adventures Kinect the vein of Disney-themed games and continues now with Kinect Rush: Adventure Disney-Pixar, title developed by Asobo Studio for Xbox 360 motion sensor.

The title was prepared by inserting context as the main active participation in the adventures of the movie Toy Story, UP!, 2 Cars, Ratatouille and The Invincibles.

The development team has created a sort of playground where there are several children's play with the setting that recalls the well-known films. The player is approaching and interacting with other children, starts to play and their imagination will catapult into various adventures.

Five well-known enough to ensure the film so much fun?

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EasilyTheBest4414d ago

Yes a Kinect Title with a great score and again hardly any comments in here.
Funny that.
Im sure if it was given a 3/10 there would be a 100 comments about how hopeless Kinect is.

MoFo11114414d ago

All the haters dont want to accept that they got it wrong about the Kinect

Tai_Kaliso4414d ago

This game proved a lot of Kinect haters wrong for a couple of reasons. It got a solid score from everywhere and its not on rails.

I was pretty sick of hearing how Kinect could only do on rails games.

So far I've played Kinect Star Wars, which has some rails but isn't fully on rails at all, Kinect Rush, Haunt and Rise Of Nightmares that all were fully functioning.