
PS3Blog.net Reviews Disney Universe Phineas and Ferb DLC

PS3blog.net's Oly reviews the Disney Universe Phineas and Ferb DLC for the PS3. He says that it adds some neat new gameplay features, but lacks in the amount of overall new content. He also has a way for you to check it out for free.


A Holiday Videogame Buyers Guide for Kids-The Geek Link

The Geek Link writes- There are so many games out there and most parents get lost in between the new titles, the most advertised games and their kids constant complaining/nagging about a specific game that inevitably will change their minds by the end of the week when the new AWESOME game comes along. What about Aunts and Uncles? Cousins? The rest of your family that perhaps would like to enrich a childs gaming library but always hit a wall. Usually it sounds like this: “I want to get Timmy/Annie a video game for Christmas since they love to play, but I am SURE they already have [insert name of newest game here].”
Most people don’t realize how daunting staring at a hallway filled with games can be for a non-gamer, or someone that might not stay in touch with what the kid wants or has. This experience becomes even more perplexing when you visit retailers like Toys R us that has a whole section of the store devoted to the electronic gaming child in all of us. This is by no means excl...


Amazon Lightning Deals on games for Sunday has Street Fighter Collector's Set

XMNR: Amazon has started its Cyber Monday Lightning Deals on Sunday with discounts on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii and Nintendo 3DS games. The highlight of this batch includes the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collector's Set.

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ElementX4209d ago

As if SF fans haven't bought every game in the series 10 times already?


Disney Universe Video Review | Awesome Games

Awesome Games | 'Check out our video review of Disney Universe!'

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